Texas Truck Accident Lawyer: How we Handle Your Claim

Texas truck accident lawyer

Understanding what to do After a Truck Accident

Being involved in an accident with a truck almost always involves injury or death.  If you, or a loved one, have suffered in one of these wrecks, you need a Texas truck accident lawyer to help along the way.


Because truck accidents are very different than automobile or motorcycle wrecks.  There are different laws that may apply, different regulations that must be followed, and different parties that could be held liable.

Here’s how it all breaks down.

A Brief Overview of the Truck Accident Claim Process

There are a lot of steps that go into these accidents, so we’ve pared them down so you know the basics of what to expect and what we will handle for you.

Your Texas truck accident lawyer will:

  • Analyze the official accident report written up by the local law enforcement.
  • Review the driving logs and records of the driver of the truck and the trucking company in general.
  • Review the maintenance history of the truck and when it was last inspected.
  • Talk things over with your doctors, analyze medical bills, and treatment plans necessary for your full recovery.
  • Review evidence, including any traffic cameras, dash cameras, witness statements, and more.
  • Work with the trucking company’s insurance negotiating a settlement that fully compensates you for your losses.

If the insurance company is not willing to come to an agreeable settlement, we are willing to file a lawsuit and go to court to argue for what you deserve.

You, the victim, will:

  • Know that everything is handled, reduce your stress, and focus on healing from your injuries.

When you have a Texas truck accident lawyer on your side, you don’t have to worry about all of the legal “stuff” that goes on.  You don’ need to be an expert on truck crashes, because you have an expert on your side.

Why Truck Wrecks are so Different

But why do you need an attorney to handle all of this for you?  Can’t you just collect the settlement offer?

Yes, you certainly could accept the settlement that the insurance company offers.  However, those settlement offers are generally way less than what you fully deserve.

In addition to that, truck accidents have so many different factors to consider, are you prepared to go through them all?  If you’re injured, or grieving the loss of a loved one, are you prepared to take on that task?

Knowing what happened in the wreck is one thing.  But do you know which party is liable for the crash?  It might be the driver, the trucking company, the maintenance crew, the company that loaded the cargo, the employer, a mixture of all of them, or someone else completely.

Check out our post on how to understand third party liability in a truck accident for some more details on that.

Herbert Law Group – Your Texas Truck Accident Lawyer

The bottom line is you’re injured: physically, emotionally, or both.  And you shouldn’t have to worry about all of this stuff.  It wasn’t your fault to begin with, so you shouldn’t be on the hook to clean up the mess.

That’s why we are here.  As professional truck accident lawyers in the Dallas, Texas area, we know how to handle these types of cases.

All we need from you is some basic information to see if we are a good fit.  Give us a call at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site and we’ll get started with a free conversation.

Regulation Violations Lead to Truck Accidents

Texas Truck Accident Lawyer Regulations

Which Trucking Regulations are Violated the Most Often?

With over 2 million semi trucks on the road at any given moment, there are going to be accidents that happen.

Because getting in a wreck with one of these big rigs is much more dangerous than colliding with a smaller vehicle, and because truck drivers are on the road much more than the average motorist, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has come up with regulations to ensure the safest trucks and drivers are out there helping keep American operating.

The problem, however, is that often greed can get in the way of safety.  When regulations are violated, you are put at risk.

Which Regulations are most likely to be Violated?

Regulations are in place to ensure that those driving big rigs have the proper skills and training in order to operate safely on our roads.  Unfortunately, sometimes a company will skip, pass over, or ignore the regulations in order to increase their profits.  This puts you, and everyone else on the road, at danger.

Here are some of the regulations most often ignored.

Truck Driver Operating Hours – There are trucks that operate around the clock.  The vehicle itself is fine running constantly; the drivers, however, must be swapped out.

Drivers, in the USA, can only drive for 11 hours each day.  They must take at least a 30 minute break every 8 hours, and they can only be “on duty” for 14 hours before they must take a mandatory 10 hour break.  Throughout the week a driver can only operate for 60 hours before remaining off-duty for 34 hours.

In an industry where more driving hours means more money, this regulation is often violated; leading to tired drivers that are unsafe on the roadways.

Semi Truck Maintenance – Every vehicle must be maintained in order to stay operational.  Because trucks are on the road much more than most vehicles, they need to be inspected and maintained even more diligently.

Brakes, tires, and lights are the most common failures on a truck.  Because of their wear and tear, they must be inspected daily to ensure peak operating condition.  We have all seen the blown out tire fragments on the highway; when a tire gets too old, it becomes dangerous to everyone around.

Skipping maintenance may sound like a way to speed up a shipment or save a little money.  But it comes at the cost of putting lives at risk.

Freight and Cargo Loading – Properly loading cargo means the difference between being able to control the trailer, and having the trailer control the tractor portion of the semi truck.

Trucks are limited to 80,000 pounds, including both the trailer and the tractor.  This isn’t an arbitrary number; it’s determined by a lot of science around how these large vehicles operate.  Over-loading a trailer also puts extra strain on the tires, brakes, axles, and more; it can lead to other issues that may cause a wreck.

In addition, the way the cargo is loaded is regulated.  Weight distribution is important.  If loaded improperly the truck can fishtail, jackknife, or flip over.

Truck Driver Hiring – There are a handful of factors that can immediately disqualify an applicant from being hired: a history of DUI and too many moving violations are some of the most closely monitored.

Physical fitness, holding a CDL licenses, and random drug tests are also important aspects to ensure that the driver is taking care of him or herself and not putting others at risk.

Skipping out on these regulations, or overlooking what some consider as “minor” violations, can lead to accidents later on.

Herbert Law Group Helps Truck Accident Victims

There are a lot of factors that go into truck accidents; it’s not always a wreck that was merely the negligence of the driver.

Understanding the trucking laws, and what regulations may have been violated, are important factors when it comes to ensuring that you are fully compensated after a big rig accident.

If you have been injured in a semi truck wreck, or if a loved one was killed in one of these accidents, we should talk.  It starts with a simple conversation to see if we are a good fit.  There’s no obligation to you, so give us a call at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site and we will be in touch.

Causes of Semi Truck Wrecks: Brake Failure

semi truck wrecks caused by brake failure

Brake Failure Causes Many Semi Truck Wrecks

Semi trucks help to keep America moving.  They’re essential to transporting goods around the country, so that when we hit up our favorite stores, the products are on the shelves.

But when negligence is involved, these trucks become deadly.  Their size and weight can lead to devastating wrecks.  This is why truck drivers, and the owners of those rigs, are held to a higher standard than the average motorist.

Today we’ll look at who is liable if brake failure leads to a devastating semi truck wreck.

How common are Brake Failure Semi Truck Wrecks?

When looking at all of the causes of wrecks, from mechanical failure to driver error, we can see disturbing trends on where the proverbial “weak links” happen to be.

Driver error makes up the bulk of all accidents out there.  In fact, if we had “perfect” drivers for all vehicles everywhere, our accident rate would plummet so far that there would hardly be any accidents at all.

But that’s not the case.  And there are still mechanical issues to consider.  The biggest issue: brake failure.  This brake failure does have some overlap into driver error, and accounts for around 20-25% of all big rig wrecks out there.

Who Might be Liable for a Brake Failure Wreck?

Not all brake failure is the same.  Different causes are linked back to different liable parties.  When it comes to semi truck wrecks, it might be one of the following parties that failed to do their job properly:

Drivers – Those driving the semi are responsible for inspecting the brakes before, and often during, every trip.  They are the last to see if there are issues that could arise, and are required to know when things are wearing out or not working properly.

Owner/Operators – If the driver isn’t the owner of the big rig, the owner and operating company may be the responsible party.  If they have adjusted the brakes, so they aren’t operating optimally (often done as a way to save money) they could be responsible.

Loading Crew – There are specific ways to load semi trucks.  Without following guidelines, the loading crew or company may overload the wrong area of the truck.  This can put more strain on one set of brakes, causing them to overheat, malfunction, and ultimately fail.

Parts Manufacturers – When a part isn’t designed properly, but that part has already gone to the market, manufacturers are required to recall the defective part and replace it.  If the manufacturer fails to recall the part, or recalls it after the semi truck wreck, they could be found liable.

As you can see, there often isn’t just one liable party.  Often it’s a combination that leads up to brake failure causing the semi truck wreck.

This is why you need a personal injury lawyer on your side if you have been the victim of a one of these crashes.

How does Herbert Law Group Help Victims?

Herbert Law Group has helped a lot of victims after their wrecks.  We know exactly what should be looked at after a semi truck accident.  We know who to speak to, what to look for, and how to find the liable party.

These crashes cause a lot of pain and suffering.  The last thing you need to be doing when you’re trying to heal, is out there investigating the cause of the wreck.

Instead, let us do the hard work.  You focus on getting better, and we’ll find the way to ensure you’re fully compensated for your injuries.

Let’s talk about it.  Give us a call at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site to get things started.

Spring, Summer, and Fatal Semi Truck Accidents

fatal semi truck accidents texas

The Summer Brings an Increase in Fatal Semi Truck Accidents

As the winter gives way to spring, we see more and more people out enjoying the world around us.

More and more people are hitting the roads, and after Memorial Day, that number will increase dramatically.

With many more people on the roadways throughout the spring and summer, and in the south those nice days stick around well into the fall, we’ll see the annual uptick in fatal semi truck accidents.  When you’re traveling, be prepared so that you don’t end up one of the thousands of victims.

Why are there More Fatal Semi Truck Accidents in the Summer?

The most basic reason: there are more vehicles on the road during the summer.  More traffic leads to more wrecks.

But there are a number of other factors that come into play as well.  All things combined, it leads to a bit more of a perfect storm for fatal semi truck accidents.

Construction Zones: Summer is construction season; especially when you head to states up north where they have a limited window to get things done.  These congested areas can be dangerous.

Wear and Tear on Tires: Generally speaking, the hotter it is, the harder the roads are on tires.  Blowing out a tire can lead to a swerving semi and a crash.

More Distractions: In the fall, winter, and spring, the weather is usually worse.  Hazards on the road and weather conditions mean drivers are actually paying more attention.  When those roads are open, we zone out or are tempted to pick up the phone.

No School: Teenage drivers are inexperienced drivers.  Most of the year they are in school, and not on the roads.  But during the summer, there are more inexperienced drivers out there.

You can’t pinpoint one reason as being more of a cause of wrecks than the other; they all work together to end up being a bad situation.

What Day of the Week is the Worst for Travel?

Interestingly enough, you can pinpoint a day that has more semi truck wrecks than others.

Weekends, although busier for most travel, have fewer trucks on the road.

But come Thursday, more big rigs crash than any other day of the week.  The reason is likely a combination of fatigue and trying to finish up a route so they can get home, or at least be done working, for the weekend.

How to Avoid being in an Accident

So, we know when the worst accidents occur, now we need to know how to avoid them.

If you don’t have to travel on Thursday, then stay off the road on Thursday (we can narrow that down to weekdays between noon and 3pm too; it seems that after lunch people get drowsy).

When you’re driving during the summer, make sure you pay extra attention to your surroundings, and other vehicles.  Notice a truck’s tires: if one starts smoking it’s probably going to blow soon.  Notice construction zones, and be aware of any vehicle rapidly approaching from behind you if you’re slowing for these areas.  Keep your head about you, don’t drive dangerously, and put that phone down.

Herbert Law Group is here to Help

The sad reality is that no matter how much awareness we have, fatal semi truck accidents are always going to be an issue (even when they’re fully autonomous, errors will happen).

If you, or your loved one, have been injured or killed in a semi truck accident, you need the help of an experienced truck accident lawyer.

Herbert Law Group knows the laws.  We understand what to look for, who is to blame, and how to pursue justice for you.  You deserve compensation that will completely cover your losses; we’ll get you there.

Give us a call at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site, and we’ll be in touch.  Let’s have a conversation first, see how we can help, and then go from there.

What your Truck Accident Settlement May Include

Texas Truck Accident Settlement

After a Texas Truck Accident, Your Settlement Should Compensate Losses

Truck wrecks generally come with a lot of damage.  The size difference between a passenger vehicle and fully loaded semi truck means that there’s going to be much more damage done to the car and not the truck itself.

Depending on the severity of your truck accident, your settlement will vary considerably.  With the help of Herbert Law Group, you’ll have a Texas truck accident attorney helping you receive the compensation you deserve.

That compensation may include economic and non-economic damages.  Here’s how that breaks down.

Economic Damages in your Truck Accident Settlement

The terms are kind of strange, but the concept boils down to what you can and cannot put a firm price tag on.  Economic damages are those that you know how much they cost you.

Damage to your Vehicle – Also called property damage; this is any damage to your personal property including your vehicle, belongings inside the vehicle, and other physical property.

Medical Bills – When you’re in the hospital recovering from injuries, you rack up medical bills.  They’re pretty easy to add up, even those medical bills that might pop up in the future.

Lost Hours at Work – Recovering from trauma can take a toll on the body.  You’re not about to go back to work any time soon.  Calculating your salary based on the number of days you missed at work brings us to an easy to find number of how much it cost you to miss out on work.

If your loved one was killed in a truck wreck, we can still use formulas to figure out the economic costs you suffer.

Non-Economic Damages in your Truck Accident Settlement

Non-economic damages are where settlements come in drastically different from each other.  Insurance companies can’t really fudge the numbers on economic damages; you can easily see the receipts for those.  But non-economic damages are those that you can’t put a firm price tag on.

Pain and Suffering – Without breaking things down to minutia, non-economic damages can mostly be lumped into one category: pain and suffering.  This is where you are compensated for mental distress, and if you lost a loved one compensation for having your partner die.

After a traumatic wreck, it’s going to take some time to get back on track.  Nobody knows how long that might take.  It could be years before you mentally recover.  Your settlement needs to include the professional mental healthcare that you need in order to recover from the pain and suffering you experience.

Herbert Law Group takes the Stress out of the Settlement

Dealing with insurance companies is stressful.

Healing from a traumatic crash with a semi truck is stressful.

The truck accident lawyers at Herbert Law Group are professional stress relievers.  Dealing with those insurance companies so that all you have to do is focus on healing from your injuries.

Give us a call at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site, and we’ll get started to taking away the stress from your wreck, and pushing for the maximum settlement that ensure you’re fully compensated for your losses.

Will the Trucker Shortage Lead to More Truck Wrecks?

trucker shortage personal injury lawyer Dallas

A Variety of Factors Must Be Considered

It’s estimated that by 2030 there will be a shortage of 160,000 drivers in the trucking world.

Over the next ten years, when you account for drivers retiring, there’s a need for a million new truck drivers to be trained and hit the road.  With all things considered, the trucker shortage isn’t likely to get better (barring some major innovations in self driving trucks), and can have drastic effects on traffic on our major highways around the country.

As personal injury attorneys in the Dallas area, we’re concerned with safety on the road.  Will fewer trucks mean fewer wrecks?  Or do other factors come into play that could cause the dangers to dramatically increase?

Fewer Trucks Means Less Traffic

As roads become more populated, more congested, and overall traffic increases, the likelihood or wrecks increases too.  This goes for truck wrecks, car wrecks, motorcycle wrecks, UFO wrecks, and everything in between.

As the trucker shortage worsens, it’s only fair to assume that there will be fewer semi trucks on the highway.  In theory that should reduce the number of truck wrecks on any given year.

Unfortunately, the following issues might not make that a reality.

Bigger Push to Get People Driving                      

Because shipping companies need drivers, there will be bigger and harder pushes to get drivers on board with their new career.  Increasing wages is one method, and that’s a great way to keep the economy moving.  But there are downsides that can come with a push for new drivers.

Getting drivers up and running sooner can mean skipping over some important training.  It can also mean drivers that would be passed over due to their driving record, background checks, or the fact that they just aren’t a good fit may be ignored.  The result is drivers on the roads that are improperly trained, or unfit to be behind the wheel of a big rig.

A Trucker Shortage means More Miles and Longer Hours

Let’s suppose you have to move 10 loads of cargo.  With 10 drivers it would all get done at once.  But if you’re short 5 drivers, it now takes twice as long.  To compensate, drivers may be encouraged to push the limits and drive more miles and for longer hours (this is illegal, by the way, drivers are limited to how much they can work in a given period).

Pushing the limits, fudging the numbers, and overall ignoring the laws might look like it’s a good way to get more done.  But fatigue is a real issue, and can lead to deadly consequences.

Heavier Trucks to Haul more Cargo in Fewer Trips

An alternative to driving longer and farther is to just load up the trucks a bit more.  Legally a truck must stay under 80,000 pounds, but there are always ways to get around that.  It all depends on how sneaky a company is, and what they’re willing to risk.

An overweight truck may land the driver or company a hefty fine.  In some states it could result in jail time for the driver.

But the consequences might be more severe.  Overweight vehicles don’t just put a strain on the road, bridges, and other infrastructure.  They’re incredibly difficult to stop in an emergency.  That lengthened stop time can mean deadly crashes.

Drivers Moving Faster than Necessary

When you’re limited on how much weight you can haul; limited on how many miles and hours you can drive; and understaffed, then you end up taking more risks.  Like speeding to the destination in order to stay within the allowable hours of drive time.

The trucker shortage may lead to more big rigs zipping down the road at dangerous speeds.  These vehicles are already difficult to stop.  Add a few more miles per hour, and the risk of deadly crashes increases dramatically.

Let Herbert Law Group Help with Your Truck Accident

Whether the trucker shortage plays a factor into a wreck you’ve been involved in is irrelevant.  You have just one goal: to heal from your injuries.

But when you’re dealing with the stressful situation you’ve been forced into, healing doesn’t come easily.  And that’s why you need a truck accident lawyer from Herbert Law Group.

With extensive knowledge on truck accidents, you can take comfort knowing that your case is being handled with care.  The result is that you don’t have to stress out about the details, and put all your energy into healing from injuries.

Give us a call at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site to get started with your free consultation.

The Hazards of a Tanker Truck Accident

Texas lawyer tanker truck accident

Tanker Trucks come with a Host of Secondary Dangers

Big rig trucks pose more danger on the highways than passenger vehicles; it’s merely a matter of size difference.  A big truck has more force than a smaller vehicle.

But not all trucks are equal.  A fully loaded rig is going to pack more of a punch (and take longer to stop) than one running empty.

A tanker truck accident is going to pose even more problems.  Depending on the cargo in the tanker, serious dangers could arise after the accident.

Tanker Trucks versus Trailer or Flatbed

Even liquid cargo has to be hauled, but the means of storing that cargo is different than dry goods.  Those cylinder tanks aren’t just for looks.

Without sharp corners, a tank doesn’t have weak spots like a rectangular container does.  This helps to contain the cargo if the vehicle does wreck, and allows for pressure changes throughout the trip.

The cylindrical shape allows the bulk of the weight to be down lower, keeping the center of gravity low to the ground to prevent the truck from tipping or rolling.

That shape also allows the cargo to be drained easier without getting caught in little nooks and crannies.

Finally, what we can’t see is inside the tanks.  They’re designed with baffles to help ensure the liquid doesn’t slosh all over the place in the event of a sudden stop.  Here’s a great video that shows a simulation of how the truck can stop up to 25 feet sooner with the baffles versus without.

Dangers of Tanker Truck Accidents

The dangers of the tanker truck accident have to do with the cargo being moved.

When hauling inert cargo like milk, the spillage from the wreck might end up smelling pretty bad, but it’s not likely to cause injury or damage to lives.

But many of these trucks are hauling oil, gasoline, or other hazardous materials.  If there’s a spill when these tanker trucks wreck, the chemicals and fumes can cause more damage than the crash actually does.

Take for instance, a tanker truck that turned over in Mississippi a few years ago.  The truck spilled thousands of gallons of hydrogen peroxide.  Left on its own, the hydrogen peroxide will eventually break down into water and oxygen, but if anyone comes into contact with it before it breaks down it can pose a serious hazard to human health.

Gasoline, that could explode, or other chemicals that can be fatal if inhaled, pose even greater risks.

Let Herbert Law Group Help with Your Tanker Truck Accident

If you have been involved in a tanker truck accident in Texas, then you need an attorney from Herbert Law Group on your side.

These complicated insurance claims can be difficult to navigate if you’re not dealing with trucking companies and insurance companies every day.

Let us take that stress off your plate, so that you can focus on healing from your injuries.

Give us a call at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site and we’ll be in touch with you for your free consultation.

The Crossroads of the Most Dangerous Highways in the USA

Dallas Truck Wreck Lawyer Dangerous Highways Texas

Two Dangerous Highways Intersect in Dallas

Car wrecks and semi truck crashes happen all over the US.  There isn’t a state that doesn’t suffer from deadly crashes on a daily basis.

There are, however, some areas that see more wrecks than elsewhere.  Generally in areas where traffic gets congested, these wrecks are put into a data base, and reports come out often on where the most deadly highways are around the US.

If you have been injured in a wreck, or if a loved one was killed in a wreck, then you need to talk with Herbert Law Group to get things settled in your favor.

The Most Dangerous Highways in the Country

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration keeps track of all things related to the road.  They pay special attention to deadly collisions from all over the place.

This data is then distributed in reports, and various companies analyze those reports to bring us concise information on where we should pay extra attention when we’re driving.

The Zebra recently compiled the data into the top 10 deadliest highways in the USA.  These highways are all over, and not confined to just one place.  They’re on the East Coast, the West Coast, the north, the south, and everywhere in between.  The common factor: they see a lot of traffic.

That’s where we have found that Dallas, Texas is where two of the deadliest highways meet.

The Intersection of I-20 and I-35

Coming from West Texas, and dropping just below Fort Worth and Dallas, I-20 travels through the southern states to ultimately end in South Carolina.  Despite being one of the shorter sections of highway on the most dangerous highways list, it comes in at number 2 for the most fatal accidents per mile.

Right on the Mexican border at Laredo, Texas, and going nearly straight north to Duluth, Minnesota, I-35 is one of the most popular trucking routes in the US.  It cuts through San Antonio, Austin, and Dallas, creating a series of heavily congested areas that are packed with truck traffic.  This highway is the fifth most deadly in the US.

As I-35 approaches Dallas from the south, it splits.  I-20 then intersects with 35W near Fort Worth, and 35E near Dallas.  There is no data readily available on whether or not the intersections of the second most deadly highway, and the fifth most deadly highway, combine to make an even deadlier area.  But we can only imagine that as a popular trucking route passes through the Metroplex, it’s an area where every driver needs to be extra vigilant about keeping their eyes on the road.

Find Help with a Dallas Personal Injury Lawyer

Here at Herbert Law Group, our goal is to take away the stress that you feel after an accident.  You have a lot going on, and dealing with insurance companies that are trying to minimize settlement offers is about the last thing you should ever have to worry about.

Instead, whether you’ve been in a car wreck, a motorcycle wreck, or a truck wreck, we will get that stress off your plate, so you can focus on healing.

Give us a call at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site, and let’s get to know you, and see how we can help with your accident.

Understanding Third Party Liability in a Truck Accident

truck accident lawyer Texas, third party liability

Truck Accidents can have Multiple Responsible Parties

Most auto accidents have two parties that could be liable.  There is an at-fault driver and a victim of the wreck.

But truck accidents can get a lot more complicated.  There can be a number of different parties that are held liable, and when third party liability comes into play, it’s hard to navigate these claims.  That’s when you will want a Texas truck accident lawyer on your side.

How Third Party Liability Occurs in a Truck Accident

In most two vehicle accidents, there are only two parties involved.  However, truck accidents are different.  They can involve one, or more, parties outside of the passenger vehicle driver and the truck driver.  Parties can include:

  • Maintenance worker on the truck
  • Parts manufacturer
  • Cargo loader
  • The driver
  • The driver’s employer
  • The trucking company
  • The truck owner

Of course there could be some overlap, such as an owner/operator.  And often vehicle maintenance is assumed to be the driver’s responsibility.  But there are other factors that come into play.

If you are involved in a truck accident, do you know how to determine which party has at least partial liability?

What happens if Multiple Parties are Involved?

If you are rear ended by another passenger vehicle, and nobody is injured, that’s a pretty straight forward wreck: the at-fault driver’s insurance should pay to fix your rig.

How does a wreck look in a truck accident?

The truck driver may not have followed Federal Trucking Regulations; that negligence could have led to your wreck.

But the owner of the truck may not have maintained the vehicle properly, or ignored parts that needed to be replaced because he or she was trying to save money; their negligence could have led to your wreck.

Those that loaded the cargo onto the truck might not have loaded it properly, or secured it properly.  That negligence could have led to more strain on the truck than it could handle, and resulted in your wreck.

Or even if the truck was driven within legal limits, maintained properly, and loaded correctly, if a replacement part wasn’t manufactured right, it could break prematurely and lead to your wreck.

Often, however, it’s a combination of many different factors.  All of them building on each other, and culminating in a tragic accident.

If you’re involved in a truck accident, where multiple parties are held liable, that’s a much bigger issue, and multiple insurance companies need to be informed with claims submitted to each one.

Get Herbert Law Group on Your side

With so many different factors, and potential third party liability, truck accidents can be difficult to navigate.  The insurance companies are counting on that, so when a settlement is offered, you’re so overwhelmed that you accept it even though it may not fully suit your needs.

That’s why you need a Texas truck accident lawyer on your side.  That’s why you need Herbert Law Group to help get you through this tough time.  Leave the mess to us; you focus on healing from injuries.

Let’s get started on your free consultation.  Give us a call at 214-414-3808zz, or fill out the contact form on our site and we will be in touch.

What if I’m Blamed for a Truck Accident?

Truck accident lawyer in Texas

When the Semi Driver Blames You for the Truck Accident

After a wreck, few people want to take the blame.  It’s just human nature to try to pass the buck.

But if you’re involved in a truck accident, and the semi driver gets out and says you’re at fault, what should you do?  Should you argue, bust out the dash cam footage, maybe try to fight him?  We don’t recommend fighting anyone, just for the record.

Here’s what you need to do after a truck accident.

Keep Your Cool

Just like any other situation, losing your temper is going to make things worse.  Nobody wants to deal with an angry yeller, so no matter how frustrated, irritated, and down-right mad you feel, stuff those emotions until later.

Even if the truck driver is yelling at you, saying you’re to blame, calmly explain that you want to wait until the police have arrived before making any statements.

When the cops come, stick to the facts.  Merely state what happened, and avoid words like “I caused this…” or “I accidentally…” or especially, “It was all my fault, I’m to blame.”  Let the police write up the report based on the evidence.

Make sure that you have Herbert Law Group programmed into your phone so you can let us know you will likely need a truck accident lawyer soon.

Flag Down some Witnesses

While you’re waiting for the police to arrive, make sure you at least get contact information from those who witnessed the crash.

If they’re willing, get a statement right away on video or an audio recording.  Some people aren’t going to want to be recorded, that’s fine.  At least get them to tell you what they saw, and later you can contact them again and get a statement in writing (or, perhaps let your truck accident lawyer handle that).

Ensure a Police Report

Police reports are often available within a few days of the incident.  You will have to request a copy, and you will have to head down to the police station to pick it up.  They’re in the business of serving and protecting, not mailing out reports.

Get that police report to your favorite lawyer based in Richardson, Texas right away so it can be double checked for accuracy.

Talk with a Truck Accident Attorney in Texas

And of course, the most crucial aspect of ensuring that you’re not raked over the coals after an accident, is talking with a truck accident attorney in Texas.  Perhaps you will want to talk to the one who is providing you with this how-to guide following the truck wreck.

An attorney is going to help you in ways that would be incredibly difficult to handle on your own.  We have seen a lot of truck accident claims over the years.  We know the evidence to look for, the signs of fault, and we know how to deal with those insurance companies that are relentless in their quest to pay you less than you deserve.

All you have to do is fill out the contact form on our site, or give us a call at 214-414-2808 and we’ll get started on your free consultation.