![How To Deal With Insurance Adjusters After Truck Accident](https://zdhinjury.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Top-Reasons-to-Seek-Medical-Care-After-a-Minor-Automobile-Accident-Herbert-Law-Group-1.jpg)
Insurance adjusters negotiate to limit liability on behalf of the insurance company. They get paid by the insurance company to ensure that the insurance company pays as little as possible. Often this means that they are the initial point of contact someone that has been injured in a truck accident has with the insurance company. The insurance adjuster starts off knowing a few key things more than you. He or she knows what your case is approximately worth in dollars. They have access to comparables and lots of industry information regarding how much they are potentially liable for. To the insurance adjuster, you are a number. You are a number that they are paid to beat. It is not a matter of just making a low offer. The insurance industry is based on risk and limiting liability. In order to be profitable, the insurance company has an interest in getting the lowest possible settlement. That is why strong representation is needed from the outset.
One way that insurance adjusters try to limit liability is they try to get you to say things that will only benefit the insurance company or damage your case. “How are you?” The natural response is “fine” or “good.” It is so basic to respond this way that people learning English for the first time are taught the question and response as a greeting and a script. However, one must always remember who the insurance adjuster works for. How does that play out to a jury? “Didn’t you tell Mr. Adjuster that you were fine?!?” This may seem absurd, but this example is not far from the truth and is illustrative of the fact that the insurance adjuster is not your friend. Insurance adjusters may also ask questions about the accident itself. These are not innocent fact-finding questions. Their whole job is to limit the amount of money that the insurance company pays out. Inconsistencies in testimony or possible defenses, even if manufactured by the insurance adjuster, are just one strategy that the insurance company uses to limit liability in truck accident cases.
Insurance adjusters also have been given a certain amount of settlement authority. This means that the insurance company already has a pretty good idea of how much a case like yours is worth. Armed with this information they pay insurance adjusters a good amount of money to attempt to settle your claim well below the actual value of the case. This means money and profits for the insurance company. These experienced adjusters armed with data and experience are playing at a distinct advantage on an uneven playing field. Insurance companies authorize insurance adjusters to settle cases with an eye towards beating the value of your claim. Unfortunately, this means the possibility of being victimized a second time by a system that is very much set up in favor of the insurance company.
The best way to deal with an insurance adjuster is to hire an experienced Dallas truck wreck lawyer like attorney Herbert that is capable of beating the insurance company at their own game. The insurance adjuster must be dealt with during the process of settlement negotiations, but such interactions shouldn’t be done on the insurance companies terms. You should have the best representation possible. You deserve someone that will speak with the insurance company for you and prevent you from being preyed upon.
If you have been injured in a truck accident, the insurance company is sure to have insurance adjusters working for them to limit liability in any way possible. The Herbert & Eberstein stands ready to provide you the experienced representation you need to even the playing field. Dallas attorney Zach Herbert and his team will guide you through every step of the litigation process with honesty, honor, and communication in order to ensure that you get the settlement you deserve. Call Herbert & Eberstein in Dallas to schedule your free consultation today.
Media Contact:
Attorney Zach Herbert
(T): 214-414-3808