How Cultural Stereotypes Affect Motorcycle Accident Bias

Motorcycle accident bias texas motorcycle wreck

Motorcycle Accident Bias Can be a Problem

That’s certainly quite the mouthful of a title.  However, if we break it down, we can see there are a number of moving parts to this idea; many of them lead to motorcycle accident bias in the courtroom and in other legal situations.  We experience it every day, so let’s check out how the Car Crash Captain explains what’s going on here.

What Cultural Stereotypes Surround Motorcycles?

When you think of a biker, what comes to mind?  Most likely you have two images.

You think of the big bad biker riding a Harley Davidson.  A no-nonsense attitude, handlebar mustache, and a vest with a bunch of patches on it that you have no idea what they mean.  He would never wear a helmet in a million years.

Or, you think of a younger guy on a street bike that can go from 0 to 100 in under 3 seconds.  Probably wearing some protective gear (or maybe just a hoodie), and a helmet with a tint so dark you can’t hardly shine a light through it.  You hear him coming from a mile away as him and his buddies “race” through the city.

Of course, neither of these groups represent the majority of motorcycle riders.  They’re just two categories of riders.

How do these Stereotypes Influence the Public?

It doesn’t help that the stereotypes are perpetuated and often depicted poorly by the media.

TV shows and movies show both stereotypes in a poor light.  One is an outlaw, bent on doing whatever he pleases with no regard for authority.  The other is a street-racing punk, whipping through traffic and breaking all sorts of traffic laws.

The news doesn’t make things much better.  Nobody is going to click and read a story about a middle-aged man who carefully rides his motorcycle to work each day so he can ease congested traffic, save money on gas, and find a better parking space.  Reports like that from 2013 of a group of bikers chasing down a Range Rover in NYC do, however, get a lot of attention.

As these stereotypes are perpetuated, it puts a bad taste in the public’s mouth.  Suddenly ALL riders are seen as terrible people that break the laws.  And if they’re in a motorcycle wreck, well, it was probably their own fault… right?

This Leads to an Influence on Insurance and Juries

Since insurance companies, judges, and juries are all human beings, they have likely been subjected to the poor depiction of those who ride motorcycles.  Even though their jobs are to come into this as unbiased as possible, it’s hard to shake those cultural stereotypes that have been perpetuated for years.

If you’ve been in a motorcycle wreck in Texas, even if you were following every law, it’s automatically assumed that you were speeding or otherwise riding carelessly or recklessly – even though that wasn’t the case.

Insurance companies may more quickly deny a claim, juries may need extra convincing that you’re an upstanding citizen and a safe rider, and overall, it’s a harder fight to show that you were innocent and are the victim.

How Herbert Law Group Helps Overcome Motorcycle Accident Bias

That’s why you need Herbert Law Group on your side.

We have handled a lot of cases that involve motorcycle wrecks.  We know how to show that you weren’t riding dangerously, and we know how to show that your needs are way higher than what the insurance company settlement is likely to be.

Long before you’re in a wreck, know that Herbert Law Group has your back.  Also, get some sort of helmet-cam or handlebar cam.  It’s much harder to refute video evidence if it comes down to that.

If you have already been in a wreck, or your loved one was killed in a wreck, then we should talk immediately.  Call our offices at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site, and we’ll be in touch for a free conversation to find out exactly what happened.

6 Strange Factors that Cause Motorcycle Wrecks

Strange factors motorcycle wrecks in texas

Motorcycle Riders Have to be Extra Cautious

We know that riding a motorcycle carries more risk than driving in other motor vehicles.  And it’s pretty clear that being extra diligent, and riding as though you’re invisible are the best ways to avoid wrecks, it’s also important to know that there are some strange factors that can lead to a motorcycle wreck.  Often, these aren’t even concerns for other motorists, but those on two wheels need to pay attention.

Let’s check in with the Car Crash Captain and discover the top 6 strange factors that can lead to a Texas motorcycle wreck.

Strange Factors that Cause Bike Wrecks

Before we get into this, we have to remember that these are the rare causes; the strange factors.  Still, the number one cause of motorcycle wrecks is inattentive drivers (usually turning left in front of a motorcycle they “didn’t see”).

Unsecured Loads from Other Vehicles

When we think of unsecured loads, our minds will generally go big.  Remember on the movie Final Destination when the logs come tumbling out of the logging truck?

In reality, unsecured cargo is more likely to fly out of the back of a pickup truck.  Often, it’s when someone is moving across town and they pile as much into the back as possible, throw a small little bungee cord on it, and call it good.  But even more likely is trash that’s in the back of a truck blowing out and causing a biker behind them to lose control.

Grass Clippings or Leaves on the Roadway

When you’re cruising in your car, you probably don’t think twice about some grass clippings that a mower has thrown into the street.  In the fall, if there’s a little pile of leaves, no big deal.

On two wheels, however, those become huge deals.  Grass clippings and leaves are slick – almost to the point of being as slick as hitting a patch of ice.  It only takes a split second to lose control.  While an experienced rider may be able to quickly avoid the situation, if they’re on a busy road avoiding the grass may lead to colliding with a vehicle.

Animal Carcasses from other Wrecks

Animal strikes are rare, but what’s even weirder is hitting an animal that has already been hit.  A living animal can at least get out of the way on its own, and while it’s up and about it’s a little easier to see.

However, when the animal has already been killed, its lower profile means it’s harder to see.  Similar to hitting those grass clippings or leaves, hitting a dead animal can cause wheels to break free from their traction, and the rider can lose control.

Speeds of Greater than 30 Miles Per Hour

Interestingly enough, most bike wrecks don’t happen at high speeds.  It’s true that higher speeds lead to a greater risk of a fatal accident, but that doesn’t mean fast equals crash.

In fact, a study done by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found that the majority of motorcycle wrecks happen at 29.8 miles per hour.  Meaning that speed to be the cause of the wreck is actually quite rare.

Of course, high speed wrecks are what make the news and usually result in loss of life – which is why they seem to be much more of a problem.

Road Striping

We usually see the lines on the road as there for our safety.  They help us know which lane is which, if we have to turn or go straight, or give us a marking before which we are supposed to stop.

Those same lines, however, can become incredibly slick if they’re wet, or if the weather gets really hot.  In a car, it’s no big deal if one wheel slips a little bit on a slick bit of road striping.  In a motorcycle one wheel slipping can mean the rider loses control of the entire bike.

Herbert Law Group Works with Motorcycle Accident Victims

Even if strange factors weren’t the cause of your motorcycle wreck, if you were the victim, we should have a chat.  Most insurance settlements won’t take into account all of the factors, and you may not be offered the compensation you truly need and deserve to heal.

Call our offices at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site, and we’ll be in touch with for a free initial conversation.

The Legal Impact of Helmet Laws in Texas

Texas Motorcycle Helmet Laws

Should Helmets be Required for Motorcycle Riders?

The debate on whether or not helmets should be required for all riders isn’t a new one.  Some say helmet laws will do wonders to help save lives, reduce economic impacts, and encourage safer riders.  Others say helmet laws only infringe on personal freedoms, and do little other than allow the government to have more control over our lives.

Let’s dig in as the Car Crash Captain lays out what the arguments for, and against, these helmet laws are, and see what we can do to make the roads safer for everyone – regardless of how many wheels their vehicle has.

Variations of Helmet Laws by State

Each state gets to make their own rules on whether or not they want to require helmets for all riders, some riders, or no riders.

States like California and New York have universal helmet laws.  They require all riders and passengers to wear helmets at all times.

States like Iowa and New Hampshire have no helmet laws.  Passengers and riders can choose to wear a helmet, but they’re not required to do so.

Some states, like Texas, have partial helmet laws.  In these states only those who do not meet requirements must wear helmets; the rest get to choose if it’s right for them or not.

Legal and Ethical Dilemmas of Helmet Laws

The evidence for wearing helmets is overwhelming.  Study after study and report after report show that wearing a helmet significantly reduces the probability of being critically injured or killed in a motorcycle wreck.

Those who want to see helmets required for all riders and passengers cite sources like the CDC, where reports show that when universal helmet laws are instated, fatal motorcycle wrecks decrease by 30%.

Despite the abundance of evidence that helmets save lives, personal freedom still reigns supreme.  Many states that don’t have universal helmet laws give the choice back to the people.  Adults have the right to choose if they’re going to take the risk, or not.

Of course, the mandates and laws go beyond merely a personal choice.

Healthcare costs for treating traumatic brain injuries after a motorcycle wreck are substantial.  Even with medical insurance and healthcare coverage, costs are often passed on to the tax payer – more people being treated for preventable injuries means that others are subsidizing care for those injured in an otherwise preventable manner.

Even with insurance, the economic impact extends to the other insurance holders.  More claims mean rates go up for everyone.  With a universal helmet law, rates could go down for everyone as overall fewer claims and less severe injuries means lower expenses for the insuring company.

How Texas Handles Helmet Laws

In Texas there are two factors that would mean you have to wear a helmet while riding.  Those under the age of 21, and those who don’t have adequate insurance to cover motorcycle accident injuries, must wear helmets at all times.  For those over age 21 and have the proper insurance, the choice to wear a helmet or not resides with the rider.

If you were to wreck in a state that required a helmet, and you weren’t wearing a helmet, your overall settlement could be reduced as you were negligent in your conduct.

However, in Texas, if you’re following the laws (and circumstances surrounding the wreck), your compensation might not be affected by the choice not to wear a helmet.  This does get a little murky, however, since Texas follows the comparative negligence rule – if you’re found to be more than 50% at fault you can’t recover damages.  If you’re found to be less than 50% at fault (but more than 0%) your compensation is reduced.

Herbert Law Group is Here to Help You

Whether you’re wearing a helmet or not, being involved in a motorcycle wreck is going to have long-lasting and wide-spread impact on your life.  The last thing you, or your loved ones, want to do is wonder if a helmet law would have prevented the wreck, reduced injuries, or otherwise changed the outcome.

What you do want is justice.  You want things to move quickly, to progress without delay, so you can get back to living your life.

That’s where Herbert Law comes into play.  We’ll work out the legal stuff, you work on healing from your injuries.  First, though, we need to talk about what happened.  Give us a call at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site, and we’ll have a free talk to figure out the next steps.

Adequate Protective Clothing Saves More Lives

motorcycle protective clothing accident lawyer Texas

Protective Clothing Helps Riders Recover Faster

All the protective clothing can’t prevent all the injuries a motorcycle rider is likely to sustain after being involved in a wreck.  However, there is a lot of evidence that shows the right protective clothing will be a great benefit to riders.

Aside from a DOT approved helmet, what should riders, and prospective riders, be looking for?  What’s going to be the best to help reduce their injuries, and let them recover faster?  The Car Crash Captain, a motorcycle wreck lawyer serving the Dallas area, has the scoop.

Just How Beneficial is the Right Protective Clothing?

Even when the head is protected, the rest of the body can be subject to injuries that can cause long-term or permanent disability.  Wearing the right clothing, however, can reduce that risk.

A study published in 1986 showed that when a motorcyclist wears the proper protective clothing, the average hospitalization is 7 days shorter, and disability from work or school is 20 days shorter.  Furthermore, the incidence of permanent physical defects is reduced by 40%.

Pretty solid numbers showing that to really be protected while riding, the proper clothing is essential.

What Protective Clothing Should I Wear While Riding?

Aside from the helmet (read about what kind of helmet will actually protect you), there are items that will help keep you a little better protected while you ride.

  • Gloves – Gloves are generally considered to be gear for cold weather riding.  However, they serve a bigger purpose than just keeping your hands warm.  If you wreck, your instinct is to put your hand down to stop the fall; moving at high speeds can tear skin off the hands easily if you don’t have proper gloves.
  • Boots – While open toed shoes allow for nice airflow, they don’t do much to protect against anything.  Solid riding boots provide rigid support and a protective layer against whatever they come in contact with.  Even something as mundane as accidentally leaning against a hot pipe can cause injury if you aren’t wearing the right footwear.
  • Motorcycle Pants – Have you ever fallen while wearing shorts?  Even at walking speed you can skin your knees up pretty badly.  Imagine how badly skinned up you’ll be on pavement moving at 40 miles per hour.  At the very least a thick pair of jeans should be worn, but there are specialty riding pants that are designed to protect the body – with extra padding at high impact spots.
  • Jacket – A t-shirt won’t protect you against anything.  But even a light jacket won’t do much if you’re scraping along the highway.  Motorcycle jackets have thick material and padding on elbows, shoulders, and more.  Just take care when riding in the summer to avoid overheating (learn how to avoid heat related injuries while riding).
  • Body Armor – Wouldn’t it be something to see someone ride down the road in a full suit of knight’s armor?  Imagine the sparks if they wrecked.  Alas, we’re actually talking about motorcycle riding armor.  These lightweight shirts, jackets, and vests are made with high-density foam and carbon fiber to reduce injury upon impact with a hard surface.

Does Herbert Law Group Help Motorcycle Accident Victims?

Herbert Law Group has an extensive history of helping accident victims, including those who were riding motorcycles.

If you, or a loved one, were injured in a motorcycle accident, then we should talk about what happened, and find out how we can maximize the settlement you’ll receive.  Insurance companies are hoping you will overlook many of the costs so they can pay out a lower amount.

We’ll help you receive a settlement that actually covers your losses.

Call our offices at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site, and we’ll have a free conversation about what happened and make a plan of action going forward.

Three Amazing Motorcycle Road Trips for this Year

Motorcycle Road Trip

Aching to Hit the Open Road?

There’s just something freeing about hitting the road on a motorcycle.  The views are spectacular, and you can’t get that 360-degree view in a car the same way you can on two wheels.  With all of the outstanding places across the country, where are some of the best roadways?  We’ve come up with a handful of ideas to get you thinking.  Keep reading as the Car Crash Captain takes you on a road trip.

Natchez Trace Parkway

Running between Natchez, Mississippi and Nashville, Tennessee, the Natchez Trace Parkway is 444 miles of uninterrupted road trip greatness.  There are a number of factors that make this particular stretch of road some of the best for cruising.

Natchez Trace Parkway

Why it’s Great – No commercial vehicles are allowed on the parkway.  This means you don’t have to worry about big trucks or commercial busses.  Though, you may run into the occasional maintenance vehicle helping to keep the state parks looking beautiful.  The majority of the parkway is also controlled access.  No stop signs or cross traffic to worry about.  With beautiful views the entire way, you’re not contending with man-made devices – it’s nearly all trees, farmlands, and the occasional body of water.

When to Go – Because it’s running through the south, where the humidity and temps can get high, the best times to visit are April, May, and June and then September and October.  In the spring you’ll see plenty of blossoms, in the fall the leaves are changing colors.

No matter when you ride the Natchez Trace, there are numerous historical spots to stop along the way to learn about the history of the area.

Going to the Sun Road Montana

In Northern Montana, just below the Canadian border, Glacier National Park hosts some of the most amazing mountains around.  Crystal clear waters, winding mountain roads, and snow-capped peaks are all ready for exploration.

Going to the Sun Road Montana

Why it’s Great – Immersed in the wilderness, it’s hard to find anywhere that looks more untamed than Glacier.  The scenic Going-to-the-Sun Road winds up and up the mountains, passing by waterfalls, wildflowers, and vistas.  The ride tops out at Logan’s Pass at 6,646 feet of elevation.  With plenty of spots to stop and take in the views, and the windy roads, this 50-mile trip will take all day.

When to Go – The only time to go is in July to September.  Earlier in the year the pass is still covered in snow, later you risk getting caught in a snow storm.

Plan early, as vehicle passes to Glacier Park are limited due to its popularity.

Mad River Loop Vermont

New England is home to a number of different back highways that make for great rides.  However, the Mad River Loop is often considered to be one of the best.

Vermont Road Trip

Why it’s Great – The 66-mile loop takes only 1.5 hours to complete, if you don’t stop.  It can be done as just a part of the day, instead of taking the entire day.  Traveling through Camel’s Hump State Forest you encounter east coast scenery like no other.

When to Go – Summer and fall have the best chances for pleasant weather.  In the fall, as the leaves turn colors, your ride will be cast in an orange and golden glow.

The Green Mountain State is heavily wooded in most areas, and can have some wild weather.  Even summer rides might be rainy and cool so be prepared.

Herbert Law Group Wishes You Safe Road Tripping!

No matter where you ride, pay attention and be safe on the roads!  On a motorcycle you’re harder to see, and have a higher risk of being involved in an accident.

If you are the victim of a motorcycle crash, Herbert Law Group is here to help you find the justice you deserve.

Let’s find out what happened, and see how we can help.  Call our offices at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site and we’ll be in touch with you shortly for your free initial consultation.

The Economic Impact of a Texas Motorcycle Wreck

Texas motorcycle wreck lawyer economic impacts

The Impacts Extend Beyond the Involved Parties

Whenever there is a wreck, there will be economic impacts.  Many of them are experienced by the two parties involved in the accident (read more about economic and noneconomic damages), but there are others who will feel the effect of a motorcycle accident too.  Let’s check in with the Car Crash Captain and learn about the economic impacts of a motorcycle wreck.

Economic Impacts Felt by Involved Parties

The most immediate economic impact will be felt by those going through the tragedy.  Most of these can be assigned a dollar amount, but some are much harder.  How do you put a dollar amount on learning to live without a husband, mother, or child?

  • Medical Costs – Nearly every accident will have some sort of medical costs.  These can range from a simple exam, to ongoing costs that will last the rest of the victim’s life.
  • Lost Wages – When you’re laid up in the hospital, you can’t work.  If you can’t work, you can’t make money.  Lost wages can be calculated simply by multiplying how much work was missed, by the victim’s salary.
  • Property Damage – There will be damage to the motorcycle.  There will also be damage to the at-fault driver’s vehicle.  Damage can extend to other vehicles as well, and even roads, signs, landscaping, and buildings.
  • Disability Costs – A severe accident can result in long-term disability.  The costs of remodeling a home to account for a wheelchair can be high.

Economic Impacts that Extend to Everyone

Aside from the immediate costs associated with the wreck, the economic impact may ripple throughout the community, and even into the rest of the country.

  • Insurance Premiums – Insurance companies are in the business of collecting premiums.  When they have to pay out large claims, they offset that loss by raising premiums for everyone.
  • Legal Expenses – Legal fees can pile up.  While most personal injury lawyers charge on a contingency basis (that means the victim doesn’t pay until the case is won or settled), those expenses still rise.  There are costs associated with running the court system as well.
  • Emergency Responder Costs – Accidents require emergency personnel.  These first responders get paid, and the equipment they use is expensive.  Taxpayers pay for these things, and when more are necessary, taxes may rise.

Herbert Law Group Helps Motorcycle Accident Victims

If you’re the victim of a motorcycle accident, you’re not going to be too worried about the economic impact of your wreck.  Your first, and for now your only, concern is to heal from the injuries you’ve sustained.

That’s why Herbert Law Group is here.  We’ll take the economic worry off your shoulders.  We negotiate hard, and we fight for you.  In the end, your settlement will be the maximum that is legally allowed – and the economic impact on you should be lifted.

It all starts with a phone call.  Let’s find out what happened, and see how our expert motorcycle accident lawyers can help.  Call our offices at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site, and we’ll reach out to you.

What is a DOT Approved Helmet?

DOT Approved Helmet motorcycle wreck lawyer Texas

Why is DOT the Standard for Motorcycle Safety?

A DOT approved helmet is one of the most important pieces of safety equipment a rider can wear.  These helmets are certified by the Department of Transportation and ensures that it meets the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard.

But what does that mean?  Can’t other helmets be just as safe?  What if you don’t wear a DOT approved helmet?  The Car Crash Captain looks into all of this as we examine this important piece of gear.

Why is DOT the Standard?

Basically put: because that’s what the US government has chosen.  Helmets that meet DOT standards undergo impact and retention tests.  These will measure how much of an impact the helmet can take without damaging the contents of the helmet, as well as how well the safety straps keep the helmet on the head – a helmet that falls off at the beginning of a crash is of no use.

What does a DOT Helmet Require?

DOT is looking essentially at three things: weight, thickness, and straps.

Helmets that come in at less than one pound are generally going to be unsafe.  They just don’t have the bulk that will allow them to absorb an impact.  Heavier components will also stand up to road rash better – dragging your head along a road at 50 miles per hour will wear through a cheap helmet really quickly.

Motorcycle Crash Lawyer Texas

Thickness also helps with that road rash, but really what is considered here is the padding and liner.  Polystyrene (usually called by the brand name Styrofoam) that is at least ¾ inch thick will soften a blow.  Usually, you can’t see this as it’s covered by the liner.  The liner is almost entirely comfort so your noggin isn’t pressed right against the foam, but it also helps hold the helmet in place.

Holding it in place, however, is the job of the chin straps.  Most straps are going to do the job, the weak point is the rivets that connect straps to the helmet.  If they fail, the helmet fails.

Can other Helmets be Safe?

The short answer: yes.  But there’s more to the question.

To be legally sold as a helmet approved for street legal operation, the helmet needs to get the DOT stamp of approval.  That doesn’t mean, however, a non-DOT helmet won’t protect you.

  • Bicycle Helmet – If you’re puttering around on a scooter and you fall and bonk your head, a bicycle helmet might protect you.  But you’re putting yourself at a lot of risk with protective gear designed for low speeds.
  • ECE Helmet – The European counterpart to DOT is ECE.  ECE actually requires more stringent testing (i.e. puncture resistance and vision testing).  If you purchased a helmet overseas with the ECE certification, you most likely have a helmet that will also meet DOT standards.
  • Snell Helmet – Amateur racer William Snell died from head injuries sustained in a race back in the 1950’s – injuries that would have been prevented had helmet laws existed (and been followed).  The Snell Foundation now certifies helmets (for a variety of activities) based on how well they perform.  While a Snell certified helmet doesn’t mean it’s better than a non-Snell certified, it does mean that the helmet in question goes above and beyond the bare minimum for standards.

The rules on helmets also vary depending on the state you are riding in.  For example, California requires the helmet to cover the entire head – that means beanie style, or half helmet, won’t fly there.

Contact Herbert Law Group if You’ve been Injured

Novelty helmets are out there and look like a DOT certified helmet, but don’t meet the requirements.  Fake DOT tags can be affixed and unscrupulous dealers may sell unsafe helmets – so do you due diligence and know what to look for in a safe helmet.

If you have been injured in a motorcycle wreck, then Herbert Law Group is here for you.  From our offices in Richardson, Texas, we’ll help you recover the compensation you deserve so you can fully heal.

Let’s talk about what happened.  Call our office at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site and we’ll reach out to you.

Your Quick Guide to Legal Steps After a Motorcycle Wreck

Legal steps after a Texas Motorcycle Accident

What You Must do When You’ve Been in a Wreck

Across the country, motorcycle wrecks claim innocent victims daily.  These victims should not have to worry about any of the medical bills, lost wages, and should be reimbursed for their pain and suffering.  When following the right legal steps, your case can be handled quickly and efficiently by the Car Crash Captain.

Legal Steps to Take Following a Texas Motorcycle Wreck

Assuming that your injuries have not left you unconscious or otherwise incapacitated, following these steps will allow your claim against the at-fault party’s insurance to go much more smoothly.

Stay Calm and Be Safe

Panic elevates your heart rate, which can make injuries worse if you’re already bleeding.  Try to take deep breaths and know that the accident happened, and now it’s time to make sure everyone is safe.

Move out of the flow of traffic, and assess the situation.  See what happened, who was around, and identify the other vehicle or vehicles involved.

Call for Emergency Personnel

Your safety and health are the number one priority.  Call to have the police and emergency medical crews come to the scene.  They can all help organize the chaos that may be unfolding, and if you’re seriously injured (or even if you don’t think you are, there can be hidden injuries) you need treatment right away.

Get Others’ Information

Get information from the other motorist.  Take pictures of insurance documents and driver’s licenses if they have them available.  Get contact information from any witnesses that may have seen the accident – especially if they have a dash cam that recorded what happened.

Take Pictures of the Scene

Before vehicles are moved, snap some quick pictures of the scene.  These can help recreate the accident if necessary.  They will also provide a better idea of what happened, and if your settlement negotiations end up going to court, they can be used to help prove your case.

Get Medical Attention

No matter how minor the accident may have seemed, you will have sustained some injuries.  It may just be scratches and some bruises, but until a medical professional thoroughly checks you over, the extend of the injuries may be hard to determine.  Seeking medical attention right away starts the records that shows your injuries were a result of the accident, and it’s much harder to argue otherwise later.

Contact Herbert Law Group

Before too much time passes, get the ball rolling with Herbert Law Group.  Our expert Texas motorcycle accident lawyers know how to handle your case, argue on your behalf, and they’ll take away a whole bunch of the burden you may be feeling if you’re going it alone.

Herbert Law Group: Texas Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

Injuries can set you back.  Your body is trying to recover, and even if they seem minor, they’re taking a toll.  Don’t compound them by dealing with the stress of an insurance settlement too!

Herbert Law Group is here to take the burden off your shoulders.  We’ll negotiate with insurance, argue your case, and get you the compensation you need to recover so you don’t have a financial burden along with the physical burden.

Follow these legal steps, and let’s get things started with a get-to-know-you phone call.  Call our offices at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site and we’ll reach out to you.

The Benefits of Motorcycle Advocacy Groups

Motorcycle Advocacy Group Texas bike wreck lawyer

Keeping Streets Safer for Those on Two Wheels

Motorcycle riders take more risks than other motorists.  This isn’t a new issue, and it has nothing to do with riding ability or the mistaken notion that bikers are out there speeding and otherwise doing stupid stuff on their motorcycles.  There are a handful of people who do that, but the vast majority of riders are safe as they cruise along our shared streets.

The risks arise when streets aren’t exactly motorcycle friendly.  A lone biker here and there can raise a fuss, but often not much is done about it.  But when motorcycle advocacy groups form, that is when changes happen.  Let’s check in with the Car Crash Captain and see what’s going on.

What is a Motorcycle Advocacy Group?

Most laws that are passed consider those riding on two wheels as well as four.  But some of them don’t.

Most streets were designed to be safe for those on motorcycles as wells as cars.  But some of them weren’t.

Most highways are safe for riders as well as trucks and passenger vehicles.  But some aren’t.

It’s when these areas that are not motorcycle friendly remain motorcycle unfriendly when issues happen.  Motorcyclists have the same rights and responsibilities of everyone else using the roads.  But without someone that will enact change to ensure those rights are upheld, that’s when problems arise.

These advocacy groups are designed to ensure that motorcyclist rights are upheld in the same way other motorists’ rights are upheld.  This can mean lobbying to ensure laws are passed that keep our two-wheeled travelers safe, and they can be designed to help influence public opinion.

How do Motorcycle Advocacy Groups Function?

These groups use the power of multiple people to enact change.  Consider how a single call or letter might fall on deaf ears to a politician.  However, if that politician receives thousands of calls or letters, they now see this as an important issue.

Beyond that, it takes a lot of money to even get the word out.  Websites and marketing campaigns can be expensive.  Printed materials don’t come cheap.  Pooling resources means the motorcycle advocacy group has the ability to do what they need to do.

That can mean pushing lawmakers to do the right thing and enact laws, or modify roadways, to keep motorcyclists safe.

It can also mean starting public awareness campaigns.  You have probably heard of the “Look Twice, Save a Life” campaign.  This is a public awareness campaign started years ago to help those who don’t ride realize that motorcycles are harder to see than other vehicles.

It’s easy to come up with a slogan, but it’s not as easy to spread that slogan far and wide enough to take effect.

Where Can I Find a Group of Like-Minded Riders?

There are plenty of nation-wide resources available for those who love to ride.  Some, such as the Motorcycle Safety Foundation, is all about helping you become a better – and safer – rider.  Others are more localized and dedicated to enacting change in your community.

You can start with a quick internet search.  If there’s nothing online that you can easily locate, then head over to your favorite stores.  Motorcycle dealerships, parts stores, and accessories stores are generally all plugged in to the latest groups.  They can help you locate one that fits your style.

What if I’m in a Motorcycle Wreck?

Regardless of how much work these groups do, there will always be negligence out there.  If you, or a loved one, were injured or killed because another motorist was negligent, we can help.

There’s no reason for you to waste your energy on battling insurance companies and difficult legal situations.  Instead, you spend that energy healing and keeping your life moving forward, we’ll handle the hard stuff.

It starts with a call.  Let’s find out what happened, and see how we can help.  Don’t worry, there’s no obligation for this get-to-know-you call.  Just dial 214-414-3808, or fill out our contact form and we’ll reach out to you.

Road Design and Texas Motorcycle Wrecks

Road design and texas motorcycle wrecks

How Road Design and Maintenance May Affect Your Ride

When most motorists who don’t ride motorcycles think of motorcycle wrecks, they think of the high-profile issues that get a lot of media attention and not how other factors, such as road design and maintenance, play into the crashes.  Events like the video that showed a group of riders going after a driver in a Range Rover back in 2013 get all the talk.

But there are a lot of lesser-known wrecks that happen every single day.  Wrecks that occur not because of careless drivers, road rage, or the biker going way too fast.  These wrecks have to do with the fact that sometimes roads aren’t designed with two wheels in mind.  Let’s check in with the Car Crash Captain, and see what going on.

Road Features Unfit for Motorcycle Riders

Driving a car or truck, you don’t really notice a lot of issues with the roads like you do when you’re on two wheels.  Features where other vehicles just drive right over, require a different strategy when riding a motorcycle.

Edge Breaks – When the area around the road isn’t built up (with sidewalks or retaining walls and the like), the road can drop off into gravel or dirt.  These breaks can be hazardous to cars and trucks, but deadly to motorcycles.

Expansion Joints – You’ve noticed them in your driveway, but did you know they’re incorporated into roads too?  These joints let the concrete expand and contract without cracking.  Usually on bridges, they can “catch” a motorcycle tire without warning.

Bridge Joints – Like an expansion joint, a bridge joint actually joins two parts of a bridge.  Found mostly in areas with lift bridges, or bridges with some moving components, these joints are similarly as dangerous as expansion joints.

Grooved Highways – To keep water flowing off the highway, some have grooves in them.  Even in a car or truck you can feel the vehicle “pushed and pulled” on the road; it’s compounded with a motorcycle.

Hazards Bikers Need to be Aware of

Besides features intentionally built into the road, there can be other hazards that can necessitate evasive motorcycle maneuvers or risk a deadly crash.

Debris on the roads is common after storms.  From downed branches, to patio furniture that blew out of a back yard, these things have to be avoided.  Other vehicles can crunch right over with little, or no, damage – a motorcycle will wreck when striking them.

Leaves on the road are a little different.  While debris can be expected after a storm, leaves show up in the fall.  When wet, the leaves get nearly as slick as ice and can cause a motorcycle rider to lay down his or her bike.

Puddles pose another serious issue.  There is often no way to tell how deep the puddle is.  Even one that is shallow poses a hydroplaning risk.

Road Designs Motorcyclists Don’t Like

Often there are just designs that aren’t motorcycle friendly.  Long straight stretches and winding roads aren’t the issue here, though.

Many roads don’t have proper signage.  Whether that’s to help motorists slow down, recognize sharp turns, or even recognize that motorcycles do exist and to watch out for them.  Studies have shown that signage helping motorcyclists and other motorists have reduced the number of collisions.

Blind corners pose a risk to bikers.  Vehicles pulling out can’t see clearly, and it’s even harder to see a low-profile bike coming.

Road Maintenance that Affects Bikers

We expect our roads to be maintained properly.  We all pay taxes that go toward keeping them updated and safe to travel upon.

Sometimes, however, they still fall into disrepair.  Inconvenient for many, but deadly for bikers.  Little issues like potholes and gravel sections mean most vehicles must slow down.  Those on two wheels, however, will generally have to avoid the area.  Even something as simple as where the lines are painted can pose a hazard – these painted areas become much slicker when wet than the rest of the pavement.

Herbert Law Group Helps Motorcycle Accident Victims in Texas

There are numerous factors that go into a motorcycle crash.  If you have been injured in a motorcycle wreck, or you have a loved one that was killed, then you need an experience motorcycle accident lawyer to help navigate the tricky legal waters.

Let Herbert Law Group do the hard work, while you focus on healing.  Call us at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site, and we’ll get started with a free conversation to see how we can help.