What to Expect with TBI Recovery
Nothing is going to change your life more than suffering from a major traumatic brain injury (TBI). Just like any injury, these things have a spectrum from minor to major, and recovery is largely dependent on what parts of the brain were actually injured.
The Car Crash Captain looks at what to expect if you have suffered from a TBI, and how long that recovery is going to take.
What is a Traumatic Brain Injury?
TBI injuries are just about any injury to the head. Most of the time, if you are hit in the head, your brain will suffer from some sort of damage. Just like if you injure another part of your body, the injuries may be minor (bruising or scratches), moderate (lacerations or burns), or severe (fractures or amputations). Recovery times and expectations depend largely on what happened in your motorcycle wreck, and how bad the injuries are.
Recovering from a Mild TBI
Mild brain injuries often show up in the form of a concussion. Symptoms include headache, nausea, insomnia and more (read all about motorcycle wreck concussions). These symptoms can persist for days or even weeks.
Recovering from a mild TBI like a concussion usually is just a matter of time. Slowing things down, avoiding stressful situations, and getting plenty of rest will allow the body to do what the body does: repair itself. Being monitored by a doctor is essential, because sometimes symptoms can point to a concussion, but worsen into a more moderate form of traumatic brain injury.
Recovering from a Moderate TBI
Moderate TBI’s are a bit worse than the concussion; even if they seemingly are caused the same way. Suffering a blow to the head causes the brain to move around inside the skull. When the brain bumps against the bone (lighter impacts aren’t as serious as it’s cushioned by cerebrospinal fluid), it becomes bruised and damaged. A moderate TBI is usually characterized by a period of unconsciousness of at least 30 minutes (but less than 24 hours).
Recovering takes a lot more time than recovering from a concussion. Confusion and headaches may persist for weeks. These are compounded by tiredness, dizziness, irritability, light sensitivity, and more. The more severe damage to the brain may require ongoing medical care and assistance in activities of daily living. Recovery is usually measured in months and years rather than days and weeks.
Recovering from a Severe TBI
Severe brain injuries are generally those that result in an unconscious period lasting more than 24 hours. Those suffering often will enter into a coma for an extended period of time as they’re unable to respond to external stimuli. Convulsions, seizures, severe nausea, and loss of motor control are common.
Most people who suffer from severe TBI’s don’t recover. Some might live for many years, but never without extensive care, special accommodations, and a severely diminished quality of life. The body will work hard to heal itself, but often the damage is too extensive, and it will shut down over time.
Why You Need a Texas Motorcycle Lawyer to Help
Insurance companies will try to diminish the severity of what actually happened, so they don’t have to pay out nearly as large of a claim.
It’s important to work with a personal injury lawyer, especially one with experience in Texas motorcycle wrecks, so you know your case is being handled expertly. Since a moderate TBI can be very similar in symptoms to a mild one, being monitored by a doctor to fully understand what happened is imperative.
Don’t complicate matters by trying to deal with insurance companies on your own – let Herbert Law Group do that. You focus on healing from your injuries.
Call our offices at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form, and we’ll be in touch for a free conversation on how we can help.