Five Ways to Ensure Your Motorcycle Wreck Settlement Doesn’t Derail
Your motorcycle wreck settlement is designed to ensure that you have the proper funds to take care of all expenses related to the wreck. In order to do that, there are a few procedures that you should follow so that you’re not left footing the bill for someone else’s negligence.
Before we dive into this thing, however, let’s make sure we’re on the same page. If you’re looking to get rich off a settlement by “suing the pants off the other guy,” then this isn’t the right fit for you. The goal here is to make sure you’re taken care of; not that you’re rolling in the dough.
Herbert Law Group is here to help you get compensated when you’ve suffered a loss. Here’s how we do that.
1 – Make Sure You Get a Police Report
One of the best ways to prove that you were not the at-fault driver is to have an official document stating what happened. The police will show up to nearly every accident out there; especially a motorcycle wreck where an injury occurred.
However, they don’t automatically send you a copy of the police report. You will have to request the document, and most precincts require you to go in to pick up the report (they’re not going to email or mail it to you).
2 – Document, Document, Document
Document everything. Get pictures, videos, witness statements (and their contact information).
If you’re wondering what you should do after a wreck, and how to gather the right documentation, check out our previous posts.
Each of those posts offers some insight on how to document your accident and other tips you should follow after the wreck.
3 – Get Checked out by a Doctor
Don’t wait until there’s some pain. Don’t put it off and claim, “It’s not that bad.” Don’t skip it entirely because you’re tough and it’s just a little bruising.
Go see the doctor. Get checked out. Get that official medical exam on the record. It might not hurt now, but when the adrenaline wears off, it’s going to hurt.
If you want to show that you’ve been injured in a motorcycle wreck, you need more than just your word that you’ve been injured.
4 – Follow the Doctor’s Advice
When you see the doctor they will give you advice on how to heal quickly and efficiently. As well as prescribe some medication that is going to get you through the healing process.
If you ignore the doctor’s advice, and your condition gets worse because of it, you’re going to have a bad time. Furthermore, if you get prescribed pain medication, and you don’t follow the advice on how to use those meds, it’s very easy to get hooked on pills.
Follow the doctor’s advice, and go back for your follow-up visits when they come up.
5 – Enlist the Help of a Personal Injury Lawyer
Before you talk to insurance companies. Before they reach out to you. Before you make any statements on what happened, talk to Herbert Law Group.
The attorneys in our office have seen a lot of cases. They know how to maximize your motorcycle wreck settlement so that your needs are entirely taken care of.
Herbert Law Group is Here to take away the Stress
You heal best when you have less stress. Science tells us that.
Dealing with insurance companies that are insistent on low-balling the settlement offer makes your stress levels go up. Experience tells us that.
Enlisting the help of Herbert Law Group to handle your motorcycle wreck settlement reduces stress and lets you focus on healing. Our previous clients tell us that.
Give us a call at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site. We’ll have a no obligation conversation to see how we can help you maximize what you need to help you heal.