When Riding in Texas, is Eye Protection Required?
Let’s face it. Here in Texas we love our freedoms.
Some of those freedoms mean that we understand we are putting ourselves at risk; such as the freedom to choose whether or not we want to wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle. Study after study shows that helmets save lives, but it all comes down to a personal choice, right?
But what about other factors of riding? Are you required to protect your face and eyes when riding a motorcycle in Texas? Furthermore, what happens if you’re in a motorcycle accident and you aren’t following one of the laws that are specific to motorcycles?
As your motorcycle accident lawyer, let’s take a look at how you can stay the safest on the road.
Does Texas Require Face or Eye Protection?
There are a lot of studies that show having a full helmet, with a face shield and everything, allow you to fare much better in a wreck than if you skip this aspect.
Even if you opt for a half helmet that still meets DOT standards, you will want something on your eyes to help keep the wind, debris, and bugs from blinding you as you’re zipping down the road.
Here in Texas eye protection is not required when riding. But that’s not the case in all states. In fact, if you head over the border into Oklahoma, you need to have eye protection unless your motorcycle has a windshield.
So what constitutes eye protection? Can you throw on your shades and call it good? Probably not.
Sunglasses lack in two areas: they’re usually not secure and they aren’t shatter resistant. Goggles, secured shatter proof glasses, or a full face shield are your best options to help protect you against getting something in your eyes and subsequently wrecking your motorcycle.
Read more about what’s legal (in which states) on your motorcycle.
What If you Crash While Breaking a Law?
We aren’t required to wear eye protection here, but what happens if you’re breaking the law and you happen to get into a wreck. Let’s suppose helmets were required, and you’re riding without one. If you’re hit and injured or killed in a wreck that’s not your fault, will insurance claims be denied?
This is one of those situations where you really need a motorcycle accident lawyer on your side. Your chances of winning an agreeable settlement are decreased, but not gone completely. Of course it depends on the law being broken. If you just robbed a bank and you’re fleeing from the cops; well, you’re probably out of luck on that one!
Herbert Law Group Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Dallas
Wrecking on your bike can be a legal mess. There’s a lot more that goes into these than a car wreck, and the injuries are more common and more severe.
Because it’s not always a straight forward wreck and settlement, you need a motorcycle accident lawyer in Dallas on your side. We help you navigate these difficult times, so that you can focus on healing from the accident.
If you, or a loved one, have been in a motorcycle accident, then we should talk about what happened. Give us a call at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form and we’ll be in touch.