How to Prove the Other Driver Was Distracted

Distracted driving texas car wreck lawyer

Proving Distraction can Help Your Claim

Whenever you’re the victim of a wreck, the other insurance company is going to do everything they can to show you were at least partially at fault.  When they can raise those suspicions, they can start to minimize the amount they’re paying out in claims.  Proving the other driver was distracted is one of the ways to help solidify your case, and maximize your compensation.

The Car Crash Captain lays it all out on what you can do at the time of the crash, and how your legal representation can use that information to ensure your settlement will fully cover your claim.

What is Distracted Driving?

Distracted driving is anything that takes your focus off the road (we cover a handful of the different distractions in one of our previous posts).  These distractions lead to hundreds of thousands of wrecks each year across the country, and result in nearly 10 fatal accidents every single day.  They are some of the most preventable injuries and deaths, if people would just focus on the road and not on something else.

Here are 6 of the many ways to prove the other driver was distracted at the time of the wreck.

  • Get a Police Report – The official police report will hold a lot of weight.  If it includes a line about how the at-fault driver was distracted, then it’s going to be hard for the other party to argue they were not actually distracted.
  • Track Down Witnesses – Witnesses can help support your case.  Some of those witnesses may have been in the vehicle with the other driver.  If they mention how the driver was on the phone, engaged in conversation, adjusting the radio, or anything else that distracted them, then you have testimony to distracted driving.
  • Cell Phone Records – If it comes down to it, your lawyer at Herbert Law Group can get cell phone records.  If those records show text messages or phone calls at the time of the wreck, it’s likely that the driver was using the phone at the time of the wreck.
  • Photo and Video Evidence – There are more than 7,200 cameras that monitor the Dallas, Texas area.  Some of them might capture your wreck with photo or video evidence.  Depending on the location, the camera may be able to see what was happening inside the at-fault driver’s vehicle.
  • Social Media Activity – If the other driver was distracted by posting or commenting on social media, the time stamp on that activity will coincide with the time of the wreck.
  • Accident Reconstruction – Your car wreck lawyer should be well versed in accident reconstruction.  This is where they take all the evidence into account, and show what exactly happened before, during, and after the crash.

There are other ways to help show that the offending party was distracted at the time of the wreck, however, if you can use some of these methods, then liability will most likely fall completely on the other driver.

Herbert Law Group is on Your Side

The best part about proving distraction is that you don’t have to go through the trouble of tracking down all of this information.

Herbert Law Group is here to ensure you find justice.  That means we’ll work hard to prove the other driver was distracted, and maximize the settlement you receive from the insurance company.  Instead of spending your time fighting with adjusters, you spend your time healing while we fight for you.

Let’s talk about what happened.  Call our offices at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form, and we’ll have a free conversation to determine how we can help.

5 Common Mistakes That Can Hurt Your Car Accident Claim

Your Car Accident Claim After a Texas Wreck

Don’t Shoot Yourself in the Foot, Know Before You Wreck

When you get into a car accident, there’s sort of a dance to follow.  Insurance companies are looking for anything they can to deny your claim, so knowing what to do beforehand is important so you don’t forget immediately following a wreck.  In fact, you might even put a note in your glove box next to your insurance card that says,

“Got in a wreck?  Call Herbert Law Group – 214-414-3808”

In the meantime, here are five tips from the Car Crash Captain on how you can help ensure your claim goes as smoothly as possible.

  1. Don’t Delay Medical Treatment – If you’re injured, you need to get treated.  If you’re not injured, you don’t get treated.  If you don’t go to the hospital and receive treatment for an injury sustained in the wreck, it looks like you weren’t injured in the wreck.  Even if you think the injuries are minor, irrational, non-existent, or otherwise not that important, still go to the hospital so you can get checked out.  There are often times when adrenaline is flowing that you don’t feel the injury until later.  Starting that documentation is essential.
  2. Don’t Admit Fault at the Scene – If you’re a genuinely kind person, you probably want to make sure the other person doesn’t feel bad after the wreck.  Even something like, “Don’t worry about it.” Or, “It’s okay.” Or, “I didn’t see you there!”  Can be interpreted as though you’re taking liability for the wreck.  Instead, just stick to the facts, especially when you’re going on the record (with police or anyone else recording a conversation of what happened).
  3. Don’t Forget to Gather Evidence – There are times when you’re too injured to gather evidence, if that’s the case hopefully someone else is helping you out.  If you aren’t debilitated, though, it’s imperative to take plenty of photos, videos (even “reconstruct” what happened verbally and video where the vehicles were coming from), get witness statements, make sure you have access to police reports, and anything else you can gather.  If witnesses are present get contact information, not just their statement.
  4. Don’t Speak to the Insurance Company – Insurance companies are in the business of making money.  They don’t make money if they pay out large claims.  That means they will do whatever they can to minimize your claim, or even deny it completely.  You will have to speak to them a little, but here’s an important sentence to remember, “I’m working with Herbert Law Group, all questions can be addressed to them.”
  5. Don’t Accept the First Settlement Offer – The first settlement offer is going to be the lowest amount the insurance company will think they can get away with.  Their goal is to settle quickly, clear it off the books, and move on.  They know that if you accept the settlement, then you can’t come back later if it’s not enough.  When you work with an attorney from Herbert Law Group, you’ll get expert guidance on what your claim is actually worth.

DO Talk to Herbert Law Group

Not following the above advice leads to the five most common mistakes that can hurt your car accident claim.  Do you know what will help it?  Yep, you guessed it, working with an expert car wreck lawyer in Texas like Herbert Law Group.

Let’s talk about what happened.  Call our offices at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site and we’ll reach out to you.  After our free initial conversation, we can figure out how we can help and what the next steps are.

Loud Music Causes Car Crashes

Loud Music Leads to Wrecks Texas Car Crash Lawyer

Your Stereo Could Lead to a Wreck

Have you ever been looking for an address, and you reach out to turn down the radio?  It’s not just an old person thing – there’s actually some science behind why we would instinctively minimize the noise as we’re trying to focus on something else.

If we turn off the music when we’re looking for an address, imagine how much more distracted we are when we crank up the tunes while driving.  Today, the Car Crash Captain looks into how loud music causes car crashes.

Turning up the Tunes Means Distracted Driving

Just the act of listening may not fall into the exact category of “distracted driving” as most people think of distracted as texting while driving.  But if you’re focusing on adjusting the radio, your eyes are off the road; you’re distracted from what’s going on.

The implications, however, go further than merely being distracted from seeing the road.

  • Concentration is Diminished – When your favorite song comes on, what do you do?  You belt out the lyrics of course!  When you’re concentrating on the song, even if your eyes are on the road, your brain is being pulled in multiple directions.  Even if you see an impending danger, it takes you a bit longer to process it as you are focusing on what the music is doing.
  • Reaction Time is Delayed – Driving while tired leads to delayed reaction time.  Driving impaired leads to delayed reaction time.  Driving while listening to loud music… also leads to a delayed reaction time.  A study done in the early 2000’s shows that your reaction time can be delayed by as much as 20% when listening to loud music.  That reduction in reaction is more than enough to cause a fatal crash.
  • Hearing is Impaired – Of course if the music is loud, you’re not going to be able to hear much else.  Does it really matter, though?  If you’re about to hit someone and they honk, you can’t hear their horn.  If you’re driving and an emergency vehicle is coming up blasting their siren, you might not be able to get out of the way quickly.
  • Mind is Elsewhere – When you hear your favorite comfort song, what do you do?  Often you close your eyes, sway with the music, maybe sing along a bit.  Of course, you can’t do two of those three actions while you’re driving.  Even closing your eyes to enjoy the melody for a second or two is enough to miss a major action on the roadway.

Your Music Can Distract Other Drivers

Texas law says your music shouldn’t be too loud.  How loud is too loud?  If you’re driving, and your music can be heard from more than 50 feet away, that music is too loud.  Not only is that dangerous because of the reasons we just listed, it’s also dangerous to other drivers.

Have you ever pulled up to a stop and felt your vehicle vibrate with the bass coming from someone else’s vehicle?  It’s often disconcerting and annoying, and you can’t wait to get away from them.  Now, however, your focus is off the road.  You’re trying to locate which vehicle is the loud one, determine which direction they’re heading, figure out if you need to speed up or slow down to get away from them.  This all takes your concentration off of what you should be doing: driving.

If you have your music cranked up loudly, you’re distracting other drivers who may be following the law – that distraction could cause them to crash.

Herbert Law Group is on Your Side

Insurance companies want to pay out the smallest claim settlement possible.  They have a lot of tactics to “encourage” you to settle quickly so you aren’t able to fully see what the financial implications of the wreck actually are.

We are experienced in dealing with insurance companies.  We know what your wreck is “worth” and we’ll fight for you to get what you actually need to heal from injuries sustained in a car wreck.

Let’s talk about what happened.  A free phone call lets us know exactly how we can help you, and we can get things started on the recovery process.  Call our offices at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site and we’ll reach out to you.

Eye Injuries from a Serious Car Accident

Eye injuries after a car wreck

The Most Common Eye Injuries after a Wreck

If you think about the injuries you might sustain after being involved in a car wreck, you probably don’t consider the eyes.  However, eye injuries are some of the most common – even when other major injuries aren’t present, the eyes can suffer.

The Car Crash Captain takes a look (pun intended) at what can happen to the eyes and how serious the issues can be following a serious car accident.

Types of Eye Injuries from a Wreck

Thinking about the eyes, we must consider the entire area.  Eye injuries aren’t just the eyeball itself, but the entire area, including the skin and bone surrounding the eyeball.

Bleeding in the Eye – The eyeball is actually hollow and filled with fluid.  When damage occurs inside the eye, it can fill with blood and impair vision.  Hyphema, when blood enters the anterior chamber (outside), can be visible as the whites of the eye turn red.  Vitreous hemorrhage, however, is bleeding in the space between the retina and the lens and can cause blurred vision, flashes of light, or floaters.

Retinal Detachment – The retina is at the back of the eye and captures the light coming in.  It’s responsible for converting light into images the brain can interpret.  Detachment causes flashes of light, floaters, blurred vision, shadows, and more.  A severe blow, such as striking the headrest, can cause detachment.

Black Eye – A black eye is an injury to the skin and tissue around the eyeball.  It’s a bruise in that general area.  Airbags or debris flying throughout the vehicle can cause them, and while they’re not dangerous by themselves, they could indicate more serious issues in the eye or brain.

Orbital Fracture – The eye sockets are surrounded by the orbital bones.  Due to their density and shape, they’re quite strong, and a break means you’ve hit your head hard on something during the wreck.  The fractures are difficult to repair, and often come with underlying eye and brain injuries as well.

Chemical Burns – The eyes are sensitive, and any leaking fluids inside the vehicle can cause burns to them.  Some chemicals can quickly do permanent damage that may lead to blindness.

Lacerations – Debris, including broken glass, can cut the human body.  Due to the delicate nature of the eyeball, this debris can easily lacerate the eye.  Eyelids help to protect the sensitive eyeball underneath, but they’re not overly strong and sharp objects can penetrate the eyelids.

Nerve Damage – Behind the eye are a set of optic nerves run the signals from the retina to the brain.  An injury inside the head, near the brain, can put pressure and strain on the optic nerves.  If they’re damaged, the eye might be working properly, but the brain is unable to receive the signal.

Why You Need Herbert Law Group When Injured

Eye injuries are serious business.  Often the damage doesn’t get detected right away, since the injury can be on the inside and not visible to someone inspecting the body.  If you’ve settled with the insurance company immediately following your wreck, you might not be fully taken care of for these injuries that arise later.

You need Herbert Law Group on your side.  We know how to deal with the insurance companies, we understand what situations could arise later in life, and we know that your compensation now needs to last until all complications are fully resolved.

Let’s talk about what happened, and come up with a plan of how we can help.  Call our offices at 214-414-2808, or fill out the contact form on our site, and we’ll be in touch with you for a free conversation.

How to Spot Distracted Drivers

Distracted Drivers Texas Car Crash Lawyer

Don’t Wait Until There’s a Wreck

Distracted driving is a big problem.  A study done by Car and Driver Magazine showed that texting or reading emails while driving actually delayed reaction times much longer than driving while intoxicated.  While drunk driving still claims more lives than distracted driving, driving while focused on anything except the road is still deadly.  Today, the Car Crash Captain is going to lay out some of the telltale signs of a distracted driver – remember, not all distractions come from a phone.

What are Distracted Drivers Doing?

The majority of distracted drivers are fiddling with their phones.  They’re texting, sending emails, Snapchatting, Tweeting, Instagraming, or a host of other things that one does with their cell phone instead of paying attention to their driving.  But it’s not just fiddling with the phone, distractions include:

  • Doing make-up or grooming
  • Talking or arguing with passengers
  • Messing with the radio or GPS
  • Eating and drinking
  • Tending to children
  • Picking up things that have been dropped
  • Anything that takes your focus off the road

These distractions may vary in how distracting they are, but the bottom line is when your entire focus isn’t on the road, you’re setting yourself up for a crash.

How to Spot Distracted Drivers

To spot those distracted drivers out there, watch for anything that doesn’t seem like smooth and consistent driving.

Delayed Reaction at Lights – At a red light people think it’s a great time to reply to a text.  But most light cycles only last 30-60 seconds and when it changes to green people are expected to go immediately.

Weaving and Drifting – When the focus isn’t on the road, vehicles tend to “wander” around the lane.  If you see a car swerving, they’re likely distracted or impaired.

Frequent Speed Changes – Speeding up quickly, slowing down below the speed limit, or varying often along the drive is a sign the driver isn’t paying attention.

Visibly Moving Around – There’s little reason another driver should be making large movements while driving.  If you can see them moving and reaching, they’re not focusing on the road as much as they should.

Near Misses – Hard braking when coming to a stop, nearly side-swiping another rig, wide (or close cut) turns, can all be signs that the driver isn’t watching what they’re doing.

Looking Down – It’s not hard to spot someone that’s constantly looking at their lap while sending a text.  They think they’re being sneaky, but they might as well hold the phone up high and at least get a peripheral view of the road.

No Turn Signals – Drivers that are distracted forget the basics of safe driving; including using their signals.

Anything Else “Off” – It’s easy to see a good driver.  They brake consistently with room to spare, they speed up steadily, they maintain their speed, signal, and don’t come close to hitting things.  If something doesn’t seem right, it probably isn’t.

What Happens if You See a Distracted Driver?

Distracted driving doesn’t mean on the phone.  Impaired driving doesn’t mean drunk.  Neither are safe, and you don’t want to be driving near someone that’s distracted, impaired, or even having a medical issue that causes them to lose control.

If you notice the telltale signs of someone not driving safely, keep your distance.  If something happens, you don’t want to be close to them.  Get in the other lane so if they slam on their brakes, you’re not right behind them.  Drive safely, don’t forget your basic driving skills while wondering why they forgot theirs.  Finally, don’t road rage.  Getting angry, honking, tailgating, or trying to get them to stop being distracted will only distract them further.

If things seem bad, or if you suspect impairment, contact law enforcement. Get a plate number, location, and vehicle description and call it in.  You could be preventing a fatal accident by speaking up.

How does Herbert Law Group Help with Distracted Driving Accidents?

If you don’t catch the signs, or you just don’t see the distracted driver before they slam into you, you need a car wreck lawyer on your side.

Herbert Law Group helps to protect the innocent victims of distracted driving accidents.  We’ll fight for you, so you receive compensation that covers your injuries and losses now, and anything that comes up later in life.

Let’s talk about what happened.  Call our offices at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site and we’ll contact you about your free consultation.

The Role of Technology When Proving Fault

Technology can help your Texas car wreck lawyer prove innocence

It’s No Longer Just Your Word Against Theirs

Technology has revolutionized countless aspects of our lives.  From how we wake up in the morning, to our entertainment, to work, and yes, even car accidents.  Dashcams and black boxes are quietly gathering data and evidence that can help determine fault in car accident cases.  The Car Crash Captain has the details on what you should know, so you can be protected in this world of ever-changing technology.

Dashcams – Your Heads-Up Perspective

We know the power of the dashcam.  Many of them record continuously from the time the vehicle is turned on, and saved automatically to the cloud.  Some of them automatically record when the vehicle is struck – starting 10 second before the vehicle is struck.

In Texas, this video evidence can be used to prove fault in a wreck.  There are a few things you should be aware of, though.  Including the fact that it can be used against you if you were the one at fault, you can’t record audio of your passengers without their consent, and the dashcam needs to be installed appropriately so it doesn’t block your view.

Black Boxes – Recording Your Vehicle’s Memory

We usually think of the black box when referring to airplane crashes.  That box that is virtually indestructible and contains all of the data for the trip is essential when determining just what went wrong.  It’s the same concept in a vehicle – a little computer called the Event Data Recorder (EDR) keeps track of all the things that happened leading up to the wreck.

Does your vehicle have one?  If you’re driving something made before 2013, it might not.  But virtually all vehicles manufactured after 2013 have an EDR, and that information can be essential to show that you were following the speed limit and tried to brake and avoid an accident.

Smartphones – Tracking Where You Are

There are apps for your phone that can act similarly to a black box.  They record data as you drive, but perhaps most importantly is they will help track your location.

If you have teenage drivers in your home, you know how important this is.  If they’re in a wreck, you want to be able to quickly locate them.  The apps can show when and where the crash happened, and add just one more piece to a puzzle that could become frustrating otherwise.

Surveillance Cameras – Not Just for Robbery

Did you know that Dallas has over 15,000 surveillance cameras?  These monitor everything from traffic, to weather, to all sorts of human activity.  They’re owned by municipalities (nearly every major city around the country has many thousands of these set up), and if they catch your wreck, they can provide a non-biased look at what happened.

While you can go through the process to request the footage of your wreck, it can be quite the process – especially if you have never done it before.  This is one of the areas where having a car wreck lawyer on your side helps tremendously.

Herbert Law Group – Your Partner in Finding Justice

Herbert Law Group helps accident victims in Texas receive justice.  In a world of technology, where insurance companies can end up low-balling your settlement offer, we are here to ensure you’re treated fairly.

Let’s chat about what happened and see how we can help you find justice.  Call our offices at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site and we’ll reach out to you.

Top Things to Know About Car Insurance Coverage

Confused about car insurance coverage texas personal injury lawyer

If You Wreck, Will You be Covered?

Car insurance coverage can be tricky; there are a lot of terms to understand and when those prices keep going up, it’s tempting to cut the coverage and save a few bucks.  In this article the Car Crash Captain lays out the important aspects of car insurance coverage, detailing what covers you and what covers others.

This isn’t comprehensive coverage of car insurance but a refresher to ensure you’re not accidentally missing something.  Be sure to talk with your insurance agent to make sure you’re getting the best deal, and the best coverage.

Liability Only vs Full Coverage

If you ask someone what kind of coverage they have on their vehicle, they’ll tell you either liability only, or full coverage.  Beyond that, most people don’t really know what their coverage entails.  Even more so, many of people don’t even know what these terms actually mean.

Liability only means that if you’re in a wreck, and you’re at fault, the liability transfers to the insurance company – you’re not liable for what happens up to a certain amount (for damages to the other person; it does not cover your own damages).  The minimum legally allowed limits are still pretty low in Texas; $30,000 (per person, up to $60,000 per accident) for injuries and $25,000 for property damage.  That means if you hit someone and total their $80,000 truck and cause $50,000 in injuries – you’ll personally be liable to make up the amount above what your coverage limits state.  Liability doesn’t cover any damage to your own vehicle.

Full coverage includes liability as well as comprehensive and collision coverages – these kick in to help repair or replace your own vehicle if something happens and you’re deemed at fault.

Comprehensive and Collision Cover Costs

These two can get a little confusing, because there’s some overlap in how we process through them.

Comprehensive coverage kicks in when you can’t quite comprehend how or why your vehicle is damaged.  If you park outdoors, and get hit with a hail storm, your comprehensive coverage pays to have your rig fixed.  If a tree falls on your car, comprehensive kicks in.  Theft, vandalism, and even striking a wild animal on the road – all covered with the comprehensive part of your policy (there may be exclusions, so talk with your agent to ensure everything’s covered).

Collision coverage kicks in when you collide with something (except for wild animals – that’s the overlap bit we mentioned).  If you’re driving and you hit another vehicle, a curb, a tree, a building, or really just about anything else – and you’re found at fault – the collision coverage kicks in to have your vehicle repaired (liability will kick in to repair the other party’s property).

You are, however, on the hook for your deductible; we’ll cover that soon.

Uninsured, Underinsured, Otherwise Insured?

In Texas, insurers are required to offer uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage, but the buyer can decline it.  It’s tempting to save a little money by passing on this coverage, but it’s definitely not something you want to skip out on.

These coverages help pay for your hospital bills if you’re hit by a driver that doesn’t have insurance, or bought the cheapest policy possible and your injuries exceed their limits.  Considering that at least 20% of Texas drivers go without insurance (that’s 1 in every 5 cars you pass on the road, so hundreds or thousands every single day), you definitely need this car insurance coverage.

There’s one big misconception.  These coverages normally only cover injuries – they don’t do anything to help repair or replace your property.  To cover your vehicle’s damage, you generally need uninsured/underinsured motorist property damage coverage (UMPD), which you may need to request specifically, as it is not always included automatically.

Medical Payments or Personal Injury Protection?

Medical payment (MedPay) and Personal Injury Protection (PIP) are not required by Texas law, but they might be a good idea to keep on your policy.

MedPay helps to cover hospital expenses to you, or your passengers, regardless of fault.  While the liability coverage should kick in, if things get tangled up in court determining who is at fault, those medical bills can rack up for quite some time before anything is resolved.  Read more about MedPay and what kind of coverage you might need.

PIP helps cover other expenses – such as lost wages, additional expenses incurred because of the wreck, modifications to the home, etc.  Like MedPay, it just kicks in and pays even if your case hasn’t fully been settled yet. Read more about PIP and what kind of coverage you might need.

How You Pay: Deductibles and Premiums

Finally, let’s talk money.

You pay for your insurance and repairs two ways: through premiums and deductibles.

Your premiums are the regular payments you make to maintain your car insurance coverage.  Any time you add coverage or increase limits, the premiums go up (because the more the insurance company might pay out, the more they have to charge for taking on your risk).  Premiums have a host of factors including your age, the value of the vehicle, driving history, credit score, and more – not all insurance companies treat these factors equally, which is why it’s often a good idea to get quotes from multiple reputable companies.

The deductible is the amount that you have to pay if your comprehensive or collision coverages are used.  So, if you crash into a tree, and there is $10,000 worth of damage to your vehicle, and your deductible is $500, then you pay $500 and the insurance company pays $9,500.  You can lower your premiums if you increase the deductible – it might be worthwhile to see if a $250 deductible is worth paying extra vs a $500 or $1,000 deductible.

Some insurers offer premium discounts, so be sure to ask what you can do to maximize those.

Herbert Law Group is on Your Side After a Wreck

There are many (many) more terms and moving pieces to your insurance policy; your best course of action is to discuss it with your insurance agent to find the right mix that fits your budget.

If you are in a wreck, and you were the victim, then it’s the other party’s insurance that will kick in and take care of things.  Their policy should repair or replace your vehicle, and their policy should cover your hospital bills, lost wages, modifications to your home, and emotional damages.

Most of the time, their insurance doesn’t want to pay out.  They’ll offer settlements that are far below what you really need, and if you accept, then you end up losing out.  That’s why you need Herbert Law Group.

We are on your side.  We will fight to ensure you get the maximum compensation allowed, so you can focus on recovering instead of fighting for justice.  Let’s chat about what happened and see how we can help.  Call our offices at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site and we’ll be in touch.

Navigating Emotional Trauma After a Texas Car Wreck

Emotional trauma after a Texas car wreck

Finding Your Way Despite the Trauma

After a Texas car wreck, there’s a lot of aftermath to deal with.

There’s the property damage that needs attended to.  Wrecked cars, road damage, and possibly structural damage too.

There are physical injuries that need nursed back to health.  Anything from bumps and bruises to broken bones and traumatic brain injury.

But what many people tend to neglect, is the emotional trauma that can linger for months, or even years.  These hidden injuries are passed over, ignored, and often left untreated.  The Car Crash Captain has some insights, and some advice on how you can best deal with trauma if you’ve been involved in a wreck.

Signs and Symptoms of Emotional Trauma After a Wreck

After a wreck, PTSD is commonly endured.  The trauma of the wreck can cause flashbacks and painful experiences for months or years to come.

These thoughts are considered intrusive.  They can take over and debilitate those who have been through this painful time.

Anxiety creeps in.  Those who were once confident drivers are now anxious behind the wheel.  They drive slower not wanting to take any risks.  If left unchecked, this anxiety can compound and make it difficult, or even impossible, to drive at all.

Isolation and sleep disturbance can be a symptom.  Usually these are accompanied by deepening depression.  Thoughts of suicide can form as the victim goes through periods of “what if” scenarios.

Angry outbursts can be an outward display of the emotional trauma that is going on inside.  As the mind can’t keep up with the thoughts, lashing out at friends and loved ones is a sign that something deeper is going on inside.

How to Get Help for Emotional Trauma

Emotional trauma rarely goes away on its own.  The outward appearances may wane, but the trauma is merely pushed down inside and ignored.  The only way to truly deal with it is through professional help.

Therapy can be part of that professional help.  There are numerous therapy methods, each person responds differently to each one.  The hard part is finding which therapy method is the best for you, and which will help you recover from your traumatic experience in the safest and most complete way.

Rely on loved ones.  Accept help.  Stay active, and attend your appointments regularly.  Over time the symptoms will fade as you efficiently deal with the trauma through the help of your doctors.

Why Working with Herbert Law Group is Important

After a wreck, it’s easy to see most of the damages.  The car needs replaced and injuries that require hospitalization have bills attached to them.  Lost wages can be calculated, and physical therapy is easy to pay for.

What most insurance companies rely on is the fact that many people don’t consider the emotional trauma after a Texas car wreck.  Their settlement usually won’t include payment for therapy that could last for years.  Hurrying you into accepting a lower settlement that what you really need allows them to pay out less than an adequate amount.

Herbert Law Group understands what’s going on.  We have dealt with a lot of wrecks, and we know the entire process that you’ll go through.  We will fight for compensation that fully covers your needs.

If you have been in a wreck, or your loved one was killed in one, let’s get started on recovering a settlement that’s fully in your favor.  It all begins with a simple call that lets us know what happened, and we can determine how to help you.  Contact our offices at 214-414-3808, or fill out the form on our site and we’ll get in touch with you.

Car Seat Safety – Protect Your Precious Cargo

Car seat safety texas car wreck lawyer

Is Your Car Seat Properly Installed for your Summer Trips?

Summer is well underway and you’ve likely hit the road a time or two already.  If you have little ones, are you certain their car seats are installed properly?

The CDC reports that properly using a car seat reduced the risk for injury by as much as 82% (compared to using just the seat belt).  With that in mind, it’s also important to have the car seat installed, and used, properly.  The Car Crash Captain has rounded up a handful of tips to ensure that your young ones aren’t just strapped in, they’re strapped in properly.

Proper Use of Car Seats and Booster Seats

Before we dive into this, we have to make sure that the seat you’re using is in good working order.  Did you know that car seats expire?  From the date of manufacture, the seat will reach the end of its lifespan in 7 to 10 years (earlier if it has been involved in a wreck or otherwise damaged).  You can learn about how to find the date and more on the Graco website.

Make Sure It’s Secured Properly

Some reports say as many as half of all car seats aren’t secured properly inside the vehicle.  When this happens, the child can be in as much – possibly more – danger than if they were just using the seatbelt.

Vehicles made since 2003 have the LATCH system to help secure car seats in place.  But what’s often missed is the tether strap – it wraps up over the back seat to help ensure the car seat isn’t going to move much if an accident occurs.

Harness Chest Clip and Shoulder Straps at the Right Height

Even if the seat is installed and secured properly, the child must be installed and secured properly too.  This means adjusting the clips and the straps so they’re positioned on the body to hold the precious cargo securely.

The chest clip should be level with the armpits and in the middle of the chest.  For rear-facing children, the straps should be at or just below, the shoulders – those facing forward the straps go at, or just above, the shoulders.

Put your Child in the Right Sized Car Seat

There are a lot of options out there for car seats.  They range from a simple and cheap booster seat, on up to something that looks more suitable for a space launch than a trip to the grocery store.

The best way to choose is to measure and weigh your child, then find the seat that will accommodate him or her.  Sometimes it’s worth spending a little more money early on to get an adjustable seat that will “grow” with your child than to swap them out and replace completely.

Think Twice About a Second-hand Seat

When you’re on a budget, and let’s face it, most new parents are on a budget, you’re always looking for deals.  That seat that’s $100 in the store and at a garage sale for $20 sounds like a way to save money (that will ultimately be spent on diapers), so why not?

The problem is that you don’t know the seat’s history.  You can certainly look and see that it hasn’t expired, but was it in an accident?  Was it dropped?  Are there missing parts, has a defect, recalled?  Even if it’s structurally sound, was it cleaned after diaper blowouts?

Inheriting a seat from a close friend or family member is one thing, but it’s usually best to pass on the seats purchased used.

Consider Clothing When Buckling

Summer is here, and we’re all in single layers of clothing.  But when winter rolls around, your child will likely put on a sweater at least – and perhaps a huge puffy coat, hat, gloves, and thick boots.  Strapping them into the seat while bundled up can make the seat less effective.

Bulky clothing won’t allow the straps to be tightened completely.  Loose straps means that your child isn’t fully secured, and could be injured or killed in a wreck.  Those clothing won’t help pad the child either – a hard bump onto the concrete will hurt just as badly.

A better idea is to ensure the vehicle has warmed enough that you can comfortably ride without wearing the bulk.

Rear Facing is Safer

Statistics show that while facing toward the back, a child is five times less likely to sustain a severe injury.  But it’s tempting to turn them around when they hit 2-years-old so they can see what’s going on and have room for their legs.

Kids, however, don’t really care about facing forward unless you make a big deal about it.  And their legs are loose and limber – unlike our creaky old legs that start to get sore if we sit with them crossed for more than a couple of minutes at a time.

Keep them facing toward the back all the way up until age 4 to be on the safe side.

Herbert Law Group Helps Families After Wrecks

It’s daunting traveling with children – especially your first one and the first trip back from the hospital.  But did you know that you can take your car seat to the fire station and ask them to double check and ensure it’s installed properly?  There’s no charge for the service and most fire fighters are happy to help out.

If you have been involved in a car wreck, and you or your family member was injured or killed – in a properly secured and used car seat or not – we’re here to help.

Herbert Law Group wants to alleviate some of the stress you’re feeling.  Leave the insurance and legal stuff up to use, and you focus on healing.  Let’s start with a free conversation to find out what happened.  Reach our offices at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site and we’ll be in touch.

Sharing the Road with Cyclists

texas car wreck lawyer cyclists follow rules of the road

How to Drive Nice so Everyone Arrives Safely

There are a handful of people who give an entire group a bad name.  There are those cyclists who act entitled, and make it so a lot of drivers don’t like cyclists as a whole.  But at the same time, there are motorists who act smug, and make it so a lot of cyclists don’t like motorists as a whole.

Understanding the laws and rights as a motorist and a cyclist can help everyone to ride together in harmony, and allow everyone to arrive safely and without incident.  Let’s check in with the Car Crash Captain and see what the laws are for those riding a bicycle.

What is Considered to be a Bicycle?

With all of the latest advancements in personalized transportation devices, it can be difficult to really understand what constitutes a bicycle.

Essentially, a bicycle is a vehicle that is operated by human power; the exception being electric bicycles and mopeds (they’re kind of hybrids).  What is not considered to be a bicycle would be devices like hoverboards and one-wheels.

It’s important to know that bicycles are considered to be vehicles.  And thus, they have to follow the same rules as other vehicles.

What Laws and Rules must Cyclists Follow?

Cyclists have to follow the same rules as motor vehicles, in fact they have all the same rights and duties as vehicle operators.  That includes stopping at all stop signs and red lights, yielding the right-of-way, signaling their turns, and riding on the street (not the sidewalk).

Bicycles have to go in the same direction as traffic (you can’t whip down a one-way street because it’s easier – unless you get off your bike and walk while pushing it on the sidewalk).  Cyclists need to ride near the curb so motor vehicles can overtake them safely, but in most cases, they are allowed to take the full lane when necessary.

Laws state that you have to ride with at least one hand on the handlebars (two is better, unless signaling), only one rider per saddle (tandem bikes, obviously, have two seats or saddles), ride single file (you can ride two abreast if you’re not impeding traffic), have the proper reflectors or lights, and working brakes.

In most cases, riding near the curb, signaling turns, and following the rules of the road are going to make you a pleasant bike rider that motor vehicle operators won’t get mad at.

signaling bicycle rider car wreck lawyer texas

What Laws and Rules must Motorists Follow?

Motorists, obviously, must follow the rules of the road.  Most of us know these rules, and we were trained in our driver’s education classes how to operate on roadways.  Often, however, we’re not trained on how to deal with bicyclists.

When sharing the road, know that cyclists have just as much of a right to use the roadway as those driving motor vehicles.

However, it’s important to know that in a car vs. bicycle collision, things almost never fare well for the cyclist.  Even if they’re in the wrong, your vehicle will do far more damage to them than they will to you.  So be aware that not all cyclists know the rules of the road, they may not yield, and they may think they have special rights and privileges.  It’s not worth taking a human life just to be right.

Yield, when necessary, give grace if they don’t yield, and understand that most cyclists don’t want to be on a road with speeding vehicles, but often there aren’t other choices.

When we all act as the bigger person, then things will progress much more smoothly in the world.

Visit with Herbert Law Group if You’ve been Injured in a Car Wreck

Have you been injured in a wreck?  Whether that wreck was caused by a cyclist, a motorist, a trucker, or someone else, the road to recovery can be long.

That’s why Herbert Law Group is here.  We’ll take the stress of dealing with insurance companies and all the legal mumbo jumbo off your plate.  You focus on healing; we’ll focus on helping you receive compensation that will truly help compensate you after your wreck.

Let’s talk about what happened.  Call our offices at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site and we’ll reach out to you.