The Role of Technology When Proving Fault

Technology can help your Texas car wreck lawyer prove innocence

It’s No Longer Just Your Word Against Theirs

Technology has revolutionized countless aspects of our lives.  From how we wake up in the morning, to our entertainment, to work, and yes, even car accidents.  Dashcams and black boxes are quietly gathering data and evidence that can help determine fault in car accident cases.  The Car Crash Captain has the details on what you should know, so you can be protected in this world of ever-changing technology.

Dashcams – Your Heads-Up Perspective

We know the power of the dashcam.  Many of them record continuously from the time the vehicle is turned on, and saved automatically to the cloud.  Some of them automatically record when the vehicle is struck – starting 10 second before the vehicle is struck.

In Texas, this video evidence can be used to prove fault in a wreck.  There are a few things you should be aware of, though.  Including the fact that it can be used against you if you were the one at fault, you can’t record audio of your passengers without their consent, and the dashcam needs to be installed appropriately so it doesn’t block your view.

Black Boxes – Recording Your Vehicle’s Memory

We usually think of the black box when referring to airplane crashes.  That box that is virtually indestructible and contains all of the data for the trip is essential when determining just what went wrong.  It’s the same concept in a vehicle – a little computer called the Event Data Recorder (EDR) keeps track of all the things that happened leading up to the wreck.

Does your vehicle have one?  If you’re driving something made before 2013, it might not.  But virtually all vehicles manufactured after 2013 have an EDR, and that information can be essential to show that you were following the speed limit and tried to brake and avoid an accident.

Smartphones – Tracking Where You Are

There are apps for your phone that can act similarly to a black box.  They record data as you drive, but perhaps most importantly is they will help track your location.

If you have teenage drivers in your home, you know how important this is.  If they’re in a wreck, you want to be able to quickly locate them.  The apps can show when and where the crash happened, and add just one more piece to a puzzle that could become frustrating otherwise.

Surveillance Cameras – Not Just for Robbery

Did you know that Dallas has over 15,000 surveillance cameras?  These monitor everything from traffic, to weather, to all sorts of human activity.  They’re owned by municipalities (nearly every major city around the country has many thousands of these set up), and if they catch your wreck, they can provide a non-biased look at what happened.

While you can go through the process to request the footage of your wreck, it can be quite the process – especially if you have never done it before.  This is one of the areas where having a car wreck lawyer on your side helps tremendously.

Herbert Law Group – Your Partner in Finding Justice

Herbert Law Group helps accident victims in Texas receive justice.  In a world of technology, where insurance companies can end up low-balling your settlement offer, we are here to ensure you’re treated fairly.

Let’s chat about what happened and see how we can help you find justice.  Call our offices at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site and we’ll reach out to you.