What Makes an Injury “Catastrophic”?
Every fifteen seconds someone is injured in a car accident.
Every thirteen and a half minutes someone is killed in a car accident.
Those statistics seem pretty daunting, but keep in mind that if you don’t drive under the influence, mind the speed limit, and use your seatbelt, your risks go way down.
But there are always those factors outside of your control. Even though there are many crashes that don’t result in injury, there are a number that result in what is known as catastrophic injury. It’s a term that many of us don’t fully understand, so let’s hear what the Car Crash Captain has to say about catastrophic injuries.
What Defines Catastrophic Injuries?
There’s a rather simple definition for catastrophic injuries. But as we know, simple can be cause for open interpretation. When it comes down to it, you need a car wreck lawyer to help you navigate the waters so insurance companies don’t downplay the serious nature of these injuries.
A catastrophic injury is any injury that causes permanent disability, or disrupts a major bodily function.
As you can see that definition leaves things open to interpretation. A broken toe can cause you to walk with a limp, but it likely doesn’t meet the criteria for a catastrophic injury.
Examples of Catastrophic Injuries
To clear things up a bit, let’s go through a handful of examples of what could happen after a car wreck. These examples are generally considered to be catastrophic injuries, and cause a diminished quality of life for those who sustain them.
- Loss of one or more senses
- Limb amputation
- Severe burns
- Organ damage
- Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)
- Spinal cord injuries
With any of these injuries it’s easy to see that the victim will have to dramatically change how he or she lives after the wreck.
What to do if You, or a Loved One, Sustain such an Injury
Immediately following any wreck that involves injury, seek medical attention.
If your loved one has sustained a catastrophic injury, they won’t want to refuse medical attention. There will likely be surgeries, hospital stays, medical treatments, and specialty medical devices necessary. While your loved one is undergoing treatment, your next step is to contact a personal injury lawyer.
Insurance companies will pay for the property damage, and likely they will pay for the bulk of the medical treatment.
But there’s going to be a lot more financial stress following an accident like this. Your loved one might not ever work again. Your home might need to be modified to accommodate diminished movement abilities, there will be ongoing treatment and therapy, and you may end up suffering emotionally as well.
It’s going to take far more than the insurance company is offering to ensure that you and your loved one can live a life of some normalcy.
Herbert Law Group is on Your Side After a Wreck
Personal injury lawyers are on your side after a wreck. The goal is to make sure that you get the treatment you need, without the financial worry that comes with it.
Don’t try to take it all on yourself. Let the experts at Herbert Law Group handle the insurance and legal aspects while you handle the intensive healing that comes after a major injury.
Call us at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site, and we’ll be in touch for your free initial consultation.