Defensive Driving Techniques – Proactively Prevent Car Wrecks

Defensive Driving in Texas to avoid a car wreck

Avoid the Wreck and Skip the Pain

The easiest recovery is the one you don’t have to make.  If you’re using defensive driving, you will be more likely to see the potential danger before you’re upon it, and you’ll be able to avoid the wreck all together.  But it’s been a long time since many of us took driver’s ed, and even then, they don’t teach a whole lot of defensive driving in those classes.

So, let’s check in with the Car Crash Captain, and learn some of the most important defensive driving techniques that could save your life on the upcoming road trip season.

What is Defensive Driving?

Defensive driving is the opposite of aggressive driving.  You know those types, they’re weaving in and out of traffic, taking risks, usually speeding, and over all they’re the “maniacs” on the road.

Those who drive defensively aren’t just puttering along going way too slow and causing a hazard, though.  Defensive driving is all about knowing the risks, spotting hazards, understanding what’s going on, and ultimately being prepared for whatever comes your way.

6 Techniques that May Save Your Life

Many of the defensive driving techniques seem to be common sense when we sit down and review them.  But we have all seen those road-ragers out there – common sense goes out the window when most people get behind the wheel.

  • Know the Road Conditions – Defensive driving starts before you leave the house.  Know the weather, know where the construction is, know if traffic will be heavy and congested or light, know if you’re likely to encounter debris.
  • Follow Safely – During ideal road conditions, you should follow at least three-seconds behind the car ahead of you.  You can quickly and easily see how far behind you are by watching as the other vehicle’s shadow passes road markings, then counting off the seconds in your head.  Increase this distance in the dark, on wet roads, and on icy roads.
  • Scan Ahead – You should always be scanning the road ahead (and to the sides if there is cross traffic).  Making a mental note of any potential hazards helps to keep you safe.  How far ahead do you look?  Reports vary, but 12 to 15 seconds ahead should give you plenty of lead time in case evasive action is necessary.  At 45mph, 15 seconds is nearly 1,000 feet ahead.
  • Brake Early – If you’re following safely and you’re adequately scanning the road ahead of you, you’ll be able to see when traffic is slowing or stopping.  Braking early lets those behind you have more time to slow themselves down instead of everyone jamming on the brakes suddenly.
  • Drive without Distractions – This is a no-brainer these days.  Put the phone away, and focus on the road.  It’s a simple concept that can save thousands of lives every year.
  • Know Your Escape – Wherever you are, know how to escape from danger.  Be aware of those open paths to get away from anything that could happen, and leave an opening so you can move out of the way if traffic has slowed or stopped.

Visit with Herbert Law Group if You’ve been Injured

Even the safest drivers are prone to the misfortune of reckless drivers on the roads.  If you have been injured, or a loved on has been killed, due to someone else’s negligence, then we should talk about what happened, and determine a way that Herbert Law Group can help.

Most insurance companies aren’t going to offer a settlement that is sufficient to your losses.  We’ll help show that you deserve more, and encourage them to make the right choice.

It all starts with a free conversation.  Call our offices at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site, and we’ll reach out to you shortly.

How to Drive Safely at Night

night driving texas car wreck lawyer

Far More Fatal Accidents Happen After Dark

There are certain times of the day that are more dangerous to drive.  We know that rush hour – the morning and evening commutes – tend to lead to more wrecks.  Despite less traffic, the most dangerous time to drive is actually during the night.  In fact, a study from Penn State suggests that driving at night is three times more dangerous than driving during the day.  Over 50% of fatal car wrecks occur during the night despite the fact that just 25% of driving occurs after the sun sets.

Let’s have the Car Crash Captain fill us in on why it’s so dangerous to drive at night, and what we can do to ensure our safety on the roads after dark.

Why is Driving at Night so Deadly?

When you hit the road, you should be well prepared.  However, life tends to throw some things at us that we can’t entirely prepare for.  While we intend to only drive when conditions are ideal, we can end up on the road during more dangerous times.  When that happens, we can still do our best to drive safely.

Poor Visibility Leads to Nighttime Wrecks

One of the leading factors in wrecks after dark is simply that humans can’t see very well at night.  Of course we have headlights on our vehicles, and many areas have street lights installed to help alleviate the problem, but no artificial light will ever be quite as good as the sunlight.

Even great drivers are at the risk of another motorist not being able to see them as they cruise down the streets.

What can we do?  As individuals, the safest way to prevent an after-dark car wreck is to simply not drive around after dark.  That, however, is not entirely feasible, especially in the winter months when the sun sets quite a bit earlier than in the summer.

Government entities can do better by increasing the light on high traffic roadways.  Tall street lights that cast light evenly have been show to help reduce the number of wrecks.  Ensuring reflectors and road markings aren’t worn out are also ways to increase visibility.

Being Tired Leads to Wrecks After Dark

Humans are made for the light.  Not only do our eyes perform better when it’s light out, our brains function better throughout the day as well.  Even those accustomed to the night shift will have an instinctual longing to sleep at night and be awake throughout the daytime.

Because of this, our bodies “know” that when it gets dark out, it’s time to hunker down and sleep.  The longer the night drags on, we get more and more tired.  At a certain point, we are driving around so tired that our reaction times are worse than those driving while drunk.

What can we do?  Get plenty of sleep so if you have to drive after dark, you can stay alert.  Sometimes there is no choice, and late-night driving is essential.  Planning appropriately helps ensure we are doing our best to avoid a wreck.  Even if you’re not the at-fault driver, being alert can help avoid someone else driving negligently.

Impaired Driving Leads to Wrecks at Night

Most people drink alcohol, or use drugs, later in the day.  There certainly are some that are drinking in the morning, or throughout the day, but the bulk of indulgence occurs in the evening and into the night.

The number one way to prevent a drunk driving accident is to not drive while drunk.

However, that doesn’t mean sober people won’t be hit by a drunk driver.  In Texas, bars have to stop serving at 2AM.  Driving in the hour before, or after, this time can be some of the most dangerous, and should be avoided if possible.

What can we do?  Don’t drive while under the influence, of course.  Drive defensively after dark, especially near areas with a larger number of bars.  Keep an eye out for those who might be driving erratically – call them in if you suspect a drunk driver.

Visit with the Car Crash Captain if You’ve been in a Wreck

No matter how safely we drive, other people won’t hold themselves to the same standards.  If you have been injured in a wreck where you weren’t at fault, or if your family member was killed due to a negligent driver, then we need to talk!

Contact the Car Crash Captain by calling the office at 214-414-3808.  Or fill out our contact form and we’ll reach out to you.  We’ll start with a free call to learn what happened, and then learn how we can help.

Your Tires, Brakes, and Fluids can Lead to a Car Wreck

Texas car wreck vehicle maintenance

Prevent a Car Wreck with Regular Maintenance

One of the best ways to prevent a wreck is to make sure that your vehicle is well maintained.  The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) says that as many as 20% of all wrecks are caused by failure to maintain a vehicle.  When there are over 40,000 traffic fatalities each year, that suggests 8,000 lives could be saved with proper vehicle maintenance.

Let’s let the Car Crash Captain dig in and see what we can do to ensure our own vehicles are operating properly.

The Top Three Neglected Maintenance Issues

There are certainly more things that could go wrong with your vehicle as you’re driving.  However, these three are the leading causes on traffic accidents.  Like they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure – make sure you’re not causing someone else misfortune and grief.

  • Tires and Tread – Worn tires are a huge issue on the road.  In fact, Consumer Reports estimates as many as 50% of vehicles on the road are running on tires that are too worn to operate safely.  While worn, or bald, tires may not seem to be an issue when the roads are clean and dry, they become a huge issue when debris, rain, snow, or ice cover them.  After a snow storm, we spoke with an auto repair company in Montana, they said nearly every single car that came into the shop in the past few days had tires that were too far worn.

What to look for?  If the tread depth on your tires is 1/16 inch, or less, it’s time to replace them.  You can use a penny for this test, insert the penny into the tread and if you see the top of Abe’s head, it’s time to replace.

  • Brakes and Pads – There’s more to the brakes than just the pads; however, that is the part that tends to wear out the fastest.  Any modern brake pad will have wear indicators so you know when it’s time to get them replaced.  These indicators are little pieces of metal that will rub against the rotor when the pads are approaching the end of their life.  Most shops anymore won’t just swap out the pads – you replace the rotors as well and get the rest of the parts inspected in case they’re reaching the end of their lifespan.

What to look for?  Really, it’s what to listen for: if you hit the brakes and hear an awful grinding metal-on-metal squeak or chirp, it’s time to get your brakes tuned up.

  • Fluids and Lube – Your vehicle operates because of a complex network of machine parts and fluids.  Most know that engine oil is necessary – skip the oil changes and your engine will eventually overheat, seize up, or even combust.  But other fluids, like transmission and brake fluids, need changed regularly as well.  These don’t need as much service as engine oil – every 45,000 miles or so (check the details on your own make and model).  If your brake fluid is too low, it’s going to be hard to stop; if your transmission fluid is too low, the vehicle will struggle to shift gears.

What to look for?  If you notice signs of low fluids or lube, it’s too late.  Instead, keep a journal or set reminders on your calendar to change the oil every 3,000 to 5,000 miles, and to get a full fluid service every 30,000 to 45,000 miles.

Herbert Law Group Helps Accident Victims Receive Compensation

If you forget to maintain your vehicle, and you cause a wreck you will be the at-fault driver.  However, if someone else is about to crash into you, and you haven’t maintained your vehicle, you might not be able to avoid a wreck.

It’s easier to avoid a wreck, than it is to fight for compensation – especially if you have been injured.

No matter how much preparation is done, there are still times when bad drivers interrupt our lives.  If you have been injured in a Texas car wreck, then you need Herbert Law Group on your side.  Call our offices at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site and we’ll reach out to you.  Let’s find out what happened, and figure out how we can help.

Sneaky Insurance Company Tactics after a Wreck

Sneaky Insurance Company Tactics

Legal Ways Insurance Companies Deny Claims

Insurance companies are in the business of collecting premiums.  To ensure they make a profit each year, they minimize the amount of money paid out in claims.  This means if you file a legitimate claim, one where you’re entitled to compensation, there are sneaky tactics they’ll employ to weasel out of their responsibilities.

Today, the Car Crash Captain tells us about these methods, so you know what to expect.  Of course, as soon as possible after the wreck you should have Herbert Law Group take over so you can focus on healing.

Sneaky Insurance Company Tactics

To start off, not every insurance company will try this every time.  And, the folks you talk to on the phone are just doing their job – they’re not your enemy and don’t deserve anger taken out on them.  We are holding the company as a whole accountable to do what’s right.

Pressuring You to Settle Your Claim Quickly – When met with a claim, the company knows they’ll have to pay something.  They will quickly throw together a settlement offer that looks like it will meet your needs.  They then explain that the offer is only good for a limited time, and you should act now so you can take advantage of the great offer.  The sneak is that they want you to think if you don’t accept that offer, you get nothing.  The truth is that most claims won’t expire; your lawyer can negotiate better offers.

Confuse and Delay – When you don’t accept the first settlement, the next sneaky insurance company tactic is to confuse and delay.  They’ll go through the fine print of your policy, and try to make you second guess what happened.  Was this during a felony?  Were you speeding?  Intoxicated?  Take your eyes off the road for a second?  Driving in the day?  Driving at night?  The sneak is to confuse you and hope you’ll accept their initial settlement offer.  If you don’t accept that one, they can at least delay paying as long as possible.

Recording Your Statements – To use a recorded statement, the company has to inform you before recording.  Normally they will say something like, “This call is being recorded for quality and training purposes.”  They then ask questions about your wreck and how you are recovering.  A statement as simple as, “I’m doing well, thanks.”  Can be misconstrued to show that you’re not actually injured.  The sneak is using your own statements out of context to diminish the value of your claim.  Instead, the only phrase you need to say is, “I’m working with Herbert Law Group, any questions can be directed to my attorney.”

Lowballing Estimates for Damage and Medical Expenses – Your first settlement offer will almost always be a lowball estimate.  That lowball estimate is combined with another tactic in hopes that you accept the offer and they can clear the claim off their books.  The sneak is that once you accept the settlement you can’t come back later and claim more – even if you deserved more and need more to fully cover your medical expenses.  Herbert Law Group knows what a claim is actually worth, and will argue on your behalf so you receive a larger settlement.

Request for Documentation – Documentation requests aren’t really sneaky by themselves.  The company will, after all, need the proper documents to process your claim.  There are times, however, that an insurance company will ask for more documentation than necessary.  The sneak is that they’re trying to find something, anything, that can be used against you.  Your Texas car crash lawyer will know what documents are reasonable, and refuse to provide anything that’s not necessary for the case.

Don’t Fight Alone, Let Herbert Law Group Fight for You

There are plenty more sneaky insurance company tactics out there, but there’s only one tactic you need to know to avoid being legally swindled.

Your tactic is to enlist the help of Herbert Law Group, so you don’t have to worry about anything.  We will handle the insurance company, the settlement, and all of the legal stuff.  What you handle is recovering from your injuries.

Let’s talk about what happened and get a plan together.  Call us at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site, and we’ll get your free initial consultation scheduled.

How Much is a Human Limb Worth?

How much is a limb worth after a Texas car wreck

Some Car Accidents Result in Loss of Limbs

A traumatic car wreck often results in severe injuries, such as the loss of a limb.  Those injuries will dramatically change your life, and while no amount of money will regrow that arm or leg – money will help you through therapy, specialized equipment, and more.  But how much is that limb worth?  What sort of compensation will you receive if you are dismembered during a traumatic care wreck?

The Car Crash Captain dives into this topic, and has come to the conclusion that it all depends.  Let’s see what you can do to ensure you’re compensated fairly if this traumatic injury ever happens to you.

Compensation isn’t Strictly Based on the Severity of Injuries

It’s true that the more severe the injury, the more you will receive in compensation.  But that is not the only factor that comes into play.

A traumatic brain injury may be a severe injury that results in extreme changes in your lifestyle.  Some who suffer from these injuries require 24-hour care for the rest of their lives.  That severe injury means they would need to be compensated at a higher rate than someone who broke their arm.

However, there’s more to it than that.  How do we determine the severity of losing a leg below the knee as compared to at the knee?  Is an arm worth less than a leg?  A finger more than a toe?  If you lost your pinky toe would you be in less pain than if you lost your pointer finger?

More severe injuries usually result in higher compensation, but we also have to look at other variables.

We can Look at State and National Average for these Cases

If you are injured in a wreck, you aren’t going to be the first person that is injured in a similar manner.  In fact, there are so many injuries, every single year, that we can get a really good feel for how much a reasonable settlement would be.

Those settlement amounts vary between states too.  Each state is responsible for setting their own laws when it comes to losing a limb (this is especially true for on-the-job injuries where “values” of limbs differ dramatically).  Using state and national statistics we can get an overall idea for what reasonable compensation would be for your injury.

Pain and Suffering Account for a Lot

One thing that can really help your case, is setting yourself up for success long before the injury ever happens.

Hopefully, you will never deal with the physical pain and suffering of a traumatic car wreck that results in the loss of a limb.  But if it does happen, a well-established record will help bolster your case.

Here’s how that looks.  Suppose you are in a wreck, and you lose a leg.  You hire Herbert Law Group to help you maximize your settlement so you can get back to living life as best as possible.  You argue that you’re an avid rock climber, and without your leg your entire quality of life is gone.  Every weekend is spent on the rocks, but now you are without purpose in your life.  Except, there’s no real record of you climbing that much.  You have some gear, but nothing that shows how your identity is built around this activity.

On the flip side, what if you have tons of pictures of you on the rocks, hiking, climbing, and enjoying physical activities that are much easier with two legs?  Maybe you even have a business established that guides people on these climbs, or perhaps you’re a writer that specializes in writing outdoor adventure articles for a local magazine.

That second situation shows there’s a proven record of a lifestyle that is going to be severely interrupted.  And the case for maximum compensation is going to go much more smoothly.

Talk with Herbert Law Group About Your Injury

Herbert Law Group has the experience necessary to effectively argue for maximum compensation whether you lost a limb, broke a limb, or lost a loved one in the wreck (or any other major injury that has altered your life).

To get things started we need to get to know you.  Let’s have a phone call to find out what happened, and determine how we can help.  Call our office at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site and we’ll get in touch with you.

Delayed Onset Injuries After a Texas Car Wreck

Delayed onset injuries after a texas car wreck

Not All Injuries Produce Pain Immediately

When we think of being injured in car crash, what usually comes to mind?  Often, it’s the traumatic injuries that require emergency medical help – maybe even the fire department to cut the vehicle open to remove the victim.  These certainly are common, but delayed onset injuries can often be deadlier.

Let’s check in with the Car Crash Captain and see what these injuries are, why they occur, and some of the warning signs that we should watch for to ensure major issues don’t arise down the road.

Why do Delayed Onset Injuries Occur?

We know about the fight or flight responses to danger.  Our bodies naturally go into this protective mode so we can remove ourselves from the situation where we are being threatened.  What the body doesn’t fully recognize, is that a traumatic car accident happens quickly, and flight or flight doesn’t really come into play in most of these situations.

Naturally reacting, the body sends adrenaline and endorphins to help with the fight.

Adrenaline causes a chain reaction throughout the body.  Your heart rate and blood pressure increase.  The body dumps glucose into the blood to fuel cells, and your lungs swell to bring in more oxygen.  All together you have near super-human powers for a short time.

All that adrenaline has to be processed through the body though.  When there’s no “fight or flight” you can feel light headed, dizzy, and even as though the following moments are happening in slow motion or a dream-like state.

But that’s not all that happens.  Endorphins are also released en masse.  These neurotransmitters, often associated with exercise and being happy, act as pain blockers.  Much more powerful than most pain medications, endorphins mask the pain that you may be feeling, and work in conjunction with the adrenaline that can give you an almost elated feeling.

Both of these can remain in your system and their effects can linger for as long as 48 hours.

What are Common Delayed Onset Injuries?

During those first couple of days, your body is quickly assessing damage and trying to repair anything that happened to you.  As we know, however, most injuries won’t heal within a couple of days.  But the body can continue to mask symptoms and pain as it frantically tries to fix the damage.

When it cannot fix everything, due to severity of the damage or just not enough time, pain starts to show up depending on what was injured.

Neck or Should PainWhiplash causes neck muscles and tendons to stretch beyond capacity.  If your neck and shoulder areas feel tight, it could be an early indicator of whiplash.

Headache – Whiplash can lead to headaches as well.  Even more serious, however, is the indication of brain injury or blood clots.  Pain from brain swelling may be delayed as pressure increases over time.

Numbness – Spinal injuries can compress disks.  When these are pinched, they can block of the nervous system, and extremities can feel numb, or have a tingling sensation.

Back Pain – Spinal issues aren’t limited to compressed, or herniated, discs.  They include a whole host of problems including damaged muscles and ligaments, broken bones, and joints pushed out of place.

Abdominal Pain – Internal bleeding is a severe issue, but if the bleeding is slow, it can take several days before symptoms begin to show.

Emotional Issues – It’s common to be shaken up after a wreck, but out-of-character mood swings or inappropriate emotional responses can indicate physical damage to the brain.  Other issues, such as PTSD, can take much longer to show up.

Much of the damage to your body won’t have indicators right away.  Aside from the very obvious broken bones, you might think you’re walking away from the wreck.  It’s important that you have a medical professional check you out right away so you can start those records for the insurance claim.

Herbert Law Group – Car Wreck Lawyer Near Dallas, Texas

Even with medical attention, doctors might not be able to determine if something is wrong until you tell them something is wrong.  If you have settled your case with the insurance company, and then issues start to arise, you’ll have little recourse to seek more compensation.

That’s why it’s important to have an experience car wreck lawyer on your side.  Herbert Law Group knows what to expect, and we know how long it can take before serious issues show symptoms.

Let us deal with the insurance companies, you focus on healing from your injuries and getting to those doctor appointments so you can be treated properly.

First, though, we need to know what happened.  Call our office at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site, and we can have a no obligation conversation to see how we can help.

What is Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage?

property damage coverage car insurance uninsured and underinsured

Understanding these Insurance Terms before You Need Them

Insurance is a big part of our lives.  We have health insurance, life insurance, homeowner’s or renter’s insurance.  And, of course, we have car insurance.  If you have looked over your policy, you likely notice a section called uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage.  On the surface it looks like a part of your plan that pays if you’re hit by someone without insurance, but there can be a bit more to this coverage than meets the eye.

Let’s check in with the Car Crash Captain, and we’ll get the scoop on what these parts of your policy actually do for you, and why they may not be enough to provide for you after you’ve been hit by another driver.

Different Parts of an Insurance Policy

An auto insurance policy can be described as either full coverage, or liability only.  To really understand what’s going on, we need to break that down a bit further.

Liability insurance is what transfers the liability of the wreck from you, to the insurance company.  This means if you are found to be at fault, your insurance will cover the damage to the other vehicle.  Damage to your own vehicle, however, is not covered and you are responsible for those repairs.

Full coverage includes your liability coverage, as well as both comprehensive and collision coverages.  These coverages help pay for the costs to repair your own vehicle if you are found at fault, or if you hit wildlife or suffer from weather related damage.

There are some more intricacies that go into your policy, so it’s best to talk it over with your insurance provider.

What is Uninsured and Underinsured Coverage?

Part of your liability policy should (we say “should” because some policies may not include this coverage) include uninsured and underinsured coverage.

This coverage helps to save your bacon if you are hit by a hit-and-run driver, a driver who doesn’t have insurance, or a driver who doesn’t have enough coverage to adequately cover your expenses.

Often, people can be confused on what their policy actually covers.  It’s worded a bit funky, sort of like most things that have to do with insurance, so let’s break it down even more.

Does Uninsured or Underinsured Coverage Pay for my Vehicle?

Most policies that have uninsured and underinsured coverage provide a boost in case your medical bills aren’t covered by the other person’s insurance.  If they have the minimum coverage, and their policy only covers a few thousand, you could be stuck if you have a six-figure medical bill.  This UI coverage will help to cover the remaining expenses.

That does not, however, mean that the uninsured or underinsured coverage will pay to fix your vehicle.  For that, many insurance companies have what is called uninsured motorist property damage coverage.  It’s often an add-on to your base policy.

We say “most” and “often” because there are some insurance companies that provide the property damage coverage as part of their base uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage.  Again, you have to check with your insurance agent to see what’s actually covered.

How do I get my Property Fixed if Hit by an Uninsured Driver?

Let’s suppose your property isn’t covered and you are hit by an uninsured driver.

You really only have a couple options.

You can pay for the repairs out of your own pocket.  Which most sane people will not to want to do.  Or, you can try to sue the offending party to cover the damage.  Keep in mind that if they don’t carry insurance, they likely don’t have any assets.  Suing them for “all they’re worth” is suing them for “literally nothing.”

Herbert Law Group Helps Car Crash Victims

If you are injured, you may have some other options.  That’s why Herbert Law Group is here.  We’re on your side, to make sure the insurance companies are doing what is fair.

To know if we can help you and make sure you’re being compensated adequately, we need to know what’s going on.  Call us at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site, and we’ll be in touch for your free conversation where we get to know each other.

Social Media May Affect Your Texas Car Wreck Settlement

social media use texas car wreck lawyer

Use Social Media Wisely After a Crash

Social media, used correctly, can help us keep in touch with people we otherwise would drift apart from.  Families around the world can watch as they grow and develop, grandparents can watch their grandchildren in real time, and childhood friends can stay connected even though they haven’t seen each other in years.

If you have been involved in a car wreck, it’s tempting to get on social media to ensure those who care about you know what happened, and perhaps dispel any rumors that may pop up about what occurred.  There are, however, some issues that can arise.  Let’s take a look at what the Car Crash Captain has to say about the matter.

Should I Use Social Media After a Car Wreck?

The short answer: no.

The longer answer: not until after the settlement is complete.  Anything you post online could be twisted and used against you.  If you have ever watched the TV show COPS, you’ve probably heard suspects being read their Miranda Warning.  Part of that warning says, “…can, and will be, used against you…”  Anything you post online, the insurance companies can, and will, use against you to reduce, or ultimately negate, your settlement.

Even something that seems innocent can be twisted.  For instance, you sustained a back injury and can’t engage in athletics.  But you show up to your team’s game in solidarity and support.  Even though you’re not playing, you post about it.  Now you have to prove that you actually weren’t playing.

Should I Delete my Social Media?

Deleting all social accounts can look suspicious.  It can appear that you’re trying to destroy evidence, or make it harder to access something that could go against your case.  There are, however, better ways.

Archive – Major social media platforms have ways to archive your account.  Everything about your account can be saved and downloaded to your computer (and to the cloud for a protection).

Deactivate – After archiving the account you are able to deactivate your account for a time.  For anyone looking from the outside, it will appear as though you don’t have a social media account.  Retaining your password, you can re-activate the account when the settlement is done.

Go Invisible – Reducing your visibility isn’t a sure-fire method to prevent someone from seeing your account (we’ll get to why soon).  However, you can reduce your visibility to only friends so it’s harder for a third party to find you.

Keep in mind that even if you go invisible, de-activate, or even delete your accounts the information is still out there and can be recalled with court orders.

Can I Text or Use Direct Messaging About my Wreck?

If it’s typed, it’s saved forever.  Even a document on your computer that has gone into the trash and the trash has been deleted might be able to be recalled for a time.  Anything sent through a text or through a DM is re-callable forever.

Suppose your aunt texts you and says, “I heard you were in a wreck, are you okay?” and you reply, “Yes, Aunt, I am doing well, thanks for your concern.”  It seems innocuous, but if your settlement goes to court, your text messages can be subpoenaed.  If you’re admitting to your aunt that you’re doing well, the insurance company’s lawyers may argue that you were never injured to begin with.

Keep the texts and DM’s to a minimum, don’t talk about the wreck in any written communication – except that which your personal injury lawyer says is acceptable.

What if Everything on my Social Media Accounts is Private?

Most people have their accounts set to private.  There’s no reason for strangers to see your family pictures, and for your protection an account set to private is a good idea.

But it’s not absolutely private.

Anything posted online is considered public information.  Even information posted privately.  There are actually a few ways these companies could access your private posts.

Befriend You – If you have your settings to “family and friends” only, the insurance company might sneakily try to befriend you.  If you accept that connection request, now they can see whatever private information you have posted.

Befriend a Friend – When you are diligent and won’t accept requests from unknown people, you might still be open.  If the insurance company is able to get on your friend’s good graces, they could ask them to check if you have posted recently.

Court Order – Just like those texts or direct messages, if it comes down to it, the insurance company can get a court order and force you to disclose everything on your social media.  If you don’t, they can download it right from the servers wherever the platform stores that information.

Herbert Law Group Can Maximize Your Settlement

Can you use social media after a wreck?  Sure, most of what people post isn’t going to cause issues or lead to problems.  But if there are millions of dollars on the line, it’s going to be a priority for the insurance company to twist any information they can find to deny your claim.  Even if they can’t, it drags the settlement out much longer than necessary.

As soon as you’re involved in the wreck, it’s time to get a Texas car wreck lawyer on board to ensure all goes smoothly.  That’s what Herbert Law Group is all about.

Call us at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site and we’ll call you.  We start with a free phone call to figure out how we can help, and then we’ll take it from there.

Stay Safe Winter Driving on Texas Roads

Winter Driving Dallas Texas Car Crash Lawyer

Winter Driving Tips to Avoid a Car Wreck and Stay Safe

The coldest temperature recorded in Dallas was -3 degrees.  That was back in January of 1930, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t a handful of cold days every year.  In fact, there hasn’t been a year that went by where we haven’t seen temperatures below freezing at least once.  Just last year it dropped to 11 degrees shortly before Christmas.  Winter driving in Texas is rare, but not uncommon.

Sometimes those cold temperatures come with dry air and clear skies.  Sometimes, however, they come immediately following a bit of rain.  Then, things get slick and wrecks happen.  If you can avoid driving during those cold days, stay off the roads.  If you have to travel, the Car Crash Captain has a few safety tips so you can get to your destination safely.

Child Passenger Safety

Unless you have a child, you probably don’t consider child safety when driving.  Once you become a parent, suddenly it’s the most important part of hitting the road.  In the winter, when wrecks are more likely, it’s imperative to keep your little ones safe.

Use an approved, and unexpired, car seat.  Yes, car seats can expire.  There’s a tag on your car seat that shows when it was manufactured; the expiration date is six years later.  After a wreck, a car seat needs to be retired no matter how old it is.

Keep them rear-facing for as long as possible.  Risk of death or injury is reduced 75% when rear-facing.  Kids should stay facing backward as long as possible, with many experts saying up to four-years-old.

Kids should ride on the passenger side of the vehicle.  If you have multiple children, this isn’t possible, but with one, the car seat should go in the back seat, on the passenger side.  The biggest risk is a vehicle crossing the center line and striking your vehicle – this position keeps your kids as far from danger as possible.

Secure your gear in the trunk.  Items in your vehicle can become projectiles if you crash; more so if your vehicle rolls.  Keeping everything secured in the trunk keeps danger away from all occupants.

Emergency Preparedness When Winter Driving

Ice can be sneaky.  A thin layer over the top of the road can be virtually invisible when you’re coming toward it.  This black ice is slippery and can spin your vehicle right off the road.  A fortunate wreck avoids collision with other vehicles or objects, but it could leave you stranded for a period of time.  If the vehicle is disabled, running the heater isn’t an option.

Keep extra blankets in the trunk through the winter.  If there is room, you can even keep them on the back seat.

Keep extra clothing on hand when traveling.  You might not need a hat and gloves, or even a coat, when you’re dashing from a warm vehicle to a warm house.  But when it’s below freezing out there, and you have no means of staying warm, hypothermia is a real issue.

Disposable handwarmers can stave off frost-bite. If it’s 20 degrees out, frostbite can set in within minutes – especially if there’s a bit of wind.  Packing a handwarmer into your gloves or boots gives a little extra protection.

Food and water can literally save your life.  Water or Gatorade will freeze if left in the vehicle, but you can always make sure to grab a fresh one on your way out the door.  A handful of granola bars will stay fresh for a year, and can keep you alive until help arrives.

A flashlight and extra batteries can signal for help.  Dead batteries are useless, make sure you have fresh batteries in your flashlight.

Of course, all the other essentials of a vehicle emergency kit can stay in the car all year round.  Take a look at our previous article on taking a road trip and ensure that your kit is stocked, and you’re ready to travel.

Defensive Driving in the Winter

No matter what time of year, defensive driving keeps you safer on the road.  Defensive, in this sense, is the opposite of aggressive.  You’re on the lookout, and watching for other aggressors (which can be other drivers, weather, wildlife, or road conditions), and you’re ready to go on the defensive to avoid a wreck.

Allow extra time for your travels.  Slick roads mean slow down.  Slower travel time means it’s going to take you longer to arrive.  Don’t pressure yourself into driving faster than conditions allow because you’re running late.

Turn off the cruise control.  If you go into a slide, cruise control will still try to maintain a steady speed until you hit the brakes.  That extra second of acceleration can do serious damage.  Act faster without cruise on.

Expect ice on the bridges.  The ground usually keeps roadways a little bit warmer.  On bridges, there isn’t ground to radiate heat upward.  So, while the roads may be wet, the bridges can ice over.

Increase the distance between you and other vehicles.  If your car is sliding, it can’t stop as quickly.  Give a little extra room so if the vehicle ahead of you slows suddenly (or spins out) you can stop and avoid a crash.

Herbert Law Group Fights for You After a Texas Car Wreck

No matter how safe you are when winter driving, there will always be other drivers that aren’t as safe as you.  Their negligence can lead to your injury.

If you’re involved in a wreck, and you’re injured or a loved one is killed, you don’t have to suffer through the process alone.  Herbert Law Group is here to ensure that you’re treated fairly by the insurance companies, and you receive a settlement that allows you to heal.

Let’s talk about what happened, and come up with a plan to get you back on your feet.  Call our office at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site and we’ll be in touch with you.  There’s no obligation, we first have to see how we can help.

Be Safe this Holiday Travel Season

Holiday Travel Tips Texas Car Wreck Lawyer

Dallas Car Wreck Lawyer has Your Holiday Travel Tips

Every year millions of people hit the road to travel for the holidays.  50 million people will hop in their cars and drive to their destination; about double that will travel for Christmas and New Year’s Day.  That means you’re more likely to encounter traffic if you’re on the road for Thanksgiving or Christmas.

The Car Crash Captain wants to make sure you arrive safely.  So we’ve rounded up some of the best travel tips so you make the journey… and then wonder why you stressed so much about spending time with family that is just driving you bonkers!

Holiday Travel Tips for Thanksgiving and Christmas

No matter which holiday you’re hitting the road for, keep these ideas in mind so you aren’t caught in a bad situation.

Check Your Spare Tire

Newer vehicles are equipped with a TPMS – Tire Pressure Monitoring System.  There’s one in each of your tires, including the spare.  If your spare is low on air, you’ll get a dashboard alert.  For those with older vehicles, those built before 2007, you won’t have these equipped.  Before you hit the road, make sure your spare is in good working condition.  No sense pulling a flat tire off only to find the spare is also flat!

Stay Healthy During Holiday Travel

Long road trips can become a time of indulgence.  A quick energy drink at the gas station, some fast food, and you’re back on the road.  Combine that with the fact you’re probably going somewhere for a big turkey feast, and away from your regular gym, means that your health can take a nosedive.  Be mindful about what you eat, don’t blow a year of great habits on a long weekend of indulgence.  Water is your friend, it’s hard to fall asleep at the wheel when you really have to pee.

Turn on your Phone’s Passcode

When you’re in your element, you might not need a passcode or as much security on your phone.  When you’re in a new area, thieves and others who are up to no good could be lurking.  Make sure your phone has the “find my phone” feature turned on (and you know how to use it).  Check out these tips from Homeland Security on how to keep your tech safe.

Make Sure Your Vehicle is Ready

Before you hop in the car and take off, have you checked if it’s ready?  We wrote about this before, giving tips on how to make sure the vehicle itself is ready, make sure you have the right supplies, and making sure that you’re ready.  Check out that article before you hit the open road.

Peace While Driving

Millions of people will be on the road with you.  Millions of potential road-ragers.  We are all in a hurry, we all hate the traffic, and we all despise that guy that cut us off.  Be mindful of your rage.  Give a few extra seconds of grace.  Exercise peace so nobody is hurt out of rash decisions.

Talk to Herbert Law Group if You’re in a Wreck

Getting in a wreck sucks.  Getting in a wreck while you’re on vacation extra sucks.  If you’re injured in a crash while doing some holiday travel in Texas, you need an expert car crash lawyer to help you navigate the legal and insurance waters.

Call Herbert Law Group at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site, and we’ll have a free conversation to determine how we can help you heal.