Coping with Trauma after a Semi-Truck Accident in Texas

coping with trauma after a semi-truck wreck in texas

Untreated Trauma Can Have Devastating Effects

The likelihood of physical injury after a semi-truck accident in Texas is huge.  The likelihood of trauma that comes from that wreck is just as great – a hidden condition that many people don’t realize is there.  Because it can go unseen, coping with trauma is often undealt with.  The result can be devastating on your lifestyle, your emotional health, and your family.

Today, the Car Crash Captain is looking at some of these effects, how they show up in everyday life, and what we need to do to ensure that you are able to heal from both physical and emotional wounds after a major wreck.

Different Types of Emotional Trauma that May Arise

Emotional trauma can come in different forms.  However, when we look at major wrecks, we can see that it primarily results in the following.

PTSDPost Traumatic Stress Disorder results when someone witnesses, or survives a traumatic event.  It doesn’t often pop up until weeks after the accident, but can cause numbness, disconnectedness, flash backs, and paranoia.

Anxiety – An overall feeling of dread, fear, or uneasiness, anxiety can worsen after trauma.  Symptoms include trouble sleeping, being tense, irritability, and easily startled.

Depression – Often considered to be sadness and lack of interest, depression goes beyond just situational.  It can be triggered by the deep losses after an accident, and it shows up as diminished energy, difficulty sleeping, weight loss or gain, and even recurring suicidal thoughts.

Phobias – A phobia is the extreme (and often irrational) fear of something or an activity.  Phobias that pop up after a major truck accident can involve driving, big rigs, roads, signs, and more.  Sweating, nausea, increased heart rate, and lightheadedness are common symptoms.

No matter how these emotional traumas pop up, or which one you experience, it’s important to seek care for them.

How to Cope with Trauma After a Major Wreck

It’s important to note that most emotional trauma won’t go away on its own.  There’s often little that the individual can do when coping with trauma without seeking outside help.

Find a Therapist – A therapist, or even a psychologist, can help you uncover the trauma, find the core, and treat it.  You may never fully heal, but with the help of a professional you will learn how to cope with it and get back to a life closer to normal.

Learn to Meditate – Many emotional health issues can be helped by looking inward.  As you discover how you truly tick, you can discover how to overcome the issues you’ve been forced into.

Care for Physical Health – Physical health and emotional health are very closely tied.  Maintaining a healthy diet, exercise, and overall caring for the physical body can have great effects in helping care for your mental health too.

Why You Need Herbert Law Group on Your Side

If you have been involved in a semi-truck accident in Texas, you have a lot going on.  Dealing with insurance companies that are likely ignoring the emotional trauma you are going through can only add to the hard times you’re already experiencing.

Herbert Law Group knows that emotional pain is just as bad as physical pain, and needs to be dealt with as part of your settlement.  Let us do all the hard work, and you focus on getting back to life as normal possible.

Call our offices at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form on our site, and we’ll be in touch for your free conversation to see how we can help.