5 Reasons You Need Motorcycle Insurance

5 Reasons You Need Motorcycle Insurance

More than the Minimum Amount Anyway

There are only four states that do not require motorcycle insurance: Florida, New Hampshire, Washington, and Montana.  All others, including Texas and Oklahoma, require that bikers carry at least the minimum coverage to ensure that any damage caused during a motorcycle accident is properly taken care of.  But as your motorcycle accident attorney points out, there are a number of reasons why you will want to carry more than just the minimum amount of coverage when you’re out for a ride.

Of course, if you, or a loved one, have already been involved in a motorcycle accident, we need to talk!  Give Herbert and Eberstein a call at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form.  There’s no obligation to become a client, and you don’t have to worry about any charges for the consultation.

Minimum Motorcycle Insurance Coverage

Texas and Oklahoma both have minimum insurance coverage.  In Oklahoma, you’re required to carry 25/50/25 and in Texas you need to have 30/60/25 (if you’re unsure what exactly those numbers mean, check out this post from AutoInsurance.org).

But what isn’t required is a minimum amount of uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage.  Sure, your insurer is required to offer it, but if you pass on it, you’re doing yourself a huge disservice.

These two coverages (and they really aren’t that expensive) will protect you financially if you are hit by another motorist.  This is what will cover the massive hospital bills you will likely incur, because let’s face it, injuries happen in the majority of motorcycle accidents.

Here are 5 reasons you don’t want to skimp on the uninsured or underinsured coverage.

Hospital Bills are Really Expensive

When is the last time you saw a doctor and walked out of there with a bill less than $100 (not including what insurance covered, of course)?  Or even less than $300 for that matter!  Now increase those bills many times over when you’re dealing with major trauma, broken bones, or medical issues that require ongoing treatment.

The bottom line: no uninsured motorist coverage means no coverage for hospital bills you incur.  Even with that coverage, you may need a motorcycle accident attorney to help recover what you need.

What if You Can No Longer Work?

Riding your bike is fun.  But as with all things fun, we have to pay for our free time by going to work.  Certainly you will be able to get right back up after a motorcycle accident and go back to work within a couple of days, right?  What if your leg has been crushed and you can’t walk for months on end?  What if your hands are broken and you can no longer write or type on a computer?  How will you pay your bills if you are out of work for many weeks?

Insurance coverage can help offset those issues.  Often you will need a motorcycle accident lawyer to get compensation that takes care of issues that arise later in life.

You Still have a Bike Loan

motorcycle accident attorney Dallas/Oklahoma CityYou could pick up a little moped for a few hundred bucks.  But riding a bike isn’t about puttering along Dumb & Dumber style.  It’s about revving the engine, feeling the wind in your face, and feeling the power.  A bigger, and often better, bike comes with a hefty price tag.  If you’re hit by an uninsured motorist, or someone that flees the scene, you still have to pay off your motorcycle.  But if you’re stuck with huge hospital bills, as well as all other costs of daily life, how is that going to be possible?

Uninsured or underinsured coverage usually doesn’t cover property, so you may want to talk to your insurance agent about uninsured/underinsured motorist property damage coverage as well.

Many People have No Assets

Here’s the scenario: you’re hit by a vehicle, and the other driver is found at fault.  That driver carries the bare minimum coverage, so his policy limits out at $25,000.  But let’s say you have medical bills that are pushing $100,000, so you hire a motorcycle accident attorney to collect on the remaining amount.  It turns out, however, that this other driver is in debt to his eyeballs, and really has no assets in his name.  The likelihood of recovering anything is pretty small.  If you don’t have underinsured coverage you can fall back on, you fall back on yourself.

Your Loved Ones Still Need to Get By

On your bike the wind is in your face.  There’s no protective cage around you.  This means that a crash on a motorcycle is a lot more dangerous than in a car… in fact, the likelihood of dying in a crash is six times greater on a bike than in a car.  If you’re killed by someone without adequate coverage, will your loved ones be taken care of?  If you have the right coverage, it’s much more likely that financial burdens won’t be added to the grief as well.

Come to Herbert and Eberstein: Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

Here at Herbert and Eberstein, our goal is to make sure you receive compensation that fully covers the trauma you have gone through.  Too often insurance companies try to settle for a lowball amount that barely covers what has happened to you.

When you want a settlement that will take away financial worries, you want Herbert and Eberstein.  Give us a call at 214-414-3808 or hit up our contact form to get the ball rolling.

Important Advice from a Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Important Advice From A Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Protect Yourself Before You’re in an Accident

Summer is underway in the majority of the US.  Here in Texas, motorcycle riding season is in full swing, and every day there are thousands of bikes on the road.  Smaller than other vehicles, and exposed to the open air mean they’re exhilarating to ride, and also more dangerous.  The majority of drivers and riders are bike aware, but those who aren’t lead to the 400+ fatal motorcycle wrecks each year.

Obviously, personal safety equipment is going to go a long way to help protect you as the motorcycle rider if you are in an accident.  Wearing an approved helmet and clothing can be the difference between scrapes and bruises and death.  But there is more that everyone on the road should know when driving during motorcycle season; especially if you need to enlist the help of a motorcycle accident attorney.

Be More Aware When on the Road

You know the saying, “Look twice, save a life.”  It’s more important than ever to make sure that you’re aware of other motorists around you.

As the population of major cities across the country increase, more people will be on the roads with motorcycles.  They easier to maneuver, cost less to operate, and help to reduce traffic jams.

At half the size of an SUV (a large bike is almost exactly half the size of a mid-sized SUV) it’s easy to overlook bikes on the road.  For those riding, it’s hard not to be indignant when people don’t see you; they should be looking out.  In order to save your own life, however, assume that people aren’t going to look twice.

If you plan to ride often, it’s advisable to invest in a camera system for your motorcycle.  They can mount on the bike, on your helmet, or both.  If you are hit, these cameras can prove that you were not that at-fault motorist.

Boost Your Insurance Coverage

There are some states that don’t require insurance coverage when you’re riding a motorcycle.  Texas is not one of them.  In Oklahoma, insurance is required as well, but the minimums are much lower.  It’s tempting to try to save money by going with the minimums, but these minimums are not in your best interest.

When shopping for insurance, compare the rates for different amounts of coverage.  You will usually find that it’s not much more to bump your coverage up to something that is adequate in case of a terrible wreck.

Keep in mind that you want to carry enough uninsured/underinsured coverage to make sure you’re taken care of if an uninsured driver hits you (or someone flees the scene).

Know when to Hire a Motorcycle Accident Attorney

The probability of being injured or killed if you’re in a motorcycle accident is far greater than if you are driving a vehicle.  It’s simply a matter of less protection around you.

If you’re in a motorcycle accident and you’re injured; or if your loved one was killed in a motorcycle accident, you need a motorcycle accident attorney to help you navigate the process.

Most insurance companies will not propose a settlement that is enough to take care of your injuries, nor take care of the pain and suffering you go through if a loved one dies.

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Talk with Zach Herbert Motorcycle Accident Attorney in Texas

Here at Herbert & Eberstein, Zach knows what needs to be done after an accident.  Using cases that came before yours, he can argue that you deserve a larger settlement than what the insurance company is offering.

Working in both Oklahoma and Texas as your motorcycle accident attorney, Zach alleviates one more thing from your mind so you can focus on recovery.

Unsure if you need the help of a motorcycle accident attorney?  Call 214-414-3808, or fill out our contact form, and we will be in touch for your free, no obligation, initial consultation.

5 Common Types of Motorcycle Accidents

5 Common Types of Motorcycle Accidents

Driving a motorcycle can be relaxing and even exhilarating. However, you’re also more likely to be seriously hurt in a motorcycle accident compared to a crash involving a car or truck.

While you can’t control how other people on the road handle their vehicles, you can take steps to ensure you stay as safe as possible. If you ride a motorcycle, it helps to know which kinds of accidents occur most often. When you know what to watch out for, you can stay safer when you ride. Here are five of the most common types of motorcycle accidents.  

Motorcycle Accidents with Cars Turning Left

A significant number of motorcycle accidents occur when a vehicle turns left into the path of a motorcycle. This can happen when the car is passing through an intersection. When the motorcyclist doesn’t have enough time to swerve out of the way or otherwise avoid the other vehicle, the motorcycle can slam into the side of the car, sending the motorcyclist hurtling over the vehicle.

Motorcyclists can help protect themselves by slowing down as they approach intersections. It’s also best to make eye contact with the other driver if possible. If you can see the other driver, there’s a good chance they can also see you.

It’s also important for motorcyclists to avoid driving while distracted. No one should ever text and drive, and it’s also a good idea to avoid eating while driving or listening to loud music that makes it difficult to hear traffic noises.   

Motorcycle Accidents Caused by a Car Switching Lanes

Because motorcycles are smaller than a standard car, drivers may not always notice a motorcycle in the lane next to them. When a driver tries to merge into a lane or switch lanes in an effort to pass slower vehicles, they can inadvertently drive into the path of a motorcycle.

Motorcyclists can help stay safe by always keeping an eye on the cars around them. It’s important for motorcyclists to always use their turn signals and to maintain a safe distance between their motorcycle and the cars ahead of them.

By keeping a safe distance between the motorcycle and surrounding cars, motorcyclists can ensure they have enough time to stop if a car in front of them slams on its brakes or slows suddenly. It’s also important for motorcyclists to avoid swerving in and out of traffic or making sudden movements around cars or trucks. Don’t assume that other motorists see you, and always follow traffic laws the same way you would if you were driving a regular vehicle.

Motorcycle Accidents Caused by Head On Collisions

Any kind of head-on car accident is likely to be serious. When a motorcycle is involved, however, the consequences can be devastating. When someone is traveling inside a regular car, his or her body is protected by the vehicle itself.

On a motorcycle, however, there is no structure surrounding the person’s body. In a head-on collision, a motorcyclist can be violently hurled through the air and end up landing far away from the point of impact. This kind of impact can leave an individual with serious or fatal injuries.

Motorcycle Accidents Caused by Drunk Driving

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 37 percent of single-vehicle motorcycle accidents in 2016 involved a motorcyclist who was intoxicated at the time of the crash.

Alcohol is a leading cause of motorcycle accidents. It’s important for all motorists to avoid drinking and driving. For motorcyclists, it’s critical to stay off the road if you plan on drinking. Motorcycles are less forgiving than a regular car in that a relatively small movement on a motorcycle can make a big difference on the road. When you drink and drive, your reaction times are slower, and your judgment is impaired.  

Motorcycle Accidents Caused by Excessive Speed

Many people ride motorcycles because they enjoy the freedom motorcycles offer. It’s common for people to enjoy long rides on the weekends where they can relax and take in the scenery. When you’re on an open stretch of road, it can be tempting to drive a little faster than the speed limit.

However, speed limits exist for a reason. When people exceed the speed limit, they put themselves and others in danger. Additionally, some motorcycles are designed for racing at high speeds. In some cases, motorcycle owners even modify their motorcycles to make them go faster.

A large number of motor vehicle collisions are caused by excessive speed. Going faster than the speed limit can put you in danger, which is why it’s important to observe speed limits and traffic laws whenever you drive. Motorcyclists have very little protection in an accident, which is why it’s also important for them to wear a helmet and protective clothing, such as long pants and sleeves.      

If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident in Texas, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries and other damages. Schedule a consultation with Dallas Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Zachary Herbert today by calling 214-414-3808.

Media Contact:

Dallas Motorcycle Accident Attorney Zachary Herbert

T: (214) 414-3808



  1. https://www.iii.org/article/background-on-motorcycle-crashes
  2. https://www.nhtsa.gov/road-safety/motorcycle-safety