Why You Need a Semi Truck Accident Lawyer

Texas truck accident lawyer

Big Rig Accidents are All Different

You’re on your way home from work, stopped at a light, and an inexperienced driver doesn’t see you in time.

You’re in a fender bender.  Annoying? Yes.  Complicated?  Not usually.

But what if you’re on the highway and a semi truck jackknifes in front of you?  What if you swerve to avoid hitting the truck, and you hit another motorist?  What if the truck overturns, and you’re pinned beneath it?  The world of commercial truck accidents is complicated with a thousand different variables.

If you have been involved in one of these types of accidents, you need a semi truck accident lawyer to navigate the waters.

Differing Degrees of Semi Truck Accidents

Most of the time we think of accidents as pretty straightforward.  A truck driver didn’t slow down in time and rear ended you, or a truck veered into your lane and sideswiped your car, or a truck ran a red light and t-boned you… there are a number of scenarios and often when we imagine them it’s driver error that caused the wreck.

Let’s take a look at a handful of commercial truck wrecks from May and June 2021 to see just how different these can be.

Car Pinned Beneath Truck in Oregon

A semi truck near Portland, Oregon flipped onto its side while traveling down I-5 recently.  One unlucky motorist happened to be driving next to the big rig, and the occupants were trapped inside their vehicle pinned beneath the truck.  Fortunately, they weren’t killed in the crash.

Cement Truck Driver Seriously Injured in Michigan

Here’s a unique one: the driver of a commercial truck rear ended another commercial truck.  The cement truck driver crashed into the back of the semi truck.  Traffic was slowing down, and the semi had decreased its speed to accommodate; the cement truck driver didn’t slow in time.

Driver Airlifted to Florida Hospital

A driver navigating the highway along the Florida Panhandle was airlifted to a nearby hospital after being involved in a crash with a semi truck.  The driver was pinned under the truck and trapped in the vehicle until rescue crews could extract him.

Woman Hospitalized after Being Rear Ended in California

A woman had stopped her vehicle along the side of the road on I-10 in Southern California.  It’s unclear why the semi struck her from behind.  The commercial truck rear ended the vehicle which rolled onto its roof causing the driver to be rushed to the hospital with critical injuries.

Motorcyclist with Life Threatening Injuries in Ohio

In Ohio a motorcycle driver collided with a semi truck on a recent afternoon.  Details are sparse as to the cause of the wreck, but the outcome is not good for the biker.  He was airlifted with life-threatening injuries to the closest hospital.

Two Killed in Semi Crash in Kentucky

In Kentucky two young men driving a pickup truck and pulling a trailer crashed into a semi truck hauling freight.  The pickup went under the trailer of the truck and killed the two men instantly.  It’s unclear how the pickup ended up striking the semi, or who was at fault for the accident.

Truck Flips on Interstate Near Cleveland

On a busy Wednesday afternoon, a semi hauling a load of dry concrete navigated a turn a little too quickly.  As gravity did its job, the truck flipped onto its side and blocked all lanes of traffic.  If you had been driving nearby, would you have been able to get clear, or would you have been pinned under it?

These are just a few of the thousands of yearly crashes involving commercial vehicles.  Every one of them is different.  Every one of them needs a semi truck accident lawyer to ensure that the victim is being compensated completely to ensure proper healing.

Herbert Law Group: Your Semi Truck Accident Lawyer

One of the biggest causes of stress in our lives today is money issues.

If you’re injured, or a loved one is killed, in a semi truck accident, there will be money issues.

While we can’t take away the injury, or bring back that loved one that you miss, we can take away some of the stress you’re feeling so you can focus on healing.

You need a semi truck accident lawyer after a wreck with a commercial truck.  That way you can know everything is being handled for you.

Ready to talk about it and see how we can help?  Give us a call at 214-414-3808, or fill out our contact form.  Our discussion is no charge to you, we just need to know if we’ll be able to help you heal.

Semi Truck Distracted Driving Accidents

semi truck distracted driving accidents

The FMCSA Has Specific Rules for Truck Drivers

Cell phones kill people.

Well, the phone itself doesn’t do the killing.  Drivers using their phones kill people.  About 8 people every day actually.  And more than 1,000 a day are injured because people in vehicles can’t seem to put down their phones for a few minutes.

Because of this problem that has persisted for more than a decade, the FMCSA (that’s the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, the entity that builds the guidelines for commercial vehicles) has developed implemented how much cell phone use can be used while driving a commercial vehicle (like a semi truck).

Bottom line: to prevent semi truck distracted driving accidents you can press a button.  Not more than one button, just one button.

No Texting While Driving

We all know that we shouldn’t be texting while driving.  And those behind the wheel of a big rig know that they are especially more dangerous than a small passenger vehicle.  We get that part.

But what constitutes texting?  Is it sending a message to your bae?  Typing in the name of your favorite podcast?  Inputting an address so you get to the right destination?

The newest rules dictate that, “Texting means manually entering alphanumeric text into, or reading text from, an electronic device.”  It goes on to tell us that basically anything you type into a device (phone, laptop, tablet, plug-in-typewriter) is considered texting.  It’s anything beyond pressing a single button to initiate or terminate a call.

Pretty much just put it away, you can press the little button on a Bluetooth earpiece to answer a call that comes in.

No Reading While Driving

So maybe you’re not typing out emails, or sending text messages while you drive.  Maybe you’re reading the Wikipedia entry for the town you just drove through.

Nope, this still falls into the no texting rule.

Quit glancing at the phone, even reading just a sentence is enough to kill someone in a semi truck distracted driving accident.

No Touching While Driving

But it goes even further.

The latest rules restrict commercial vehicle drivers from reaching for or holding a mobile phone.  That of course, doesn’t include, grabbing it and pressing “answer” or “ignore.”

What it does entail, however, is holding the phone to your ear while you drive.  Or digging around in the seat next to you, or under it, or in the glove box, or putting the truck on cruise control and going back into the sleeper compartment to find where you left the darn thing.  It has to be safely accessed within an arm’s reach, without adjusting safety belts.

Herbert Law Group Handles Semi Truck Distracted Driving Accidents

When a driver is caught breaking one of these rules, the fines can be up to $2,750 and possible license revocation.  If you’re driving truck, it’s not worth ruining your career to send that quick note that you’ll be home in 3 hours.

But what about the rest of us?

Most areas around the country have very similar distracted driving laws.  And those laws, as we can see by the 400,000 people injured every year in distracted driving accidents, are ignored by many people.

If you have been injured in a truck accident, you need Herbert Law Group, truck accident attorneys in Dallas, on your side.

Cell phone records can be reviewed, and it can be determined if the accident occurred around the time when messages were being sent.

No matter what, let’s talk about your accident.  There’s no obligation to you to become a client, we need to make sure we’re a good fit first.

Give us a call at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form and we will be in touch.

Avoiding Accidents in Construction Zones

construction zone accident

How to Stay Safe and Avoid a Construction Zone Accident

Every summer the nation’s highways are reduced by a lane or two as they’re repaired, resurfaced, and made better for our transportation needs.  It’s estimated that 20% of highways are under construction on any given year.

Here in Texas, there are thousands of workers updating the roads.  And whenever traffic is congested, speeds reduced, and workers around, it means those who insist on driving distracted, dangerously, or drunk, are going to get in a construction zone accident.

But that doesn’t excuse those driving the big construction vehicles from minding their driving either.

Both parties should be on the lookout when navigating a construction zone.  Here’s how you, the passenger vehicle, can have a heads up to prevent an unwanted collision.

How to Avoid a Construction Zone Accident

Driving means keeping an eye out and expecting the unexpected.  In a construction zone, you have to remain even more diligent.

Slow Down Before the Zone

The leading cause of accidents in a construction zone is speed.  The unfortunate fact is that most of the victims are the workers that aren’t protected by a vehicle, and they are struck while just trying to do their job.

Before you enter the construction zone, reduce your speed.  Be aware that vehicles whipping by are not only dangerous, but they’re also distracting and irritating.

Not to mention that if a worker pulls out in front of you, expecting you to be going much slower than you are, it could mean a nasty collision.

Watch for Foot Traffic

Some construction workers will be in heavy machinery, but many of them will be on foot.  It’s not just the worker holding the “slow” sign that is in harm’s way.

Be aware of all the construction workers that aren’t driving anywhere.  And know that the human body is often clumsy and fragile.  They can stumble, fall, or drop something into the lane if they’re close enough.

Pay Attention to the Big Rigs

Most of these trucks and heavy equipment are moving pretty slowly.  But that doesn’t mean they can’t pull out in front of you, swerve into your lane, or stall at just the wrong moment.

Keep an eye out as you drive through these zones and make a note of the direction the equipment is moving long before you get there.  If it looks like it’s coming into your lane, be prepared to stop or get out of the way.

Check Above You

Often construction means working on bridges and overpasses.  Large cranes are moving heavy objects from ground level, up to locations sometimes far above the roadway.

While equipment failure is not common, and rarely will a crane drop a steal beam onto a vehicle below, other falling objects can have just as deadly effects without as much force.  What would happen if a hammer crashed through your windshield as you’re cruising along?

Don’t Ignore other Drivers

Construction workers are trained to watch for vehicles and pay attention to their surroundings.  They know what needs to be done to avoid a construction zone accident.

But most drivers have minimal driver’s education.  And even those that have taken the classes only have a small portion of the time in class dedicated to driving in these zones.

The biggest danger in a construction zone is actually the fellow drivers around you.  Those that have their nose buried in their phone and don’t see the construction coming up.  Those that think the speed limit is too slow and want to zip through faster.  Those that have had a night out drinking and believe that having a few drinks and driving home is perfectly safe.

Do your part so that you can avoid negligent drivers, and avoid a terrible construction zone accident.

Come to Herbert & Eberstein if You’ve Been in a Construction Zone Accident

Accidents do happen.

People make mistakes.

If you have been injured in an accident that happened in a construction zone, especially if the construction company was found to be at fault, then we want to talk to you.

Fill out the contact form, or give us a call at 214-414-3808, and we’ll conduct your free initial consultation.  No worries about signing up as a client, we first want to make sure we can help you heal from your injuries.

The Dangers of Trucks Turning Left

turn left texas truck accident attorney

Cross Traffic Turns can have Deadly Results

In the fall of 2016, a group of 48 people were making their way from Georgia to North Carolina to visit a local casino.

Tragically, their getaway would be ended after the bus they were traveling in collided with a turning semi-truck.  The crash resulted in 43 of the passengers sustaining injuries, and the life of the bus driver was cut short.

The crash highlights an important awareness point for anyone driving on the same roads as these big rigs.  It’s a safety precaution that we all need to pay attention to when driving.

The Truck Was Making a Left-Hand Turn

As the bus was making its way to the north, the tractor trailer was waiting to turn left, or southbound, onto Georgia Highway 515.  Anyone who has encountered a similar situation knows that it can be downright frustrating trying to make this type of turn.  You have to wait for traffic in both directions to clear, and then get up to speed quickly so that you don’t impede traffic.

As the driver pulled out to make his turn, traffic continued to come along the southbound lanes.  Pausing and waiting for it to clear, his trailer completely blocked the northbound lanes.  It was during this time that the tour bus was heading that way.

Before the bus driver had a chance to stop, they collided.  The bus rammed into the trailer with so much force that the bus driver was killed and one passenger had to be airlifted to a nearby hospital with serious injuries, while 42 others were transported by ground.  NBCNews has the full report.

Guidelines for Turns that Cross Traffic

When a truck is ready to turn and cross traffic, studies have shown that the entire process (from when the vehicle starts to move, until it is fully into the lane intends to enter) takes 40 seconds.  That time is extended even longer if they must pause part-way through their turn to allow traffic to clear.

Other vehicles traveling at 60mph will travel nearly three quarters of a mile during this same 40 second period.

This means that if the truck is not visible from far enough away, traffic can quickly cover a significant amount of distance and collide with the truck long before the driver has had enough time to clear the semi from the lanes he or she was blocking.

As a passenger vehicle, it’s important to pay attention to what might happen and what obstacles might get in your way down the road.  When a big rig is waiting to turn, either into your lane or crossing it, be ready to avoid the situation in case the truck driver doesn’t see you coming.

Informal Regulations for Truck Driving Safety

Because these turns are so dangerous, there are methods put in place that minimize the circumstances.

While there are no legal regulations that don’t allow large vehicle to turn left, there are best practices that have been put into place by trucking companies and those who design distribution routes.  Some companies go as far as implementing guidelines that don’t allow their drivers to make these types of turns.

With tight deadlines and long hauls between loads, it’s hard to create a route that is even longer in order to avoid the left hand turn.  But in many cases, it’s what needs to be done in order to prevent an unfortunate wreck like what happened in Georgia.

Herbert & Eberstein are Your Texas Truck Accident Attorneys

If you, or a loved one, have been in a collision with a commercial vehicle (including semi trucks, dump trucks, bus, or other large rig) you need an experienced attorney on your side.

Fill out the contact form and we will be in touch, or give us a call at 1-214-414-3808 to start your free initial consultation.

Semi Truck Accidents Aren’t All the Same

Dallas truck accidents attorney

Stationary Trucks can be a Huge Issue

On a cool October evening in 2019, Oliver Jordan, age 83, was on his way to his Newnan, Georgia home from dinner.

At 9pm the sun had long ago set, and although legally blind in one eye, Jordan was still legally able to drive without restrictions.  This night, however, as he drove home, a tractor-trailer was attempting to back into a driveway without proper markings and warnings on the roadway.  Blocking northbound traffic, and the center turn lane, it was only a matter of time before an unsuspecting motorist wasn’t able to stop and a collision would ensue.

Jordan noticed the truck too late, and despite attempts to stop still collided with the truck.  10 months later, he died from injuries sustained in the wreck.

Truck accidents can happen anywhere and at all sorts of speeds.  There are lessons we can learn from this particular instance that had a very unfortunate conclusion.

Big Rigs Take Time to Back Up

Hauling a 50+ foot trailer means that things are going to take time.  Getting up to speed on the highway, changing lanes, stopping, backing up… these all take longer for a big rig than they do for a passenger vehicle.

When you’re driving among trucks, be aware that they can’t change direction and speed as quickly as you can.  But truckers have the obligation to warn others if they have to block traffic for any reason.  One of those reasons is while attempting to back into a parking space or loading dock.

Highways are Dangerous; so are Side Roads

Speed kills.  But that’s just because it’s one factor in the physics equation to determine the amount of force something exerts.  Without getting too technical the faster an object goes, the more force it exerts; or the larger an object is the more force it exerts.

Quick calculations show us that an 80,000 pound truck exerts the same force at 2.5mph as a 4,000 pound passenger vehicle does at 50mph.

Trucking Companies Will Always Claim no Wrong Doing

In reality, it’s the insurance companies and their attorneys that make the claims.  And it’s reasonable from their end: insurance companies are in the business of making money.  You don’t make money by paying big settlements on truck accidents!

If you’re planning to file a claim against them without the help of an experienced truck attorney, then you are going against some very powerful attorneys on your own.

Settlements Take a Long Time

When the lawsuit mentioned above was first started, Oliver Jordan was alive.  It wasn’t until after his death that the settlement was finally reached.  Around a year for a $2 million settlement is moving quickly.

In reality, large settlements can take well over a year; especially if they go to trial.  There are expert witnesses that need to testify, accident reconstruction, and arguments showing that the driver acted negligently and caused an injury or death.

Without an Attorney with Truck Accidents Knowledge, You’re Stuck

A truck accident attorney is a personal injury attorney that knows and understands what goes into these crashes involving big rigs.  Without someone on your side, like Herbert & Eberstein, you will end up in a long legal battle that statistically you won’t get the settlement that you need to ensure proper healing.

If you, or a loved one, have been involved in a semi truck accident in Texas, then you need to speak with Zach Herbert or Brian Eberstein!  There’s no obligation to become a client; it all starts with a call to figure out if our services are the right fit to help you get back on your feet.

Simply call 214-414-3808, or head over to the contact page and we will be in touch.

Here’s Why Your Semi Accident Settlement Isn’t Enough

semi truck accident attorney

It’s not to Get Rich; It’s to Help You Heal

Just about half of us will get into a car accident within a year of earning our driver’s license.

Over time, that statistic increases.  Eventually, you will be hard pressed to find someone that has never even been in a fender bender, much less something serious like a semi accident.

Since we have nearly all been through this, it should be a pretty straightforward process, right?  The insurance company assesses the damage and indemnifies the victim.  By the way, indemnify is just a fancy word for “make whole.”

Unfortunately, after a semi accident, it’s not as always so straightforward.  In fact, normally that initial settlement is to close the case; not to ensure that the victim is able to heal completely.

What an Insurance Company will Offer as a Settlement

After a crash, most people will see just the economic damages.  That is, the damage you can put a dollar amount on.  Generally they fall into three categories:

  1. Property damage. How much is your vehicle worth, and how much would it cost to replace it?
  2. Medical expenses. How much was the hospital visit and how much will the follow up cost?
  3. Lost wages. If you missed work, how much of your income did you lose out on because you weren’t able to work?

Those numbers are pretty easy to come up with.  An insurance company will offer that as their settlement so they can close the books on this claim and not have to worry about it down the road.

But there is much more to most wrecks; especially after a sever semi accident.  This settlement will likely fall far short of what you actually need in order to heal.  In fact, it can often require much more than what those easily calculated damages will cover.

Why You need  Herbert & Eberstein After Your Semi Accident

After a crash, the economic damages are the starting point.  This is what it will take just to smooth the surface.  But there are much deeper issues that can, and almost always do, come up after a semi accident.

  1. Property damage. The dollar value of your vehicle is the starting point.  But what about the memories attached to it?  What about the convenience of having it in your garage?  Are you getting compensated for the time you will be without a vehicle and the headache of buying a new one?  What if you drove a compact car, but now you feel unsafe in something smaller than an SUV?
  2. Medical expenses. After a crash, you might have what look like minor injuries: broken bones, scrapes, and bruises.  But too often these injuries come with complications that arise later in life.  What if you need back surgery for an injury that manifests in 3 to 5 years?  What if that broken bone causes early onset arthritis and physical therapy in 10 years?  What if you feel fine now, but start having debilitating headaches in a month or two?
  3. Lost wages. It’s easy to see that two weeks of lost wages now equals how much money you would have made if you spent two weeks working.  Now consider if your injury makes work harder, and you can’t keep up with your job now so you have to seek employment elsewhere… at a lower salary?  What if your injuries flare up later and you have to file disability in 5 years?  Even if you’re out of work for an entire year, does the initial settlement account for a year’s worth of lost retirement savings and growth?
  4. Non economic damages. Accidents, especially intense ones like semi accidents, aren’t easily forgotten.  In fact, accidents are the leading cause of PTSD since the Vietnam War.  Therapy, counseling, and mental health visits can take years to have a significant effect.

There is so much that goes into a semi accident, that there’s almost never a time that the initial settlement will suffice.

Let’s Talk about How we Can Help You Heal

The role of a semi accident attorney is to ensure that you have a chance to heal completely.

That’s where Herbert & Eberstein come in.  With the experience necessary to fight for you, Zach and Brian can ensure your settlement will provide the financial stability you need, so you can focus on getting your life back to normal.

Let’s chat about it.  Fill out the contact page, or give us a call at 214-414-3808 and we’ll discuss your case, free of charge, and see how we can help you heal.

The Deadly Dangers of Truck Underride Collisions

truck underride collisions accident attorney dallas brake failure

How to Protect Yourself from Truck Collisions

Years ago, while driving the freeways around Los Angeles, the vehicle I was in and the one caravanning behind us came to a sudden stop.

We were traveling in the left lane, when suddenly a large semi truck was parked in the lane ahead of us.

With rush hour traffic picking up, we weren’t able to quickly merge to go around, and we were forced to stop as cars zipped past on our right.

This story, fortunately, has a safe and happy ending for us.  A small break in traffic allowed our two vehicles to get around the truck without getting involved in an underride collision.

For many others, however, those stories don’t end quite so peacefully.

Truck Underride Collisions Account for 25% of Fatal Truck Accidents

We know that truck accidents are often more devastating due to the sheer size difference.  How big is that difference?  Think of a 200 pound man colliding with a 9 pound baby; those are roughly the same proportions.

But one of the biggest dangers in these accidents is called a truck underride collision, where the passenger vehicle goes under the trailer on a cargo hauling semi truck.  While not as common as many of the other types of collisions, statistically truck underride collisions account for roughly a quarter of accidents involving trucks and passenger vehicles.

Dangers of Underride Collisions

Despite what the movies may show, a passenger vehicle is not able to pass underneath a semi trailer without making any contact.

Instead, when an underride collision occurs, the vehicle is generally wedged beneath the trailer (either form the side or from the rear).  Because the collision occurs at windshield level, the roof of the vehicle is often sheared off; depending on the force of the impact.

Without too many visuals, it’s easy to see how these collisions can be deadly.

How to be Safe on the Roads

We know what happens, but how do we protect ourselves on the road?  There are three things to keep in mind.

  • Watch for Stopped Trucks: When a truck is stopped on the roadway, or just off, they have reflectors, cones, and signals that should be deployed. But sometimes these are missing, or covered and unable to be seen.  Keep an eye out for stopped trucks to avoid an underride collision.
  • Be Wary of Cross Traffic: Many highways are bisected by smaller county roads. While most truckers understand the time it takes to get across the lanes safely, some may underestimate speed, or overestimate their acceleration.  If you see a truck waiting to cross, slow, and be ready to evade.
  • Trucks Utilize Deflectors: Modern semi trucks have taken measure to prevent underride collisions. A rear collision protector and side air deflectors are starting to be more common.  There are no regulations requiring these yet, but as time goes on safety will improve.

Chat with a Truck Accident Attorney after a Collision

It’s very rare that someone is involved in a truck accident and they don’t need the help of an attorney to navigate the difficult waters of liability.

If your loved one was killed in a truck accident, or if you were injured, then you need to speak with the truck accident attorneys from Herbert & Eberstein to figure out liability and how you can get compensation that covers your losses.

Call 214-414-3808 or fill out the contact form to schedule your free, no obligation, consultation.

Let’s Talk about Semi Truck Accidents and Consequences

semi truck accidents texas

Why Semi Truck Drivers Need to be On Point

Semi trucks help keep America running.  Transporting goods from one end of the country to another, day after day, these truck drivers are instrumental in making sure that we have what we need to survive.  But semi truck accidents can have dire consequences.

Since truck drivers are on the road all day, they fall into a category of professional drivers.  They are held to a higher standard because this is not only their job, but the trucks they drive are massive and can cause a lot of damage when not handled properly.

Let’s take a quick look back to 2014 to see what happens when a truck driver is negligent and becomes careless with the 80,000 pound vehicle he is controlling.

The Story of Jorge Amparo; Lifeguard and Soccer Player

Jorge is a family man.  After immigrating to the US from the Dominican Republic, he worked hard to provide a great life for his family in their new home in Pennsylvania.

Once an athlete, his entire life has been upended following a terrible crash in August 2014.

Driving home after a long day at work, Jorge was stuck in traffic as he was coming to the conclusion of his evening commute.  It was a typical day on the road; things get backed up as people flock home to see their families.  What he wasn’t prepared for was the fully loaded semi truck that wasn’t expecting traffic to be at a standstill.

Without warning the truck crashed into the back of Jorge’s 1993 Mitsubishi so violently that he his driver seat broke free from the frame.  He was crushed, trapped, and had to be cut free from the vehicle using the Jaws of Life before being rushed to the hospital with multiple fractures; including many serious back injuries.

The doctors were able to save Jorge’s life.  Many surgeries later he can once again walk, although with the aid of a walker due to his left leg no longer fully functional.  He is left with headaches, and suffers from bouts of nausea that can cause him to vomit at any given moment.

The former soccer player and once a lifeguard can’t even get dressed on his own anymore without his wife’s aid.

A jury found the trucking company guilty of negligence and failure to operate with reasonable care.  Jorge and his family were awarded nearly $15 million in economic and non-economic damagesThe Stamford Advocate explains that much of the awarded amount was to serve as a warning to the trucking industry: they’re in a position to do great harm if prudence isn’t exercised.

Justice was served, but Jorge will live the rest of his life with the constant reminder that a driver chose to take his eyes off the road for a few seconds, and caused massive harm.

Herbert and Eberstein are Semi Truck Attorneys in Texas

Often, semi truck accidents have much worse outcomes where the victims don’t survive.  Those that do are often left with life changing injuries like Jorge Amparo.

Without regulation, and the reminder that they need to be vigilant in protecting the public, these types of accidents will continue.  Fortunately, justice can be served, and families compensated when truck drivers act without prudence.

If you, or a loved one, have been involved in a semi truck accident, then you absolutely need a truck accident attorney on your side.  Zach Herbert and Brian Eberstein will work diligently to discover the truth about what happened, and ensure that you receive the compensation that you need to get your life back on track.  Fill out the contact page, or give us a call at 214-414-3808 to start your free consultation.

How Truck Equipment Failures Lead to Semi Accidents

semi accident

The Most Common Failures in a Semi Accident

There are many semi accidents that are caused by human error: speeding, blowing a stop sign, or driving under the influence.  But just as many are caused by something that nobody can see until an investigation takes place.  Equipment failure happens a lot, and much of it can be prevented with regular maintenance.

Working with a semi accident lawyer, like Herbert & Eberstein, can help you get the compensation that you deserve after an accident.  Give us a call at 214-414-3808 and let’s get a conversation going.

Common Equipment Failures that Lead to Semi Accidents

Any equipment can fail.  Here are the top equipment failures that can lead to an accident.

Engine Failure – A truck goes through a lot in any given year.  While most passenger vehicles run for about 15,000 miles every year, a semi goes around 100,000 miles.  All that wear and tear means maintenance and inspections need to be done almost 10 times as often.  When it’s not completed, it can lead to catastrophic failure at high speeds.

Trailer Failure – There are two things that fail on the trailer.  The cargo can shift if it hasn’t been loaded and secured properly.  Or the trailer hitch can fail.  If not securely connected to the cab of the semi, thousands of pounds of trailer can be sent down the highway with no way to control it.

Brake Failure – Hauling 80,000 pounds means that trucks need some high quality brakes to ensure they can stop on time.  There are plenty of issues that can go wrong in the braking components, and that can leave the truck driver without a way to stop.

Tire Failure – You have probably seen the bits of shredded tire on the side of the highway.  Thousands of miles and heavy loads wear them out quickly.  When one of the tires blows, the truck driver has to be able to maintain control until it can be fixed.

Electrical Component Failure – Modern semi trucks include a lot of electrical and technological components.  Electrical system failures can result in the inability to control the vehicle and may lead to a semi accident.

When a semi truck crashes, the injured party is most often in a smaller passenger vehicle nearby.  The size discrepancy means that crashes are more likely to be severe than minor.

Dallas Semi Accident Attorneys Fight for You

If you, or a loved one, have been in a semi accident, you will need a semi accident attorney to help get everything sorted out.  Until the truck accident is reconstructed it may not be completely clear what even happened.

Zach Herbert and Brian Eberstein will help you receive compensation that fully covers your losses.  It all starts with just getting to know you and understanding the situation.  Give us a call at 214-414-3808, or simply fill out the contact form.

Trucking Speed Regulation Hopes to Reduce Fatal Accidents

Truck speed regulations

Safer Roads for Everyone May Mean Longer Transit Times

Every day at least 10 people die in fatal truck accidents according to iihs.org.  Nearly a quarter of all accidents involving large trucks are due to excessive speed.

These facts have led the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) to propose new regulations that will limit the speed of these big rigs.  Their goal is to reduce the number of occurrences such as what happened in June 2015 outside of Chattanooga, Tennessee.

9 Vehicles, 18 Victims, One Reckless Driver

On June 22, 2015 a new truck driver entered the workforce; on June 25th his career would be over as a fiery crash would end the lives of 6 innocent victims and injure a dozen others.

To say the cause of the wreck was strictly speed related wouldn’t give the story justice.  There were multiple factors that contributed to the devastating wreck.  But if speeds were reduced, it is safe to say that there would be fewer victims in this situation.

After leaving Florida, the truck driver was heading north.  Records indicate that he had been on the road for 50 hours, far longer than the 14 hours allowed by current truck driving regulations.  Combine that apparent fatigue, speeds of 78 miles per hour in a 55 mile per hour zone, and an intoxicated truck driver, and the disaster wasn’t a matter of “if”; it was “when”.

The truck plowed into a line of cars that were slowed in a construction zone.  Ripping through them, 18 people were injured or killed before the vehicle finally stopped.  Instantly fires were ignited, and other motorists were hurrying to remove the victims from the twisted remains of their vehicles.

Three years later, sentencing was complete.  The truck driver was delivered a total of 82 years in prison for all of the accounts of aggravated assault, vehicular homicide, and more that he caused on that day.

This sad story isn’t a new or unique one.  Every day this happens when trucks and passenger vehicles collide.

Multiple Proposed Speed Regulations

Currently there are no definitions on what maximum speed trucks will be able to go.  Speculation puts them somewhere in the 60 – 68mph range.  With today’s modern GPS monitoring, however, it wouldn’t be difficult to have the speed modified depending on location; faster when it’s wide open roads and slower approaching more heavily populated areas.

The rule would apply to vehicles that have a gross vehicle weight of 26,000 pounds or higher; these guidelines mean that it would include multi-passenger vehicles, buses, school buses, and semi-trucks.

However, there is a lot of push back on these ideas.  The regulations have been proposed multiple times, and have yet to come to fruition.  Critics cite lack of data showing slower speeds would lower fatal accident rates, as well as the speculation that the speed discrepancy would actually increase the number of accidents.

The latest bill was pushed through at the senate level, but never made it all the way through.

Herbert and Eberstein are Truck Accident Attorneys in Dallas, Texas

No matter the cause of the truck accident, the fact is that innocent people are injured and killed.  For many, they never receive the full compensation that they deserve.

If you, or a loved one, have been involved in a truck accident, then you need to speak with Zach Herbert and Brian Eberstein right away to ensure everything is handled appropriately.

Let the experts handle the case, while you focus on healing.

Call 214-414-3808 or fill out the contact form to get started on your free consultation.