Top Causes of Single Vehicle Accidents

single vehicle accident

How to Avoid a Single Vehicle Accident

When you’re a careful driver, there isn’t much to worry about on the road.  Most of the time, you will arrive safely at your destination.  It’s when we get lazy, distracted, or inattentive that problems occur.  And often, there is only one vehicle involved in the wreck: your own.  That doesn’t diminish the severity though; in 2018 around half of the fatal accidents were single vehicle crashes.

So let’s go through the top causes of single vehicle accidents, and how you can avoid becoming one of the statistics.  Remember too, even if you’re the only one involved, it might not be your fault.  Always speak with vehicle accident attorney like Zach Herbert or Brian Eberstein from Herbert & Eberstein before settling with the insurance companies.

Why Single Vehicle Accidents Occur

Of course there are other reasons, but most will fall under one of these six.  For instance, night driving, or inability to see, could be a reason, but that would probably fall under weather or distracted driving.

Speeding – There are two major issues in regards to all wrecks; speeding is one of them.  Speed limits are designed around how fast you can safely travel in any given area.  When you’re going too fast for the road (or the conditions), you set yourself up for a bad time.

Drunk or Distracted Driving – The other major issue when it comes to getting in a wreck: drunk or distracted driving.  They’re grouped together because one is just about as deadly as the other.  With today’s ride-share economy, there’s no reason drunk driving should exist anymore.

Drowsy Driving – On a dark and lonesome highway, when you can barely keep your eyes open… was it a deer?  Or perhaps your imagination?  Was it just drifting off the road?  When you’re driving while tired, you tend to overcorrect which causes the vehicle to roll.

Weather – Rain, snow, fog, even bright sunlight right as the sun is about to set; they all can lead to the same thing: a single vehicle accident.  Whenever you drive in less than ideal conditions, make sure you adjust your driving habits to ensure you are safe.

Mechanical Failure – Sometimes mechanical problems arise because you didn’t catch a maintenance issue.  Other times, mechanical issues arise because the vehicle simply wasn’t built the right way.  If it’s the latter, you may not be entirely at fault for your single vehicle accident.

Debris or Flying Objects – What do blowing leaves, sand and dust, debris flying off the back of a semi truck as it whips down the road with an unsecured load all have in common?  They can cause your accident.  If it’s a natural event, you should be prepared; if it’s someone else’s negligence that caused your accident, then you need to talk with a vehicle accident attorney.

Speak with Zach and Brian: Vehicle Accident Attorneys

Whenever you’re in an accident, you need to speak with an attorney.  The more serious the accident, the more important it is to get some legal guidance to ensure that you are fully compensated by the insurance companies.

Wondering if your accident needs the help of legal counsel?  Call Zach and Brian at 214-414-3808, or fill out the contact form to get the ball rolling.  Remember, it’s just a chat for now, no obligation and no cost to you.

What Happens if I’m Hit by a Drunk Driver?

What Happens if I am Hit by a Drunk Driver?

Your Dallas Car Accident Attorney Shows you the Steps to Follow

You’re a good driver.  You’re safe, attentive, and able to avoid a collision if necessary.  While there’s a good chance that you’re above average when it comes to safe driving, studies show that you probably could do better.  In fact, 76% of Americans believe they’re terrific drivers.  But in reality, we make a whole lot of mistakes.

Enough with the guilt trip, what does this have to do with being hit by a drunk driver?  The fact is, even if you’re completely aware, a great driver, and following all safety rules of the road, you can be blindsided by a drunk driver at any time of day or night.  If that happens, you’re going to need a car accident attorney to help you navigate the tumultuous time ahead so that you can focus on recovering from injuries.

Steps to Receiving a Settlement that Covers Your Injuries

When you’re injured in an accident, no matter if you’re on a motorcycle, get hit by a semi-truck, hit by a drunk, or if the other person was completely sober, the insurance company is almost always going to make you an offer that looks enticing, but is far from good.  With the help of a car accident attorney, you’ll receive a fair compensation as we walk through the following steps.

Preserve Any Evidence You Can

In a major accident, where you have been severely injured, this is going to be difficult.  To help you navigate the difficult world of “what happened?” you may want to invest in a dash cam (and a rear mounted camera as well).  If you’re incapacitated, these cameras can still provide vital evidence of what happened.

If you’re not incapacitated, start with video and pictures of the scene of the accident.  When taking video, narrate what you saw happen, and show on camera the location and damage.

Check to see if anyone witnessed the accident.  An eye witness report will go a long way if your case ends up going to court.

Note any marks on the pavement, such as tire screech marks, that will wash away over time or won’t be replicable.

Anything that seems pertinent to the accident, take note of it.

Don’t Disclose any Information to Insurance Companies

As mentioned previously, insurance companies are going to be contacting you as they do their own investigation into what happened during the accident.  While their motives aren’t exactly immoral, they will be after some sort of confession from you that you did something wrong.

If you were hit by a drunk driver, you are the victim.  You have nothing to apologize for, and you don’t have to offer up any confession on how you could have been driving slower, taken a different route, or paid closer attention.  Instead, direct all of their questions to your Dallas car accident attorney.

Offering any information can end up being used against you and lowering the settlement you rightfully deserve.

Settling Now is not in Your Best Interest

There is no law that says if you don’t accept the initial insurance settlement, then you don’t get any settlement at all.  In fact, it’s quite the opposite.  When you can’t agree on a settlement, there are some different avenues that can be taken.

Your car accident attorney will be involved showing the insurance company that their offer was way too low.  Using calculations based on the actual cost of the accident, as well as factoring in pain and suffering, a new suggestion is made.  The goal is to settle the case without going to court over it.

If an agreement can’t be reached, it can proceed to a court case.

Most insurance companies will settle out of court as court proceedings are very costly to them, and often end up with a higher amount awarded to the victim.

The bottom line is that your first settlement offer is almost always the worst; waiting and letting your attorney help will help you receive fair compensation.

DUI Conviction Makes it a Lot Easier

Most of the time, assuming the offending party has insurance coverage, a DUI conviction will make it a lot easier to prove your case.

If you’re broadsided by someone under the influence, and you’re severely injured, the DUI conviction will mean the difference between someone not paying attention while driving, and someone blatantly abusing the rules of the road.

Get Help with a Dallas Car Accident Attorney

Most of us are pretty good drivers.  We put the phone down, we pay attention, and if we’ve had drinks we call for a ride.  But catastrophe can strike even those who are safe.  When that happens, you need Zach from Herbert & Eberstein on your side.

As a Dallas car accident attorney, Zach Herbert has helped countless clients deal with difficult insurance situations.  Reducing their stress, they can focus on recovering from injury and getting back to their lives.

Ready to talk about your accident and see if you have a case?  Then give us a call at 214-414-3808, or hop on over to our contact page and we can get in touch with you shortly.

What Happens if I Lose my Job Due to a Car Accident?

What Happens if I Lose My Job After a Car Accident?

Does a Settlement Replace Unemployment?

For many of us, we have our lives at least somewhat planned out.  Find a career we enjoy, set aside enough to retire someday, and ultimately spend our golden years living off the nest egg we have built up.  But what happens if you’re involved in a car accident, through no fault of your own, that leaves you unable to work?  You might not be permanently out of the workforce, but what if your car accident means you can’t work for 6 months, and your employment is terminated?

Here at Herbert and Eberstein, we know that a car accident can turn your life upside down.  Our goal is to make sure that you receive the compensation that you need in order to fully recover from this traumatic time.  If you, or a loved one, have been in a car accident, give us a call at 214-414-3808 and let’s talk about your case; no obligation, just a chat.

Damages You Can Collect after a Car Accident

When it comes to recovering damages after you’re involved in a car accident, there are two ways that lost wages are categorized: special damages and general damages.

Special damages take into account loss of income, bonuses, etc.  These are straightforward to calculate: how much income did you miss out on because you weren’t able to work?  The court will look at the date of the injury to the date when you are cleared to return to work.

General damages are a bit trickier to figure out, as these include future loss of earnings, and potential career growth.  If you lost your job, and subsequently you’re bumped off the ladder to success, you could have lost all of that career growth and the bonuses that come with being higher up in the company.

With the help of a car accident attorney, you can recover both special and general damages.

Getting Back into the Workforce

If you are injured, and unable to work, many people wonder if they can file for unemployment.  They were, after all, terminated involuntarily.

The short answer: no.  Part of collecting unemployment is that you have to be “willing and able” to work.  If you’re recovering from an injury, you don’t meet those qualifications.

However, depending on the circumstances, you might be able to file for disability.  If you have a personal disability policy, or you qualify for social security, it’s worth looking into.

Assuming you make a full recovery, or enough that you are able to return to work at least in some capacity, you have the duty to go look for work.  Your car accident settlement will help to take care of you while you’re down and out, but after you’re physically able to work again, you have the duty to do so.

Have an Attorney Help with Your Claim

Getting in a car accident means there are a lot of different factors that affect your finances.  You have to replace your damaged property, pay medical bills, collect for lost wages now, and calculate wages that will be lost in the future.  When you’re offered a settlement from the insurance company, they’re hoping you aren’t able to fully calculate all of those costs.

Would you understand the full value of the claim, especially while you’re trying to heal from injuries?

If not, then you need to find a personal injury attorney that will fight by your side.  Let Zach Herbert handle the insurance companies and prove that you’ve lost wages.  One less stress on you means a faster recovery and back into the workforce.

Call us at 214-414-3808 to talk about your claim, or simply fill out the contact form for Herbert and Eberstein.

How Do I Find a Good Car Accident Attorney?

How Do I Find a Good Car Accident Attorney?

4 Steps to Finding the Right Attorney to Help You

When it comes to standing up for your rights, it’s hard to go it alone.  There are a ton of laws out there, some that apply to your situation, and many that don’t.  To make it even harder, many of those laws vary depending on what state you’re in.  What applies in Texas may not apply the same in Oklahoma, and may not apply at all in many other areas of the country.  So when you’re trying to navigate the legal world, you need the help of an attorney.

Now, when you do determine that legal help is necessary, how do you find the right one?  Herbert & Eberstein are experienced car accident attorneys.  They have put together a quick list on how you can find the right attorney to work with.

Determine What Specialty You Need

If you’re having digestive issues, you wouldn’t go see an orthopedic surgeon.  While they may have some of the same basic medical training, the specialist is a much better option.

If you have been in a car accident, you want a personal injury attorney that specializes in helping people navigate the difficult world of insurance and what they legally can expect for compensation.

There are many attorneys out there that specialize in more than one area.  So you can add them to the list and determine later if their expertise meets your criteria.  If it comes down to it, you can always determine which attorney you want to work with based on how well you get along with them.

Create the Short List of Specialists

There are many attorneys that are licensed all over the country.  But if you were in a car accident in the DFW area, would you want someone in New York City helping you with your case?  Or would you want someone in Richardson, Texas helping you out?

Your list can be narrowed down to a handful of attorneys that specialize in exactly what you need based on the criteria that you desire.  If local is important, so you can sit down and chat face-to-face, then put them on the list.

Remember, a car wreck attorney that’s licensed in a dozen states will need to know the laws in all of those states so he or she can apply the best knowledge to your case.

Check the Bar, Reviews, and Websites

You have specialists lined up, you’ve vetted them for criteria, and you’re ready to move on.  Now you have to determine what their legal practice is all about; essentially, are they any good?  Fortunately, there are a few ways you can go about this.

First, check their bar registration. You can search nationwide through, or you can search just in a specific state, such as Texas.  Clicking on the name of the attorney, you can quickly see if they get a green light (eligible to practice), and you can see education history, firm history, contact information, disciplinary history, and more.  It’s a quick resource to make sure you find an attorney that has integrity.

How Do I Find A Good Car Accident Attorney?

Next, simply check out their reviews.  It’s as easy as searching the name of the business, and seeing the average number of stars.  Be cautious of no reviews, few reviews, all bad reviews, and reviews that all came in very quickly (all within a matter of days of each other).

How Do I Find A Good Car Accident Attorney?

Finally, once you have looked at the third party resources, check out the attorney’s website.  Do they show that they’re an expert?  Do they have testimonials that prove they do a good job?  How long have they been practicing law?  Keep in mind that a slick website can be faked, so use your gut when searching these sites (if you’ve checked the previous two steps this isn’t as much of an issue).

Call the Office and Speak with Them

Most likely your short list will still have just about as many attorneys on it as you started out with.  There are not too many out there that are terrible people, as they don’t stay in business very long.  Now is the more arduous process of selecting the right one.  And that usually means making some phone calls.

Set a phone appointment with your top three to five, and simply speak with them.  Are they friendly?  Do they sympathize with you?  Are they able to handle your case?  Your attorney is someone that you will want to get along with so you can have a good working relationship.

Contact Zach Herbert as Your Car Accident Attorney

Now that you’re to this point, we did a bunch of the leg work for you.  Zach has a great track record working with clients; you can see the awesome feedback in his Google reviews.  He has no disciplinary history and a website that shows he knows how to help his clients.

If you have been in a car accident, give us a call at 214-414-3808.  There’s no obligation and let’s see if we’re a good fit to help you get the compensation that you deserve.

6 Reasons to Wait on Your Insurance Settlement after a Car Crash

6 Reasons to Wait on Your Insurance Settlement after a Car Crash

Seeking Car Crash Legal Help is One

Have you ever shopped at a garage sale, flea market, or even a farmer’s market?  Most items have a marked sticker price, but most items are negotiable.  Suppose you find something you want, and you offer $10 for it.  Have you ever had the person selling the goods say, “No way!  I want $8 for that!” Of course not, that’s absurd. When you are in a car crash, insurance companies are the business that you’re negotiating with.  But they aren’t going to undercut their profits by offering you a huge settlement unless they have to.  Instead, you get a low ball settlement offer that is designed to shoo you out the door. Of course, when you have car crash legal help, there are ways to push back.  Let’s review 6 reasons you should wait to accept your insurance settlement.

You have Hired an Attorney

In a perfect world, we would have our needs met and corporations (like insurance companies) would do the right thing the first time.  Unfortunately, our world isn’t perfect.  Hiring a car wreck attorney is often necessary to sort out responsibility.

The good news: once you hire an attorney like Zach Herbert, he takes care of it all.  You can wait on the settlement knowing he has your back.

Waiting can be Good Negotiating

Insurance adjusters are trained negotiators.  The next time you’re bargaining at a flea market or similar, try this tactic.  Negotiate to what you want to pay, and if it’s not accepted right away, leave.  After a short time, make your way back and check on the item you wanted.  If your offer was at least somewhat reasonable, the second time around it is often accepted.

Insurance companies want to clear these claims off their books.  Waiting means things pile up for them.

All of Your Expenses Probably Aren’t Covered

As we have mentioned in the past, there are two types of damages: economic and non-economic.  It’s pretty easy to see the economic ones such as damaged vehicles and medical expenses.  But what about the non-economic ones; are they covered?

Even still, your medical expenses may be covered now, but what happens when the condition flares up again 10 years later?

You Have the Right to Choose

When you need to have your vehicle repaired, you have the right to choose which body shop you take it to.  This is true in Texas and Oklahoma as well as most other states.  The insurance company may try to steer you toward their preferred shop saying the work will be done quicker, or they can pay directly to the auto body shop.  While it’s legal, you ultimately have the right to choose.

Steering you toward their preferred provider is a way to hasten the settlement.  If accepted, you may end up missing out on some of the restoration you are entitled to.

Your Leverage Goes Up by Waiting

As mentioned before, waiting is a negotiation tactic.  When you hold out for the compensation that you deserve, you can end up negotiating a better settlement (or your car crash lawyer can anyway).

But there may be more to it.  If the insurance company starts to delay and “lose” paperwork as a way of trying to pressure you into taking a settlement, they may be acting “in bad faith.”  If so your leverage goes way up; especially if you have an auto accident attorney on your side.

Accepting a Settlement Means Waiving Your Rights

Take a look at your insurance policy.  It’s most likely 50+ pages long.  All that legal stuff is designed to protect the insurance company; not you.  The same goes for a settlement offer.  The paperwork will be long, and buried somewhere inside is a clause that says if you accept the settlement, you waive our rights to pursuing further damages.

There have been cases that were re-opened, but they’re difficult and often futile.  Waiting means you can be assured you don’t settle for less than you need.

Get Car Crash Legal Help from Attorney Zach Herbert

Attorney Zach Herbert is a car wreck specialist.  When you’re seeking car crash legal help, turn to the best in Texas and Oklahoma.

Not sure if your crash needs legal help?  Give us a call at 214-414-3808 and we’ll provide a free consultation to see if we’re a good fit.

What to Expect after an Accident – Ashley’s Story

What To Expect After An Accident – Ashley’s Story

You May not Need an Accident Lawyer, But You May Want One

Ashley is not one to sit around and let the world pass by.  She is active, enjoying the outdoors, and loves to hit the gym to make sure her body has been conditioned to get out there and do the things she loves. In May of 2017, she was involved in a car wreck that could have changed all of that.

A Blow from Behind

As Ashley pulled her Jeep off the highway, it was a normal day.  Going through the same routine she had done a hundred times before, she slowed and stopped at the sign.  Glancing in her mirror, her eyes widened as she realized the truck behind her wasn’t taking the same precautions.

At the last minute their brakes locked up piercing the air with an eerie screech that was quickly followed by the sound of metal crunching against metal.  The driver slammed into the back of Ashley’s vehicle causing her to lurch forward in such an unexpected way that her back twisted sharply.  The other driver’s truck was totaled, and now Ashley, in physical pain, had the overwhelming task of dealing with an accident, getting her vehicle repaired, finding medical care, and the thought that being physically able to do the things she loved may no longer be an option.

A Year of Chiropractor Visits

With a tweaked back, Ashley went to see a chiropractor.  At her first appointment she was explaining her injuries to the doctor, and because the chiropractor knew this would be an ongoing issue, he made the suggestion to hire an accident lawyer to help take care of everything.

Contacting Zach Herbert, Ashley wasn’t sure exactly what to expect.  She was still in pain, her vehicle needed fixed, and while insurance was being cooperative, there was likely more that could be done in order to ensure she was protected.  “Zach,” as she puts it, “handled everything.”  He negotiated with the insurance companies, talked with the at-fault driver, and made sure to check in on Ashley once a month to see how she was feeling and if she was still going to the chiropractor.

It took an entire year of visits, but Ashley was finally able to feel normal again.  She still has to go to the chiropractor on occasion for maintenance, but the majority of her pain has left and she can once again get back to the things she loves.

Settlement to Ensure Ongoing Issues are Handled

The insurance company was reasonable for most of the issues.  Ashley was able to have her vehicle fixed, and the chiropractor visits were covered.  But without the help of her accident lawyer, she would never have received a settlement on top of paying for ongoing medical bills.

This settlement wasn’t for pain and suffering.  It wasn’t for loss of lifestyle since she wasn’t able to perform athletically as she used to.  Instead, the settlement was for those ongoing issues that will come up later in life.  Many injuries don’t just go away.  They retreat, and can be maintained.  But as our bodies age, they tend to flare up again.  Someday, more intensive medical intervention may be necessary.  The settlement that Zach Herbert was able to negotiate will alleviate the financial burden of that medical care. 

Zach Herbert: Accident Lawyer

Sometimes a fender bender is pretty straightforward.  Other times, however, there are so many different issues that arise that only an experienced accident lawyer knows to take care of.

Herbert & Eberstein has offices in the Dallas area and in Oklahoma City.  Licensed in both Texas and Oklahoma, Zach can handle your car accident claim and help you to get the settlement that you deserve.

Unsure if your case needs an accident lawyer to help you receive a fair settlement?  Herbert & Eberstein offers a free initial consultation.  Give us a call at 214-414-3808 or fill out the form on our contact page.  There’s no obligation; we are here to help you get back on your feet.

Can a Pedestrian be Liable for an Auto Accident?

Can a Pedestrian be Liable for an Auto Accident?

Your Accident Attorney Weighs in on This Tough Issue

You have probably heard the saying, “The pedestrian has the right-of-way.”  While that’s true, it depends on the situation.  What it does mean is that when crossing legally, the vehicle must stop for the pedestrian.  What it does not mean is that when the pedestrian is not crossing legally, vehicles are not forced to stop and wait for them. With this knowledge in mind, can you run down a jaywalker and suffer no consequences?  Short answer: no; we live in a civilized country where we don’t kill people for mildly inconveniencing us.  Longer answer: there are a few considerations we need to look at in order to determine who is at fault, what exactly happened, and where the blame lies when a pedestrian and vehicle accident occurred.  Your accident attorney gives us some insight.

Adhering to the Law of Negligence

Anytime there is a personal injury, we have to take a look at the law of negligence.  This law is enacted in all 50 states to determine who is able to recover for damages after an accident.  But not all states have the same law of negligence on the books.

In Texas and Oklahoma, the two states where Herbert & Eberstein is licensed to help motorists recover for damages, the law is a “Modified Comparative Fault” with a 51% bar.  Simply speaking, the amount they are able to recover is reduced by the percentage of at-fault they are deemed to be.

Without getting too technical (after all, that’s why you hire an attorney to help you with your accident), we’ll just consider one party to be completely at fault while the other party is not at fault.  When we consider the law of negligence, we can determine that either the motorist or the pedestrian was to blame.

But wait, there’s more!  We must consider the Duty of Care as well.

Understanding the Pedestrian’s Duty of Care

Pedestrians have what is called a duty of care, and are considered to be more influential in what happens during a pedestrian vs. vehicle accident.  This assumes the accident occurred on the roadway and not on a sidewalk or in someone’s yard.  The reason: the pedestrian determines when they step into the street to cross.

Assuming that they are crossing the street legally, they are fulfilling their duty of care.

But when a pedestrian crosses illegally, say when the sign says, “Do Not Walk”, while jaywalking (no crosswalk around), while intoxicated, or on a controlled access highway where pedestrian traffic is not legal, then they are not fulfilling their duty of care.

Just because the pedestrian does not fulfill his or her duty of care, however, does not mean they are automatically to blame.

Understanding the Driver’s Duty of Care

Motorists also have a duty of care.  You and I cannot go barreling down the road without paying attention to what is around us.  First, it’s not a smart way to drive if you appreciate your vehicle and your health.  Second, being involved in an accident that you could have avoided (even if you’re not at fault), may reduce the compensation you can recover.

Take, for instance, driving in a subdivision.  There are kids around, and you see that there are young children playing ball several hundred yards up.  If you don’t reduce your speed while passing, and a child runs into the road to recover an errant ball getting hit by your vehicle, you could still be found at fault (or at least partially at fault) due to not considering your duty of care.

So, if someone is crossing (even illegally), you can’t just run them down because you’re sticking it to the jaywalkers.

What if a Third Party Comes into Play?

We have looked at driver vs. pedestrian, but what happens if you are driving, swerve to avoid a pedestrian, and strike a parked car?

Assuming the pedestrian doesn’t take off, or they are located later, there are solutions.  The law of negligence will be taken into consideration (where the accident occurred and whether the pedestrian was in a crosswalk or not).  The duty of care will be taken into consideration (how fast you were driving, if you were using your phone, if the pedestrian ran into the street, if any party was intoxicated).  And the case will be analyzed to determine who is responsible for what damages.

Keep in mind that a pedestrian doesn’t likely have “walking insurance” and thus recovering damages may not be an easy process.

Contact Zach Herbert; Accident Attorney

Zach Herbert, from Herbert & Eberstein, is licensed to help motorists and pedestrians in both Texas and Oklahoma as their accident attorney.

Have you been hit by a car?  Have you hit someone with your car?  Is there some uncertainty around what happened?

You need to speak with an accident attorney.  Give us a call at 214-414-3808 and we’ll offer a free, no obligation, initial consult to determine if you have a case.

Prefer to write it out?  Hit up our contact page.

What to do When Your Accident Claim is Denied

What To Do When Your Accident Claim Is Denied

A Denial isn’t Always Final

There are two types of car wrecks: those where you are at fault and those where another driver is at fault.  Both of them are a hassle to deal with, and regardless of which situation you find yourself in, there’s the possibility that you can end up at the whims of an insurance company that is trying to give you the short end of the stick.

When you find yourself in this situation, it’s not too late to hire an auto accident lawyer.  Your lawyer can help you navigate this difficult time, and ultimately come out with a settlement that actually takes care of your needs, instead of just glossing over them.

If you’re ready to get started, Zach Herbert offers a free, no obligation consult to determine your case.  Give us a call at 214-414-3808 and let’s have a conversation.

Why is the Claim Denied?

When you file a claim, the insurance company cannot simply tell you that your claim is denied.  They have to give a reason.  Usually these denials will be sent via mail and in a phone call to you stating the reason for denying your claim.  Claims denials can include:

  • Not at fault – If you claimed against another driver and they deny responsibility, the claim may be denied.
  • Partially at fault – Claims can be denied on the basis that both parties were to blame for the accident.
  • Policy lapse – A claim is denied if the insurance policy has lapsed and thus is not in force.
  • Too late – Waiting too long to file a claim based on injuries can result in denial.
  • Pre-existing condition – An insurance company may deny the claim stating your injury is the result of a pre-existing condition and not due to the accident.

There are more situations where you may receive a letter stating that your claim is being denied.  The bottom line is that you were in an accident, and you deserve to be compensated for your financial loss and the hardship you have gone through.

When your claim is denied, especially if it is denied for a reason that you don’t believe is valid, then it is time to hire an auto accident lawyer that will help you push back against these powerful companies.

Work with a Texas Auto Accident Lawyer

When you enlist the help of a lawyer, you eliminate the stress that you’re experiencing.  Knowing the law, auto accident lawyers like Zach Herbert can show the insurance company where they are wrong, and start the appeal process.

Your lawyer can take into consideration all of the fact of the case.  He may push back claiming negligence or bad faith.

Negligence and bad faith are similar but slightly different concepts.  Negligence is when the claim is improperly handled: losing documents, waiting too long to investigate, or otherwise poorly following up.  Bad faith is when the insurance company ignores your claim and simply does nothing.

Both of these are illegal, and can be a course of action that your lawyer may choose to pursue.

Zach Herbert Your Auto Accident Lawyer

If you are the at-fault driver and your insurance company is not handling your claim properly, or if you were the victim in the car accident and your claim isn’t going well, then it’s time to contact Zach Herbert.

Herbert & Eberstein is licensed as your auto accident lawyer in both Texas and Oklahoma.  No matter where in either of these two states the accident took place, we can handle your claim to help you get the compensation that you deserve.

Need to learn more to see if you have a case?  Fill out our contact form, or just give us a call at 214-414-3808.

When to See a Doctor after a Car Accident

When To See A Doctor After A Car Accident

Some Car Accident Injuries Show Up Later

When you’re in a wreck, even if it doesn’t seem to be a major one, your body goes through some incredibly rapid changes.  Immediately you’re flooded with endorphins and adrenaline, to chemicals that cause you to be able to function with seemingly superhuman powers.  The problem, however, is that these chemicals can override your body’s ability to feel pain.  The result is that you may not think you need to see a doctor after a car accident. In order to protect your legal rights, and to make sure that your settlement is one that will actually take care of your needs, your car wreck lawyer has put together a few key points to keep in mind when you’re determining when to see a doctor after your accident.

Sustaining Head Injuries in the Accident

A head injury is one of the most common injuries following a car accident.  The brain is well protected inside your skull, but a violent collision (which can happen at far slower speeds than most people realize) can cause it to hit the inside of the skull.  You can check out our previous blog on the various types of brain injuries to learn more about how these occur.

Any time you hit your head, there’s the possibility that problems will show up days, weeks, and even months later.  You should always get medical attention no matter how minor the head injury may seem.  Then, contact your car wreck lawyer to get things started so that you receive the settlement you need.

Soft Tissue Injuries in the Accident

You can tell fairly soon after the accident if you have hit your head.  Broken bones are also easy to spot.  One of the sneakiest injuries, however, is the soft tissue injury.  It complicates things further as they don’t show up on x-rays, and rely on you feeling the pain to realize they exist (as we established earlier, this pain might not show up for a while due to the endorphins and adrenaline in your system).

Soft tissue damage can be lumped into any non-visible injury that doesn’t involve bones.  Strains or tears in the ligaments, muscles, and tendons result in what can be debilitating injuries that only get worse over time.  Because many people feel these are not serious, they skip the doctor visit.

If you want your car wreck lawyer to have an easier time proving your case, get checked out for soft tissue damage.  A doctor will know what to look for in the early signs of sprains, strains, contusions (bruises), and whiplash.

How Long Can You Wait to See a Doctor after an Accident?

Humans have a funny way of putting things off for as long as possible.  It could be the fact that they don’t like the doctor, or the inconvenience of waiting rooms, or the simple fact that they are embarrassed to have been in the wreck in the first place.  No matter what the reason, the sooner you get in and seen, the stronger your car accident lawsuit will be.  Most insurance companies agree that within 72 hours is a reasonable time period.

Starting that medical record early is important.  The longer you wait, the more opportunity there is for the insurance company to counter your car wreck lawyer’s claims.  After all, if two weeks after the accident, you finally get in to have injuries looked at, there’s a higher chance that they aren’t actually serious, or they occurred after the accident took place.

Which Doctor to See Following an Accident

There’s a bit of confusion surrounding the healthcare industry.  With so many different specialists, it can be confusing to know which doctor you should go see following an accident.

Do not make an appointment to see your general care doctor.  While they do have the training to take care of just about any need that pops up, they likely won’t be able to schedule a visit within 72 hours, and they will have to send you to another specialist anyway.

Do go visit the urgent care, walk-in care, or emergency room.  Any of these can handle you immediately, and they are able to get the medical records started so that you can show that you have sought medical care.  If there is something serious that requires a specialist, these urgent or emergency care doctors can get you in faster than if you called the specialist directly.

Herbert & Eberstein Your Car Wreck Lawyer in Texas and Oklahoma

When you’re in a car wreck, the insurance company is going to offer the lowest settlement possible.  Do not take their initial offer!  This is especially true if there are injuries; problems could develop in the future that need to be covered.

Get medical treatment right away in order to start the record that you have sought treatment for injuries sustained in the crash.  Then, call your car wreck lawyer Zach Herbert.

Zach works with clients all over Texas and Oklahoma to help them get the compensation they deserve.

Unsure if you have a case?  Call 214-414-3808, or fill out our contact form, to start your free, no obligation, initial case review.

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